Military Technology

Chapter 1626 Brilliant Meteor

Chapter 1627 Brilliant Meteor

This is why I have repeatedly requested that our unmanned experimental spacecraft project must strive for excellence and pay special attention.

Of course, this does not mean that problems are not allowed or that problems are feared. It's not like this. You need to do everything carefully, do everything carefully, calm down, and make some achievements in a down-to-earth manner.

You can't get carried away just because of temporary success. This is definitely not possible. "

"What if it doesn't work in the end? Will the launch plan be postponed?" Zhang Jun still couldn't help but ask. It would be great if they could get astronauts to participate in their first manned spacecraft mission, but what if it fails in the end? Should the entire project be stalled and continue to wait for approval from the aerospace authorities?

There are so many what-ifs. Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun, then sighed and said: "If it doesn't work in the end, we won't be able to let the equipment wait for people, and we must adopt an alternative plan.

Our relevant aerospace personnel are already being screened, and the results will be available soon. At that time, we will spend money to send them to Russia for astronaut training there.

Although this kind of commercial training is not comparable to the level of our country's astronauts, it is enough to handle the manned flight of our Walker spacecraft.

Compared with traditional manned spacecraft technology, the biggest advantage of our Walker manned spacecraft is intelligent automation. Unless necessary, the astronauts in the cabin do not need to intervene at all. Everything is controlled by the spacecraft's intelligent flight control center and ground command and control center. The astronauts in the cabin will only intervene manually for control as a last resort.

However, this chance is very small, smaller than the chance of winning the 5 million lottery. "


After Wu Hao finished speaking, not only Zhang Jun, but also the people next to him started laughing.

what is that? Suddenly Zhang Jun pointed to the flickering light at the Earth's morning and evening line on the big screen and said.

What? Everyone looked around.

An expert controlled the large screen to enlarge the picture, then looked at it and said with a smile: "Maybe it's a meteor or the debris of a satellite or spacecraft that fell."

Oh, it's quite spectacular. Wu Hao nodded and said.

I saw that in the atmosphere at the dusk line, an unknown meteor or spacecraft debris was falling in the atmosphere with a long bright light.

“Whether it’s a meteor, a spacecraft, or a satellite debris, more than 90 percent of the material will be burned in the atmosphere, and only 10 percent will fall to the earth.

No matter in the recorded ancient history or in the modern history of aerospace development, there has not been a single incident in which people were injured by such space meteors or satellite spacecraft debris. ” explained the expert with a smile.

However, in response to this, Wu Hao shook his head and said: "That's not entirely true. Let's not talk about the distant ones, let's talk about the near ones. Didn't the meteor incident in 2013 cause more than a thousand injuries?

There was also the mysterious Tunguska explosion, which I heard was also caused by a meteor, but it was in an uninhabited land. If it had happened in a densely populated city, the casualties it would have caused would have been no less than those of the two atomic bombs of Japan.

Going further, there is a joke on the Internet about the story of "The son of plane versus the time traveler Wang Mang". According to the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty: The Benji of Guangwu": "At night, meteors fall into the camp, and during the day, there are clouds like broken mountains. They fall when the camp is on the ground, and they are scattered less than the ground level. The officials and soldiers are tired of falling." ’

It is said that in the key "Battle of Kunyang", Wang Mang's army camp was hit by a meteor at night, causing countless casualties. This allowed Liu Xiu to win. Can't this be regarded as a popular incident of hurting people in ancient history books? "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone at the scene laughed. Even the expert just now, although his face was slightly embarrassed, also laughed.

Zhang Jun even laughed and said: "Wang Mang is unlucky enough to be destroyed by a popular group. Is it really because he is a time traveler that he was punished by heaven?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Who knows, the real history may be more bizarre and absurd than what is recorded in history books.

But one thing has really been verified by scientists, that is, the extinction of the dinosaurs really came from an asteroid. "

Everyone nodded after hearing this. Zhang Jun became very interested and then asked: "If such an asteroid were to attack the earth now, would we be able to intercept and destroy it with our human capabilities?"

Upon hearing this question, many people were stunned for a moment and then shook their heads.

The previous expert said: "It's hard to say, because this issue has been raised for decades, but there is a lot of debate in the academic community.

Many experts believe that despite the rapid development of human science and technology, it is still unable to intercept and prevent larger asteroids and meteorites from attacking the earth.

Russia in 2013 is a good example. Russia has a strong air defense network, but it still did not detect early warning, let alone prevent it.

If an asteroid like the one that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs attacked the earth, it would still be difficult to stop it with the current technological strength of the earth. "

Not necessarily.

Wu Hao continued what the expert said: "If we want to defend against such extraterrestrial bodies, we must provide early warning. Only with early warning can humans have the time and ability to respond.

Therefore, various countries, including international space organizations and institutions, are currently marking, closely tracking, and providing early warning for asteroids and meteorites that may cause harm to the earth.

Countries are also actively researching technologies and methods in this area. For example, our country’s aerospace authorities are planning to establish our country’s asteroid defense system to deal with some threats that may arise in the future.

However, the asteroid interception capability at the national level is still very limited. Find Shuyuan This aspect still needs to rely on national cooperation. Because these asteroids are so powerful, even if they do not fall within their own country, fall next to them, or even fall on the opposite side of the earth, they will have a global impact.

For example, the large-scale volcanic eruption that caused the secret of the dinosaurs, the huge tsunami, or the power similar to the Tunguska explosion.

Therefore, the future in this area will definitely be regional and international cooperation, but because countries have different aerospace capabilities, it will definitely be coordinated and responsible by a writing alliance led by big countries and participated by small countries, similar to organizations like the United Nations. "

That's right. Currently, there are only a few countries that can go into space, and even fewer that have the ability to intercept asteroids. Zhang Jun nodded and responded: "However, when facing such a global threat, everyone will definitely still cooperate regionally.

After all, if such an asteroid falls, no matter where it lands, the damage caused will be huge.

Let me tell you, if there is such an asteroid or meteorite, it will fall directly to Mr. Hu from the Japanese country and to the beautiful country. In this way, all problems will no longer be a problem and everything will be solved. "

You don’t want this idea either. Wu Hao smiled and said to him, then looked at the meteor that had gradually lost its light on the big screen and said,

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