Military Technology

Chapter 1632 Going to space is just the beginning, the moon is the destination

Of course, the reason why these aerospace companies focus on suborbital flight tourism projects is, on the one hand, because the technical difficulty is relatively low. Compared with the normal low-Earth orbit at an altitude of two to three hundred kilometers, the sub-orbit of about 100 kilometers is easier to reach, and the technical requirements and technical difficulty are much lower.

On the other hand, it is the cost reduction brought about by the reduction of technology. Because it is a suborbital flight, the cost of fuel flight alone will be much lower. In addition to this, the technical requirements for suborbital orbit are slightly lower than those for low-Earth orbit of 300 kilometers, which will also greatly reduce costs.

In this way, the low price of space travel will also open up a new space for them in the commercial space travel market.

However, this kind of suborbital flight also has a big shortcoming, that is, strictly speaking, it does not enter space. Therefore, the relevant space environment is definitely not as good as a low-Earth orbit of two to three hundred kilometers.

In addition, the flight time of this kind of suborbital flight is often very short, only about ten minutes, tens of minutes, or a few hours. As for low-Earth orbit flight, it can fly for a long time, for days, months, or even years or more. This is incomparable to sub-orbital flight.

Therefore, in terms of long-term development, suborbital is only a transitional technology under the current form of technological development. Future space development projects will mainly rely on solid space orbit technology. This requires you to not only reach suborbital and low-Earth orbits, but also higher synchronous orbits, earth-moon transfer orbits, earth-fire transfer orbits, etc., and even further into deep space.

Only in this way can we continue to explore this vast space, and we humans can step out of the cradle, run into the universe, and explore the unknown.

Of course Wu Hao and the others will not give up on the huge market of space tourism. Their ambition is not limited to sending people into space and flying around in a spaceship for a few days. This is all a small fight, and he doesn't like it at all.

What they want to do is to realize sky tourism in the true sense, build commercial space stations, and realize the medium and long-term residence of personnel in space. This kind of technology can not only satisfy some commercial space research projects, but also provide resources in this area for other enterprises. On the other hand, the space hotel developed from this will also accept space tourists and allow them to stay in space for a long time. Even if the passengers are willing, they can bring their wives, girlfriends, newlyweds and husbands to the space hotel to spend their honeymoon.

Of course, this is only the first step. Future lunar scientific research stations and lunar cities are the focus of their development. For humans, space stations traveling in orbit have a lifespan. Once their lifespan is up, they will disintegrate, fall into the atmosphere, burn and decompose, and a small number of them will land on the earth.

And if it is possible to build a scientific research station on the moon and then develop and build a lunar city, then this will be permanent. Although the initial investment will be huge, if it can be started and developed, the subsequent construction and operating costs will be much lower.

Different from the space station, all the construction of the space station requires module equipment to be transported from the earth for construction, and astronauts’ supplies for living in space rely on supplies from the earth.

Lunar scientific research stations or lunar cities can perfectly solve this problem, because there are abundant resources on the moon, and these resources can meet the construction and development of lunar scientific research stations or lunar cities.

In addition to the need to transport some equipment from the earth to the moon in the early stage, subsequent related materials can be made using resources on the moon. For example, the ores on the moon, the energy on the moon, the water resources on the moon, etc.

It also has a long service life and can be maintained at any time. Compared with maintenance and repair in space, maintenance and repair on the moon is simpler and more convenient. In theory, this is a permanent building.

In addition, the usable space on the moon is huge, so lunar biological farms can be established to provide food supplies for scientific research staff stationed on the moon. This will greatly reduce dependence on supplies from the earth. On the one hand, it can achieve longer residence time, on the other hand, it can also reduce operating costs.

Finally, there is the important geographical location of the moon. It is on the periphery of the earth and is an important fulcrum from the earth to outer space. It is also an outpost from outer space into the earth. Its strategic position is very important.

If humans want to enter deep space in the future, the moon will be an inescapable part. Therefore, establishing an Earth gateway port on the moon will be conducive to subsequent deep space exploration projects.

Moreover, it is much easier to launch a spacecraft from the moon than from the earth. Its microgravity environment can save a lot of fuel, carry more payload, and fly farther.

This is one of the reasons why Wu Hao attaches great importance to the lunar project. Only by conquering the moon can they proceed with a series of subsequent deep space exploration projects.

For example, the Mars exploration project that many people have in mind requires a simulation site in advance for experimental drills. Compared to deserts on Earth, the environment on the moon is obviously more suitable.

Therefore, Wu Hao and the others also regard lunar exploration as an advance rehearsal project for Mars exploration. Doing a good job in the open project of lunar exploration is to lay a solid foundation for subsequent Mars exploration projects.

Immediately, in more than a month, their first intelligent lunar exploration and patrol vehicle will be launched on board their brand-new Jianmu-7 carrier rocket. If all goes well, it will land on the moon. On top of it, patrol missions on the entire lunar surface are carried out.

At present, this intelligent lunar exploration and patrol vehicle has completed its final field testing and has been transported to the Nanhai Island launch site for subsequent testing and assembly testing.

The Jianmu-7 rocket used for the launch of this intelligent lunar exploration and patrol vehicle has also been shipped from Jiangcheng, went to the sea through the golden waterway, and then arrived at the Nanhai launch site for final test preparations.

Not only Wu Hao and the others attach great importance to this lunar exploration project, but also all parties. After all, this is our country's first civilian commercial lunar ground patrol vehicle, which is of great significance. Even in the world, he is an existence that is looked up to.

Secondly, the mission performed by this intelligent lunar exploration and patrol vehicle this time is extraordinary. If all goes well, it will create the fastest travel speed and longest travel distance for human extraterrestrial ground detectors. detection missions and many other human innovations.

One of the most important and attention-grabbing exploration projects is to find suitable areas for building lunar research stations and lunar cities for human landings on the moon.

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