Military Technology

Chapter 1641 Heroic Border Guards Officers and Soldiers

Seeing these warrior military off-road vehicles stopping in front of their convoy, everyone couldn't help but look around.

Immediately, a group of officers and soldiers wearing starry summer woodland camouflage got out of these warrior military off-road vehicles. I saw a man walking over with two noncommissioned officers, a staff sergeant and a sergeant. Immediately, Wu Hao and his team leader rushed forward to greet them.

After some explanations and showing relevant certificates, the captain and two non-commissioned officers couldn't help but look at the crowd. When they saw several muscular young men wearing black T-shirts in the crowd, these people instantly became vigilant.

Because they could keenly feel the unique military temperament of these young men wearing black T-shirts, and it was obvious that these people should be the bodyguards in the team.

What surprised this Yimaosan even more was that he saw a few figures he knew in the crowd. Aren't they Wu Hao and Zhang Jun?

He who pays attention to the news will not forget that not long ago, Wu Hao released a series of advanced medical technology products at a press conference, which caused a sensation. This was also reported by many official media, and they saw this even through the news.

After confirming with the two noncommissioned officers around him, the captain nodded, then straightened his clothes, then walked up to Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, routine inspection, please show me Your IDs."

Who is this……

The staff member next to him immediately opened his mouth to introduce, but Wu Hao waved his hand to stop him. He smiled at the captain and the two non-commissioned officers and said, "As citizens, we should cooperate with the military." After saying that, Wu Hao took the hand from the staff member next to him. He took his ID bag and handed his ID to the captain."

The captain took out his ID and compared it with Wu Hao's face. Then he returned the certificate with both hands, then stepped back and saluted Wu Hao and said: "Hello, Mr. Wu, I am Cheng Zhirong, commander of the xxx border defense company. Welcome to visit our most beautiful border in Mongolia."

Hello, Captain Cheng, I’m causing trouble for you. Wu Hao smiled and held Cheng Zhirong's hand and said kindly.

No trouble, no trouble. Cheng Zhirong shook his head and said with a smile: "Every summer and autumn, many tourists come here. We also conduct routine patrols. On the one hand, we conduct border patrols to check for hidden dangers to prevent tourists from going deep into military restricted areas or crossing the border without permission.

On the other hand, we also want to protect the safety of tourists. It is only a hundred or two hundred meters away from the border branch, and there are still many potential safety hazards, such as illegal cross-border smuggling of people, smuggling criminals, and some prairie carnivores, such as wolves.

A couple drove across this border road before, but their car broke down halfway through the journey. Because they were in a no-man's land, they couldn't be rescued in time. The two deserved to spend the night here, but they were attacked by a pack of wolves at night. If our border patrol team hadn't arrived in time, these two people might have been in danger. "

Obviously, Captain Cheng became very talkative after meeting Wu Hao and the others. As for Wu Hao and the others, they listened very patiently as Captain Cheng introduced them to the relevant situation on the border.

Maybe for ordinary tourists, this place is beautiful, and everyone falls in love with it when they come here. But for countless border guards, this place is beautiful but also painful. This is a borderline, no-man's land, with harsh conditions and inconvenient life.

Wu Hao and the others only saw the beauty here, but not the suffering. In spring, there will be northwest winds from outside the country. Winds of level 7 or 8 blow almost every day. Winds of level 11 or 12 are also very common. It is recorded in the company history of this frontier defense company. In the past few decades, three officers and soldiers were swept away by strong winds of more than ten levels. Two died and one disappeared without a trace.

In addition to strong winds, there is also sand and dust swept up by strong winds from overseas plateaus, which can swallow everyone in an instant. Visibility will also drop to less than one meter. This kind of weather is difficult to predict. In the past, patrols have often been trapped by sandstorms and lost their way.

In summer and autumn, grassland plants grow luxuriantly here, so many mosquitoes breed. In severe cases, there are so many mosquitoes that they can directly cover people. It is said that the mosquito killer lamp at their outpost can kill several kilograms of mosquitoes in one night. When they go out on patrol, they must wear special anti-mosquito clothing. The company's military dogs will be unbearably bitten by mosquitoes, and the horses will be directly bitten to death by mosquitoes, etc.

Winter is the worst season of the year. In just a few days, this place will be covered with thick snow. The snow here can reach more than one meter in winter all year round. Roads, signs and everything are covered. In the past, when there were no snow vehicles, we could only rely on patrols on foot. It would take a week or two to walk around the long border, and we had to bring our own dry food. It's really like a chewy steamed bun, a mouthful of snow, and the conditions are very difficult.

Even though the conditions have improved now and there are tools for traveling in the snow, although the conditions have improved a bit, they are still difficult. There are many places that are not suitable for vehicles, but people still have to enter.

Moreover, the geographical location here is relatively remote, roads are interrupted in winter, external supply transportation is difficult, and the company is short of supplies. Therefore, the life of officers and soldiers is still relatively difficult.

After hearing this explanation, Wu Hao and the others couldn't help but be moved. Although I had heard about the hard work of these border guards before, it was not intuitive. Going deep into the field and listening to the officers and soldiers explain it to you personally is a more intuitive and three-dimensional experience, and it is also more moving.

The years are quiet and peaceful, because there are people carrying the burden forward for you. It is precisely the hard work of these batches and generations of border guards that can win us a stable national environment that allows the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

So for these cutest people, Wu Hao and the others paid the highest respect.

After some introductions, the sergeant who had left earlier ran back and whispered a few words to Captain Cheng.

Then Captain Cheng walked up to Wu Hao, stood at attention and said: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Zhang, our regiment leader is very happy to hear that you are here and wants to invite you to our regiment headquarters as a guest."

coming. Wu Hao smiled when he heard this and said, "Thank you, group leader, for me. This time we are traveling in a private capacity, so we won't disturb everyone. If I have a chance next time, I will definitely make a special trip to be a guest."

How could Captain Cheng let Wu Hao and the others go so easily? He then continued to persuade and invite them: "Mr. Wu, our comrades heard that you were coming, and they were all very excited and wanted to meet you.

The living conditions here are difficult, and everyone's spiritual and cultural life is very lacking. Your arrival will definitely boost the morale of the officers and soldiers. "

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