Military Technology

Chapter 1643 The second-class skill of “walking”

Latest website: Seeing everyone nodding in understanding, Company Commander Cheng immediately asked a non-commissioned officer to wave to the patrol team on the opposite side.

After receiving a wave from the patrol team on the opposite side, Captain Cheng explained to everyone, and then started walking towards the border with a few officers and soldiers.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they stayed in place with some officers and soldiers, and then watched Company Commander Cheng and the others walking towards the border.

Do you think there will be any danger? Zou Xiaodong asked at this time.

When Wu Hao heard this, he said angrily: "I'm afraid you have watched too many movies. What dangers can there be in this kind of normal military diplomacy? Besides, is this a sensitive area? If so, it is impossible for us to come in."

The noncommissioned officer next to him heard their conversation and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there will be no danger. We have had this kind of contact many times, there will be no problem."

After hearing the sergeant's words, everyone couldn't help but feel relaxed. Among these people, except for Wu Hao and the others, they were all ordinary people. Anyone who had seen this kind of posture before would definitely feel a little nervous about Mo Ning.

Under the gaze of everyone, Captain Cheng led several officers and soldiers to the border line and stood on one side of the fence. The foreign military patrol team outside the fence began to communicate.

The whole process lasted about ten minutes. Both parties were dancing and gesticulating. It seemed like something was going on.

After communicating for a while, Captain Cheng took several officers and soldiers to say goodbye to the other party, and then walked over quickly. His face was a little solemn, and he said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, I'm afraid we can't accompany you to the regiment headquarters."

What's wrong? Wu Hao couldn't help but ask. Seeing that Captain Cheng's face looked a little ugly, he couldn't help but said: "It's okay. We can go there by ourselves. No need to trouble you."

Company Commander Cheng said to Wu Hao: "We have just received information from a foreign military patrol, saying that a group of poachers appeared on the side of the border close to the foreign troops. These poachers killed many deer and yellow sheep. , and the wolves, whose skins were pulled off and their horns cut off.

We are worried that this group of poachers may infiltrate into the country from the border, so we must strengthen our vigilance and intercept them. "

After hearing what Company Commander Cheng said, Wu Hao immediately nodded and said, "It's okay, we can just leave by ourselves. Be careful, these poachers have guns in their hands."

"Hey, they're just a few little mice. In our eyes, these are the second-class skills of walking." Company Commander Cheng not only wasn't worried, but was actually a little eager to try.

He turned to Wu Hao and said: "In this case, I don't feel comfortable letting you go by yourself. You might encounter poachers. If this group of people recognizes you and is malicious, then you will be in danger. I will let you go alone." Let the trolley escort you away. I will report the situation here to my superiors immediately, and they will also send someone to pick you up."

Thank you, sorry for the trouble. After hearing what Company Commander Cheng said, Wu Hao did not refuse the call, but thanked him. He also knew that what Captain Cheng said was right. This group of poachers was extremely vicious. If they really knew the identities of Wu Hao and the others, especially those with a net worth of hundreds of billions, they would very likely take risks. At that time, in this desolate and uninhabited no-man's land, it was really impossible to respond to the sky and the earth. So with military escorts on the road, everyone can be safer.

Hey, you're welcome, this is what we should do. Company Commander Cheng responded and immediately began to greet them.

Wu Hao and the others also knew that they could not stay here, so everyone got on the bus one after another. Under the leadership of a warrior military off-road vehicle, the convoy quickly set off and drove away.

After Captain Cheng saw the convoy leaving, he immediately picked up his rifle and shouted at the officers and soldiers in front of him: "Let's go, follow me to catch mice!"

After experiencing this incident, everyone was no longer in the mood to look at the scenery. Everyone wants to leave here as soon as possible, leave this place of right and wrong.

Wu Hao looked at the nervous people in the car, smiled and held the hand of Lin Wei who was sitting next to him, and comforted him with a smile: "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong."

Lin Wei nodded, then leaned on Wu Hao's shoulder and looked at the scenery passing by outside the window and said slowly: "No matter how beautiful the scenery outside the window is, you will get bored if you see it too much. They all feel the same."

Wu Hao smiled and said: "We have only been here for a short time, and you are already tired of it. Look at Company Commander Cheng, and look at these officers and soldiers. They have been guarding the border for more than ten years, and how they live."

Hearing Wu Hao's joke, Lin Wei thought for a while and shook her head in a deep voice: "I can't do it. It might be okay to let me stay here for a day or two, but I will go crazy if I stay here for a week. Without Internet, I can't eat well. I’ll go crazy if I can’t eat or go shopping.”

Haha, you are still thinking about living a rural life. You will probably be in a hurry to return to the city in three days. Wu Hao smiled and took the opportunity to tease.

This is different okay. Lin Wei turned her head and rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "What I yearn for is a quiet pastoral life, not this kind of primitive life far away from the crowd, far away from the city, or even far away from civilization.

Besides, we are enjoying life and that’s not what we do, so why should we make it so difficult for ourselves? And we don’t have to stay in the countryside all the time, we can also run in both directions. When we are tired of living in the city, we will go to a rural farm to stay for a few days. If we are tired of living in a farm in the countryside, we will have a good time in the city for a few days. "

You are so beautiful. Wu Hao said angrily.

Giggle. Find Shuyuan Lin Wei pursed her lips and smiled: "Anyway, it is easy for us to implement. We can stay in the city during the week and go to the countryside for two days on the weekend. It will be treated as a vacation."

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao shook his head slightly and looked at the scenery outside and sighed: "Let's wait a few years until things are on track. How can we have time now to go back and forth? If we have time, I just stay at home to catch up on my sleep and rest."

makes sense. Lin Wei couldn't help but nodded in response. Indeed, if they had time on weekends, she and Wu Hao would usually stay at home. Either take a good nap or rest at home. Maybe she will build her little garden, or sit down with a cup of coffee, read a book, or watch a TV show.

As for Wu Hao, he might go to the swimming pool to swim a few laps, or immerse himself in the virtual world, play games for a while, relax, or make some small things by himself, etc.

If someone asks them to hang out, they will basically refuse for various reasons. On the one hand, they don't want to move and are too lazy to move. On the other hand, they attract too much attention when they go out, and may even cause some problems such as onlookers. Therefore, they are generally reluctant to go out unless necessary, let alone appear in front of others.

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