Military Technology

Chapter 1645 Trial Equipment

Latest website: Now the conditions of the army are getting better and better, and the supplies are getting richer and richer. Basically, there is no shortage of anything. However, some snacks and small personal items are very popular among the officers and soldiers. Even if the troops are stationed in such a port city, officers and soldiers rarely have the opportunity to leave the military camp, go shopping, or even go shopping in the port trade market.

And the snacks provided by Wu Hao and the others will also become a good way to adjust their lives in the future. In addition, there are just some meats and fruits. These are supplements for the troops. The food of the troops is good now, but it is not that good. Compared with the air force and navy, it is far behind. . Wu Hao and the others brought meat and fruits as condolences, which were just enough for the soldiers to eat.

After visiting the dormitory, they were led to the training ground by Geng Zhiping and Qi Yuanhai to watch a training demonstration by the soldiers.

In addition to conventional military boxing and assassination drills, there are also obstacle climbing, assault drills, etc. What surprised Wu Hao and the others was that this unit also used Wu Hao's lightweight half-body and full-body intelligent mechanical exoskeleton equipment.

Seeing his company's products, Wu Hao couldn't help but become interested. Then he walked up to these warriors and asked a lot of questions.

"How does it feel to wear this outfit?"

Seeing Wu Hao asking, a corporal wearing a half-length intelligent mechanical exoskeleton responded to him generously: "It's great. I feel like I'm running faster and jumping farther and higher. The obstacle that was more than three meters before was The wall requires the cooperation of our comrades to climb over, but now I can climb up with one sprint and one step. There are also trenches, two or three meters wide trenches, we can jump over them in one step.

In addition, we can also carry more equipment and supplies, and travel dozens of kilometers without feeling tired. "

Hearing the corporal's answer, Wu Hao and others all smiled. Geng Zhiping, who was accompanying him, smiled at Wu Hao and introduced: "Our group has trial-installed a class of this intelligent light mechanical exoskeleton system. It is mainly used to test the performance of this intelligent light mechanical exoskeleton system in high-cold and complex environments. practicality and reliability.

At first, the soldiers were actually quite repulsive to these equipments, because they were a little uncomfortable wearing them at first. They felt like they were being constrained and uncomfortable.

However, after gradually adapting, the soldiers began to like these equipment and gradually discovered their advantages and strengths. Now these equipments are very popular in our group, and everyone is vying to wear them and use them. We have applied to our superiors, hoping to get more of these equipment.

Especially during our daily patrols, this intelligent lightweight mechanical exoskeleton system is of great help to our soldiers. Some places that are inaccessible to vehicles require our soldiers to travel on foot. With this intelligent lightweight mechanical exoskeleton system, it can greatly help our soldiers carry more supplies, reduce physical stress, relieve fatigue, and save energy. "

As middle-level leaders of the army, they naturally know that these equipment technologies come from Haoyu Technology Company, and they are also aware of the close cooperation that Haoyu Technology has carried out with the military in recent years. Many equipments have already been installed in the army.

They went to the theater headquarters for training in person, and saw with their own eyes a lot of weapons and equipment beyond their imagination. For example, in addition to the intelligent light mechanical exoskeleton product they tried out, there is also an intelligent heavy mechanical protective exoskeleton armor.

This intelligent heavy machinery protective exoskeleton armor is a completely different product than this lightweight exoskeleton product. This kind of light exoskeleton system only serves the function of supporting and assisting, while the intelligent heavy-duty mechanical protective exoskeleton armor can cover the wearer's whole body, has super mobility, and excellent protection, and can Resist small arms attacks. Moreover, it also includes a life support system to support its operations in a variety of complex environments.

Of course they like and are very eager for this kind of intelligent heavy machinery protective exoskeleton armor. How could a soldier not like or desire such advanced and powerful equipment? But they also know that such cutting-edge equipment is generally equipped to the main force, elite troops, and even special forces. Front-line border troops like them are usually never on. Even the equipment is used by the frontline troops in western Xinjiang and the plateau.

For them, it is very satisfying to get more of this intelligent lightweight mechanical exoskeleton system.

How does this system perform in the high and cold environment in winter? Wu Hao nodded and asked further.

Very good, judging from the feedback from warriors, the performance is very good. Geng Zhiping replied with a smile. At this point, Geng Zhiping was a little unfinished and said: "Originally, we thought that this kind of exoskeleton equipment would be more delicate, so we used it with caution. But later we gradually discovered that they are very durable and very strong. In our words, it is durable. If you spend a day in the snow or mud, rinse it with water, wipe it and maintain it, you will be fine.

Now our patrol units can no longer do without them. Each patrol unit must carry two sets when performing tasks to carry more supplies and equipment when traveling on foot. "

Saying that, looking for Shuyuan Geng Zhiping hesitated for a moment, and then asked Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, will these equipment be taken back later? Can they be kept for us to use directly?"

Hearing Geng Zhiping's words, Wu Hao laughed, and he said to Geng Zhiping and other officers and soldiers who looked expectantly: "I can't answer you about this matter. What will happen when the time comes, we need to discuss it with the General Logistics Department." We still have to discuss it with the equipment departments and leaders before making a final decision. But generally speaking, if the grassroots troops react strongly, there should be no problem."

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Geng Zhiping and the others immediately had smiles on their faces. To be honest, if the above really took away these equipment, they would really be reluctant to part with it, after all, they are used to it.

We don’t know when this exoskeleton product will be officially installed in the army. Our superiors only gave us a dozen sets, which is too few and not enough. As he spoke, Geng Zhiping started to complain again.

It should be soon. Wu Hao replied with a smile. What he did not say is that equipment like this will generally be given priority to equip the main force and important units as well as some units on the front line preparing for war. Only after the needs of these units are met, the second and third line units will be considered. If a border defense regiment like them wants to deploy it on a large scale, I'm afraid it will have to wait for a long time.

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