Military Technology

Chapter 1654 A glimmer of light in despair

First of all, everyone is paying more attention to the patient who is about to undergo a smart bionic heart transplant. This patient is called Zhang Lei. He is very young, less than thirty years old. Logically speaking, his age is the most energetic in his life, the time of struggle and hard work. But when the camera showed Zhang Lei for the first time, this young man who was less than thirty years old was leaning on the hospital bed a little weakly, sucking oxygen. He looked very weak and old.

Zhang Lei was not a patient with congenital heart disease. He suffered from heart disease when he was about to end college. At that time, Zhang Lei was doing an internship, writing his graduation thesis, and preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. In addition, he occasionally went out to have nightclubs with friends, and his life was very irregular, often turning day and night upside down.

Originally, this was just the daily life of an ordinary college student, but Zhang Lei almost died from myocarditis caused by a cold. Fortunately, his roommate found out in time, and a junior student from the nursing department reached out to rescue him in time and called 120. Sent to hospital. After some rescue treatment, Zhang Lei gradually recovered. However, due to the missed prime time for rescue and the related sequelae, his heart was partially damaged, and this brought about the heart disease that had been bothering him for several years, and it was becoming more and more serious.

Due to myocardial damage, and Zhang Lei's subsequent series of suicide attempts, he did not recuperate properly, which led to his myocardial infarction not long after.

Fortunately, he received timely treatment. The doctor inserted several stents into his heart and finally stabilized his condition. However, this situation did not last long, and soon he was hospitalized again, and his condition was still very serious.

Finally, under the operation of a famous cardiac expert, he finally passed this life-and-death crisis. After this experience, Zhang Lei was frightened and his living habits changed a lot, but he still couldn't stop the worsening of his condition.

Up to now, Zhang Lei's heart has been filled with stents and he has undergone several surgeries. And the doctor has clearly informed Zhang Lei's parents that he is increasingly unqualified for surgery.

The doctor's words were very reserved, but Zhang Lei's parents understood clearly. This was telling them that Zhang Lei's condition was almost incurable, so they should be mentally prepared.

Zhang Lei's parents will definitely not accept this. While begging the doctors to save their child's life, they are also actively contacting experts.

Zhang Lei belongs to the generation around the millennium. He was always an only child before. After he was allowed to have a second child, his parents took the risk of being an advanced maternal age and gave him another sister.

So of course his parents would not agree to this situation.

However, both the pleading doctors and the invited experts shook their heads after the consultation. There is no way to treat this condition, except for an allogeneic heart transplant.

However, the conditions for allogeneic heart transplantation are very demanding. The heart does not require other organs and is an indispensable core life organ in the human body. So every heart means the loss of a donor, which is why there is so much tension around the world.

More importantly, it is not easy to find a matching heart source. The source of the heart is already tense, but it is even more difficult to find a matching heart. So Zhang Lei has been waiting for a year or two, but there is still no news.

But now Zhang Lei's physical condition is getting worse and worse, and he can no longer wait. If it were before, Zhang Lei's current situation, the possibility of his survival would have been very slim. Unless a miracle can happen in the end, and suddenly there is a matching heart. But this chance is very small. You must know that many patients across the country are waiting.

Usually at this point, some families may have begun to give up. They even started to handle discharge procedures for patients, allowing them to go home and wait for the last moment safely.

Maybe God loves young and fresh lives especially. Just when Zhang Lei's family fell into endless despair and grief, a group of people found them and brought them a new hope.

Zhang Lei's family was surprised and happy about such a hope. They were surprised that there was such an opportunity and such a technical product. They were happy that their children finally had hope. Even though this hope seemed a bit unbelievable, but No matter these, as long as their child can survive.

Regardless of such technology, they are still deeply worried. After all, their child's heart must be cut out and replaced with an artificial heart. No one knows whether such an artificial heart is reliable or feasible.

Because this is only in the first phase of clinical trials, no one knows whether such an intelligent bionic artificial heart is reliable or whether such an alternative heart replacement surgery is feasible. Doctors and legal staff even told them the worst possible outcome, which was that their children might not be able to walk off the operating table.

This was very cruel news. It was tantamount to telling them that the other party was experimenting on their son, and the experiment was very risky. If they agreed, it would be a disguised form of sending their son to such an operation table with huge risks and unknown results. It would be equivalent to sending their son to risk his life in the gate of hell.

Once the operation fails, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. ccom It is tantamount to them taking the life of their own son. Even though they are worried and reluctant, they all know that this is their last chance. If you agree, there may be a glimmer of hope; if you don't agree, then you can only wait for death.

So after carefully soliciting Zhang Lei's personal wishes, they finally agreed. They were then sent to the Linghu Business District Medical Center of Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College for a series of preoperative preparations.

What reassured them was that they were not the first patients. Several patients had undergone surgeries before Zhang Lei, and the surgeries were successful. The post-operative recovery of these patients was very good.

They have seen several of these patients, which undoubtedly gives hope to all those who have not yet undergone surgery. It also makes the families of these patients, who were worried and resistant at the beginning, now become eager to look forward to it. They all want to have surgery first.

Zhang Lei is relatively lucky, he is in the front. The expert group and technical research team believe that Zhang Lei's physical condition and condition can no longer afford the surgery, and the surgery must be performed as soon as possible, otherwise he will miss the last chance for surgery.

Of course, there were several other patients competing with Zhang Lei. In the end, after Zhang Lei and others accepted follow-up interviews from CCTV reporters, he won as he wished and ranked at the front.

This is not a form of coercion, but a disguised form of compensation or reward. After all, accepting an interview will definitely have some impact.

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