Military Technology

Chapter 1657: Consummation after the storm

In the footage, Zhang Lei's postoperative recovery process was not smooth. On the third night after entering the general intensive care unit, Zhang Lei suddenly developed an inexplicable fever, 38.7 degrees Celsius. Such an inexplicable high fever made the entire expert team a little nervous. As for CCTV reporters, they rushed to the scene immediately and started recording.

Usually, the cause of high fever is infection. For example, what we call a cold may include respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, pneumonia infection, etc.

Zhang Lei has been in the intensive care unit for the past three days, and it is impossible to catch a cold under normal circumstances. Then there may be another result. There was something wrong with the previous surgery and an infection occurred, so Zhang Lei had a high fever. This was the first time the expert team encountered such a situation, so everyone looked a little solemn. Especially since this case is still the subject of media interviews. If the problem persists, not only will it be embarrassing, but it may also bring about a series of negative results, which may even lead to the termination of the entire clinical trial of the project, or even be shelved.

Immediately, the expert team began to conduct a full-body examination on Zhang Lei. After comparing and analyzing a series of examination results, the expert team breathed a sigh of relief because the cause of the fever was not caused by surgical infection.

After questioning, I learned that because Anxi was experiencing a scorching summer at that time and the weather was relatively hot, a family member who was staying with him in the intensive care unit, to be precise, was a cousin of Zhang Lei's, who had unauthorizedly adjusted the air conditioner temperature to 23 degrees. Then I forgot to turn it back. Later, Zhang Lei's mother came and saw that the air conditioner was a little low, so she immediately turned it up.

This time lasted about two or three hours and did not last long. The nurses monitoring outside did not notice much. In this process, Zhang Lei, who had a weak immune system, caught a cold and soon developed a high fever.

After understanding the cause, the expert team immediately began treatment. If you are an ordinary person, you can basically drink a pack of granules, take two cold medicines, sleep and sweat, and you will be fine.

But Zhang Lei is different. He has just undergone a major operation. A small problem on his body may cause a series of chain reactions and may even be life-threatening.

For some patients with underlying diseases, such an inadvertent cold is often the most fatal, and many people have suffered from such an inconspicuous cold.

Therefore, the treatment for Zhang Lei's cold and high fever was so cumbersome that he was once again pushed to the ICU for intensive monitoring shortly after he was released from LCU. As for the cousin, he blamed himself so hard that he almost knelt down in front of the doctors. In his words, if it was really because of his relationship that something happened to his cousin, then he would definitely be in a state of uneasiness for the rest of his life.

After lying in the ICU for three days, Zhang Lei's cold finally improved, and his physical condition gradually improved. But at this time, no one dared to take it lightly, so Zhang Lei stayed in the ICU for another three days before being transferred back to the previous intensive care unit.

After experiencing this turmoil, Zhang Lei's parents became even more cautious. Except for their own caution, they declined all visits.

In their words, they don't think such an accident will happen again. It's okay this time, but if something happens, they may really collapse and despair, unable to accept it. The operation was finally successful, but it was such an injustice that he suffered from such a minor illness.

Under the careful care of Zhang Lei's parents, Zhang Lei finally recovered. His response is good, and according to the doctor's advice, they can now be transferred to the general ward.

However, this aspect was strongly opposed by Zhang Lei's parents and they firmly disagreed. Such a high-care unit has excellent conditions and is just right for my son to recuperate. Although they are not a wealthy family, they are still well-off and well-to-do, so it is okay to pay such an extra fee.

Although he did not move to the general ward, Zhang Lei began to walk out of the ward, take a walk, and began to adapt to relevant rehabilitation training on the advice of the doctor. Such as strolling, brisk walking, even some light trotting, etc. Through this series of exercises, the body can adapt to this intelligent bionic artificial heart as quickly as possible.

Although Zhang Lei's current physical condition is still relatively weak, compared to the dying patient who was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, dying and lifeless before the operation, Zhang Lei is already much better now. He now has scars on his face. The blood color has changed, and the weight has increased significantly. And walking is no longer strenuous, and I can even do some slight trotting, which I had never imagined before.

The surging beating sound of this new heart made Zhang Lei suddenly full of confidence. His previous decadence and despair was gone, and he began to become sunny and confident. In the past, he was unwilling to communicate with others and was a bit autistic, but now he is willing to communicate with others.

Such changes are naturally recorded in the shots. Through the director's planning and production, the front and back shots are put together for comparison, which also allows the audience to clearly see the difference.

You know, these shots can't be fake, whether it's the true feelings between parents and relatives, the dedication of the team of doctors and experts, or Zhang Lei's entire change before and after surgery, these are all It's moving.

Next, the documentary began to come to an end. Zhang Lei's condition in the hospital is getting better and better. Find the Bookstore The latest comprehensive examination showed that Zhang Lei's physical condition has recovered well and the intelligent bionic artificial heart is operating normally. At present, the discharge requirements have been basically met. Next, Zhang Lei will go home to rest and recover, and come for review as required.

The entire process will last for one year, and the technical expert team will also conduct lifelong follow-up and provide corresponding services to these patients who participate in clinical trials for heart transplantation.

At the end of the program, when Zhang Lei was asked about his future plans, Zhang Lei thought for a while and then spoke. He has already experienced life and death once in his life, so he takes everything lightly. Next, he has to live for himself and for his parents who care about him.

He may go back to his hometown to accompany his parents and his sister to grow up. On the other hand, he wants to open a book cafe. During these years of illness, his physical weakness prevented him from doing much, so he had time to read a lot of books.

Now he wants to open such a book cafe. On the one hand, he can satisfy his reading needs. On the other hand, he can do his best to find a stable job with a certain income for himself, so that he can support himself and the family.

The public has mixed opinions about Zhang Lei's plan, but most people can understand his approach. After all, after experiencing life and death, everything has been put aside. Zhang Lei can return to his family, which is also a very satisfactory result.

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