What is the name of the intelligent lunar surface patrol rover has also become a question that many people are curious about. If we follow tradition, under normal circumstances, the code name of a mission or detector like this will be announced a few weeks before launch or even earlier when the project is established.

However, Haoyu Technology has not disclosed much information about this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle to the outside world. It can be said to be very low-key. If you don’t particularly love the aerospace field, I’m afraid no one will know about it.

But now that everyone knows it, it is still approaching the time of launch, and major media reports have heated up the news.

Even at this time, this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle has not yet been announced. Some people even wonder whether this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle will not have a code name.

However, such a question was quickly dismissed by most people. Because under normal circumstances, major detection missions and detectors like this will basically have code names. This makes it easier to publicize and better remembered. As a commercial company, it is impossible for Wu Hao and others not to consider this factor, so this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle must have a name, but it is just about to be launched, and it has not been announced yet.

As for the name of this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle, netizens also used their imaginations and came up with many funny names. For example, some are called Peter Rabbit, some are called Yuexingrenhao, and some are called Golden Toad, etc.

Haoyu Technology did not respond to these code names that netizens were clamoring for. Instead, it kept silent when it should be silent and announced it normally when it should be announced.

Forty-eight hours before launch, Haoyu Aerospace finally announced the codename of this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle "Wangshu", also known as the Wangshu intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle.

As soon as the name Wangshuhao was announced, it quickly made the headlines on major lists and was reported by many media. As for the people, when they heard this name, they were a little surprised and seemed to understand it.

After all, according to Haoyu Technology's past naming habits, they usually choose important symbols in traditional culture. Wangshu, the legendary charioteer of the moon, the moon god, or could be directly the moon. He is the God of the Moon in our traditional culture, the true Lord of the Moon.

As for Chang'e, she is just a person who flew to the moon and became an immortal. Her status in mythology is very low. What is Chang'e? It is said to be a low-level maid or female official in the palace. This is a bit like what we call Diao Chan. Diao Chan. According to the study of historical records, Diao Chan most likely does not refer to a person, but a palace position. .

The so-called agreement is the custom. As Chang'e's name became bigger and bigger, the legend became more and more widespread. After a long period of evolution, Chang'e's status among the gods also increased linearly, and she eventually merged with Taiyin Zhenjun. One, became the Lord of the Moon Palace.

In contrast, Wangshu, the righteous god of the moon, has gradually been forgotten.

Wu Hao and the others chose this name because they were full of expectations and had high expectations for this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. I hope that this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle can truly ride on the moon and become the master of the moon.

Secondly, Wangshu is called the god of lunar driving, which is consistent with the intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle, and also indicates that this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle has great magical powers.

In this regard, it has also been praised by netizens. On the one hand, they inherit and carry forward traditional culture and only promote our traditional culture to the outside world. On the other hand, this is also a respect for traditional culture, religion, and mythology, correcting chaos and clearing up the thread.

And just when people were paying attention to the code name, Wu Hao and the others had already landed on the South China Sea Island in a special plane. This opportunity is rare, so in addition to the regular entourage, Wu Hao and the others also brought their family members. Everyone was very excited to go to the South China Sea to watch the rocket launch, especially the launch of their first intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle.

After landing at Nanhai Island Phoenix Airport, Wu Hao and the others immediately drove to the Nanhai Space Launch Center. As the leaders of this mission, Wu Hao and the others certainly cannot be reduced to ordinary tourists who squeeze into the hotel and watch the rocket launch from a distance.

Naturally, they have their preferences. This is not a privilege, but only a benefit for Party A. The group of them immediately entered the Nanhai Space Launch Center and checked into the guest house inside.

The conditions in the guest house are actually not good. Even the best rooms cannot be compared with the suites in star hotels. After all, this is an official operation and is only open to the public, so it is still following a simple, generous and economical route.

After checking into the guest house, everyone took a short rest, and Lin Wei and the others were clamoring to go out and visit. Wu Hao and the others were helpless and had no choice but to agree.

Sitting on the shuttle bus from the launch center, Wu Hao and the others began to wander around the entire park. The entire launch site covers a very large area, most of which is covered by lush green tropical plants. There are only a few unique buildings that are very bright, reminding everyone that this is one of the four major space launch centers in our country. It is also a large space launch site for our country to perform major missions, and it is also the southernmost launch site.

Compared with several inland launch sites, the Nanhai Space Launch Center has very unique advantages, which has gradually allowed it to surpass several other space launch sites and become our country's main space launch center in one fell swoop, with its status rising year by year.

The reason for this is also because of its unique geographical environment. This place is located on the coast of the South China Sea, with very low dimensions and closer to the equator. Rockets launched from here will be able to utilize the centrifugal force generated by the earth's rotation, thereby greatly saving fuel. In this way, less fuel can be used to transport a larger payload into the air.

This also means that the same rocket launched at low latitudes can transport a heavier payload than launched at high latitudes.

In addition, it is located on the coast of the South China Sea, so transportation is very convenient. This will also get rid of the inconvenient problem of inland transportation, and larger rocket bodies can be transported by sea.

For a long time in the past, the diameter of our country's rockets was unified to 3.35 meters. This was not due to performance and technical considerations, but as a last resort.

Because the maximum allowable size for railway transportation in our country is only this large, rockets must be strictly limited to this size.

Later, the rocket broke through this diameter limit, also because the Nanhai Space Launch Site was built and put into use, so the rocket can be transported directly by sea, so there is no need to consider the size issue.

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