Military Technology

Chapter 1683 Crowdfunding Detection Mission

Rejecting the invitation of local leaders in Nanhai to stay, Wu Hao and others took a special plane back to Anxi together with Shi Zhaoping and others. Shi Zhaoping and the others did not rest, but immediately rushed to the Xinyuehu Comprehensive Space Command and Control Center in the company's headquarters campus to carry out the subsequent remote control command of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle pre-orbiter assembly.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they are devoted to their daily work. There are still several days before landing. It is impossible for them to focus on this project during these few days.

Compared with their calmness, the reaction from the outside world was a bit too enthusiastic. First of all, of course, all major media rushed to report the news of this successful launch, and many media also introduced it in detail in large sections. Even in the important broadcast of the CCTV Organizing Committee, it was also reported.

The report focused on the launch and recovery of the Jianmu-7 recyclable rocket launched this time, as well as the basic situation and tasks of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle. The second half extends to the development of our country's civil aerospace field under relevant support policies and leadership, etc. Among them, Zhang Jun, the general manager of the company, also appeared for an interview.

Wu Hao was increasingly leaving Zhang Jun behind when it came to dealing with the media in public like this. He found it troublesome, but Zhang Jun enjoyed it. He talked about it in every interview, which seemed to be very enjoyable.

With CCTV's proofing, other media naturally followed suit and made relevant reports. And the major self-media outlets are full of all kinds of related news, which is very lively.

Compared with the positive and positive reports of the domestic media, the overseas media distorted and smeared it out of jealousy and envy.

For example, several media outlets in Laomi said bitterly in their reports that the technology in the Jianmu-7 rocket launched by Wu Hao and others on this lunar exploration mission came from their Falcon rocket technology. Wu Hao and others must be despicable. They shamelessly stole the Falcon rocket and created a copycat product. Otherwise, why is the technology of this Jianmu-7 rocket so similar to that of the Falcon rocket and its performance is not as good as the original version? It must be due to low technology.

As for Wu Hao's "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover, it must have been successfully developed by copying the technology of NASA's Mars rovers. The most important evidence is the aerial crane technology. You must know this technology But NASA’s black technology must have been stolen by Wu Hao and the others.

Therefore, many of Laomi’s media directly used the shameless thief to steal Laomi’s technology and launch a lunar probe as the title and theme of the report.

Some American media outlets directly threw out conspiracy theories, believing that such technology is not owned by a company like Haoyu Technology at all, and that there must be support from the military behind it. The report used Haoyu Technology's close relationship with the military as an excuse to insinuate that the military secretly supported Haoyu Technology's launch of the lunar probe, hiding a major military conspiracy that may pose a threat to the world and Laomi, and severely framed a person. Back.

The European media is slightly better than the American media, but it is not much better. After these media reports are fairly accurate, they always add some comments at the end. Of course, these comments are basically not good things. One thing they all have in common is that they are sour.

There is no way, the development of European space exploration technology is very unsatisfactory. On the one hand, there are technical reasons, and on the other hand, it is funding. European space exploration projects are jointly funded by various member states. However, not everyone in the international community supports such a costly project that is difficult to see benefits in a short period of time. Especially in recent years, the economies of European countries have been in recession, so they naturally have objections to such a costly project. Therefore, the serious lack of funds has also hindered the development of European aerospace technology.

Finally, there are political reasons. Each member country has different positions and demands, so it is difficult to finalize many projects. There is always wrangling or on the road to wrangling.

It is said that building a two-kilometer road in Yingguo can not be finalized even after ten years of wrangling in the parliament. The reason is that there are too many arguments. This is the so-called democratic government it promotes. In recent years, the news we have heard about Europe seems to have no special achievements other than these.

Therefore, in the face of the development of our domestic aerospace technology, especially the current rapid development of civil aerospace technology, these European countries must be somewhat difficult to accept. But what can they do if they don't accept it? They can only say a few acid words, or at most pour a few basins of dirty water.

Compared with these reports in the media, overseas people are very concerned about this mission and speak highly of it. Through the mission introduction, overseas people learned that this is a civilian commercial project, and that the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle will be the first civilian commercial detector, and it will also become a moonwalker. If you are interested, go to Shuyuan to truly measure the earth with your steps.

More importantly, the detection results of this project will be open to the public and available to everyone. As long as you pay a certain fee, you can obtain the latest lunar exploration data.

This has also made some astronomy enthusiasts and lunar exploration enthusiasts as well as some scientific research institutions and organizations full of interest. An organization called "Revealing the Truth about Laomi's False Moon Landing" launched a crowdfunding campaign on overseas social networking sites. They hope to raise funds from netizens through donations.

This part of the funds will be used to launch a commercial exploration mission to the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle of Haoyu Technology. It is hoped that the detector will eventually go around the site of the old Apollo moon landing and conduct actual detection to prove that the Apollo moon landing was a fake.

According to reports, this organization has raised millions of dollars in funds so far, and their goal is 10 million US dollars. The founders of the organization have already begun to try to contact people from Haoyu Aerospace, but according to the relevant laws of Laomi, it is still unknown whether the money can be transferred to Haoyu Aerospace.

Inspired by this, many netizens have posted various crowdfunding funds for various tasks online, and netizens have responded very strongly. For example, a scientific research institution launched a mission to search for water on the moon, which has already raised millions of dollars.

Domestic netizens have also launched such crowdfunding projects, including one that commissioned the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover to take a high-definition photo of the moon on the moon, just like opening the cover of a letter. , is also very popular and has currently raised millions in funds.

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