Military Technology

Chapter 1685 Moon Landing!

Wu Hao's words are certainly not without purpose, nor are they telling fairy tales.

In fact, with the application of electronic organs, as well as the application of electronic organs, cloned organs and bioprinted organ technologies in the future, human life span will definitely increase significantly, and it is not impossible to live to 150 or 60 years old.

Even if Wu Hao and the others conquer advanced biological tissue printing technology and brain-machine ritual technology in the future, it will not be impossible for humans to achieve immortality.

Perhaps in the future, humans may be like Orochimaru, extracting consciousness, or soul, from the original body, and then transferring it to a new body, thereby achieving immortality.

Of course, this matter still sounds like a fantasy now, and it is not an exaggeration to say it is a fairy tale. However, Wu Hao and many scientists believe that this technology will definitely be realized in the future, it is just a matter of how long it will take.

In fact, Wu Hao and others have been engaged in the development of technologies in related fields. For example, they have achieved very good results in the field of electronic organs and brain-computer consciousness technology. It’s just that there’s still a long way to go to realize that ultimate dream.

Of course, Wu Hao and the others are still young and can afford to wait. This project will continue, but it will not be known to the outside world.

As the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover and orbiter assembly braked in recent months, the assembly immediately entered the lunar orbit.

Next, is the highlight that everyone is looking forward to, the moon landing!

Based on the high-definition map of the moon previously obtained from the space agency, Shi Zhaoping and others selected several landing sites. In the end, they selected the landing site where the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover will land on the moon. We chose the 'Sea of ​​Air' plain, which should be regarded as a relatively small plain on the moon and an earlier meteorite impact crater.

The reason why we chose this place was decided by Shi Zhaoping and his colleagues through joint research with scientists. One of the most important things is that the air sea is located in the middle of the major impact crater plains. From here, you can go to the major impact crater plains, and there are many mountains and new impact craters nearby, such as the most famous one on the moon. The most obvious Copernicus is not too far away from here.

In addition, Qihai itself is also an impact crater, but it was formed earlier in comparison. Because of this, the geological conditions are relatively stable, which is suitable for landing on the one hand and the establishment of a lunar scientific research station on the other.

For scientists, it also has high research value, and can study the environment of the early rise of the moon, the origin of the moon, etc.

After thirty hours of braking, deceleration and orbit adjustment, the lunar landing mission began immediately. After the assembly reached the corresponding orbital position, the orbiter began to separate from the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle.

The orbiter will re-ignite, raise its orbital altitude, and begin its mission around the moon. As for the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface inspection and exploration vehicle, it has started its landing mission.

The "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover does not land directly after separation. It still has to fly around the entire moon and gradually lower its orbit. The whole process takes more than ten hours. When the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol vehicle is The lunar lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle is about 18 kilometers away from the lunar surface, and the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle and aerial crane combination immediately began to lose power.

The aerial crane started, and then the rope was released, suspending the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle seven or eight meters below the aerial crane. The four engines of the aerial crane were ignited and began to continuously decelerate, gradually reducing the speed of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle relative to the moon from about 1.7 kilometers/second to zero.

Bringing it to a height of about two hundred meters above the ground, the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle hung by an aerial crane began to hover. The entire hover lasted for five or six seconds. During this period, the ground obstacle avoidance system started to activate and began to adjust the obstacle avoidance and slow down the vertical descent.

Looking at the big screen, the landing camera on the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol vehicle is getting closer and closer to the ground, and everyone at the Xinyuehu Comprehensive Space Command and Control Center can't help but raise their hearts. got up.

At this moment, there was silence in the Xinyuehu Comprehensive Aerospace Command and Control Center, except for various data reports and the sound of equipment operation, and then the sound of everyone's heartbeats and breathing.

At that moment, on the big screen, the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle quickly landed on the ground. When the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle landed, the suspension The probe rover's steel cables were immediately disconnected, and the aerial crane accelerated into the distance.

It can be seen from the 360 ​​panoramic camera on the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover that the aerial crane flew more than a hundred meters to the northeast and then fell directly to the ground. The camera on the aerial crane also verified this. It first flew away from the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover, then dropped rapidly, and finally lost the picture.


Bang bang bang bang...

In the Xinyuehu Comprehensive Command and Control Hall, warm cheers and applause instantly erupted. Everyone jumped up excitedly and threw the peaked caps for this mission into the air.

At the same time, the animation of the landing moment was also released through various platforms and channels of major media, instantly arousing cheers from netizens, and the Internet was abuzz for a while.

Haozi, we succeeded, we landed on the moon! Zhang Jun pulled Wu Hao and said excitedly.

Yes, it finally worked. Wu Hao was also very excited at this moment. This unprecedented success made it difficult for him to conceal his excitement.

Looking at Yang Fan next to him, the smile on his face was distorted, and tears were left in the corners of his eyes. At this moment, he was wiping his tears with a ball of tissue in his hand.

As the mission's commander-in-chief, Zhou Xiangming, and the actual person in charge of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover project, the mission's deputy chief engineer Shi Zhaoping embraced each other excitedly. Shi Zhaoping picked up Zhou Xiangming and spun him around a few times before putting him down.

The two excitedly congratulated each other, and when they saw Wu Hao and the others standing over there, they walked over excitedly.

Mr. Wu!

Thanks for your hard work! At this moment, Wu Hao did not speak. Instead, he stepped forward and gave Shi Zhaoping a hug, patting him on the back and saying hello.

But just this sentence made Shi Zhaoping's tears flow uncontrollably.

Wu Hao smiled and took the tissue from his assistant's hand, wiped Shi Zhaoping's tears in person and comforted him: "Okay, with so many people watching, we succeeded in the end, didn't we?"

Uh-huh. Shi Zhaoping nodded heavily while wiping his tears.

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