Military Technology

Chapter 171 The Madness of Celebrity Fans

As soon as this news was released, it was immediately forwarded by ten popular idol stars.

This is what they have communicated before, and the purpose is to expand their influence. At the same time, Wu Hao and the others jointly launched a crowdfunding voting campaign for star voice packs on the official website and the official app store of the smart voice assistant.

Each registered product user can only cast one vote in this event, and each vote costs five yuan. Which one of these ten stars has a vote amount of 10 million can unlock their exclusive voice package.

This is definitely super attractive to fans of these stars. The competition in the entertainment industry is very fierce, especially the competition in this kind of popular idol star, and it even reached a white-hot stage.

Fans of various celebrities are very concerned about this kind of list that can reflect popularity. So after this news was released, it immediately received close attention from fans.

The price of five yuan per ticket is nothing to the current people, especially the young people born after 2000. It's just that Wu Hao and the others require registered product users, which limits the fan base.

The so-called product registered users actually refer to the registered users after purchasing related products. In other words, fans who have not purchased a smart voice assistant cannot vote.

This made a lot of fans very anxious, calling everywhere to vote for their idols.

At this time, it is necessary to test these popular idol stars, which ones are really popular. For example, a popular idol actress has been unanimously sought after by fans because of her sweet looks and melodious voice.

This time, she is also one of the ten idol stars. After the voting list was released, she immediately received support from her fans.

In just two hours, the amount of votes has exceeded 5 million, far ahead of the list.

And the last one on the list is actually not bad, and he has accumulated more than one million in two hours, but it is far from his usual popularity.

too crazy!

Not only Wu Hao and Zhang Jun lamented, but even the various media who followed the voting, those in the technology circle and the entertainment circle were shocked by this rapidly increasing number.

This is a genuine vote, without any water. It should be known that all voting accounts are registered by real users, and there is no behavior of trolls swiping votes.

While the media lamented the fanaticism and amazing spending power of the fans, they also lamented Wu Hao's speed of making money. If things go on like this, it will be a matter of time before each of these ten stars breaks through 10 million.

Each ten million, these ten people are one hundred million. And this is just a crowdfunding vote in the early stage. When the related voice pack is launched, I don't know how much money will be absorbed.

Moreover, according to the relevant rules announced by Haoyu Technology, this kind of star voice package is still charged on a monthly basis, and there is a monthly rent.

That is to say, as long as this idol star continues to be popular, the related benefits will also continue. This also means that it will bring huge benefits to Wu Hao and the others. You must know that this is only the first batch of ten stars. As more voice packs of this kind are released, the related benefits will be higher.

This is also the reason why these brokerage companies are willing to cooperate with them. Even if it is only 20% to 30%, it is a very objective figure under the huge base. What's more, this is long-term, far more lucrative than some advertising endorsements.

So in the promotion of this matter,

These economic companies and idol stars also spared no effort to promote, and even used the magic weapon of hot search.

This made this matter quickly become a hot topic that the entire Internet and even society are paying attention to.

Of course, everything has two sides, and naturally there are supporters and opponents. Especially on the Internet, the collision of support and opposition is more intense.

First of all, those who supported them to launch the exclusive voice packs for relevant stars were some young people and the fans of these stars.

For these people, it is definitely a very happy thing to be able to hear their idol's voice in their daily life for a little money.

For fans, their idols are always so cold. It is very difficult for me to have the opportunity to interact with these idols in my life, so I can only silently support them.

But now using this method, you can bring idols into your life, let 'he' or 'she' become a part of your life, serve yourself, and enrich your life.

As for the opposing side, there are more reasons.

First of all, attack Wu Hao and the others as soon as they come up, so as to make money, there is no lower limit. Faced with such a high profit, some people are naturally unbalanced and jealous, so they start to attack them to vent their dissatisfaction.

Secondly, criticize them for their vulgarity, thinking that they should release some old artists, or professional voice actors, voice packs of positive energy people. Instead of introducing such a group of fresh meat, actors, and drake voices to pollute the public's ears.

Some so-called experts even criticized them, saying that this kind of exclusive customized voice package is harmful to a certain extent and will bring some potential problems to the society. Therefore, I hope that relevant departments will strengthen supervision and prevent this kind of highly simulated voice packets from flooding.

In addition, there is actually a wave of people, many of whom are users of their products and fans of other celebrities.

While venting their dissatisfaction to Wu Hao and the others, these people asked them to express their favorite stars and characters.

For example, some want the voice of an old cross talk actor, some want the voice of a middle-aged outdated star, and some want the voice of a certain singer. There are even some people who want the voices of characters in some animation film and television works.

The requests are wild and varied, ranging from huge age spans, to gender, race, and even species.

There are even a group of people leaving messages under the official blog and Wu Hao's Weibo, wanting a voice pack for cats.

Wu Hao...

As this matter became popular on the Internet, some people soon came to seek related cooperation.

First of all, there are some celebrities' agents and economic companies. Their purpose of coming to them is very simple, that is, they want to cooperate with them to launch their own celebrity's exclusive voice package. This is not only for profit, but also for wanting to further expand the influence of his idol star.

The other part of the people who came to seek cooperation are some enterprises and units that are more interested in this kind of simulated voice package.

For example, China Central Radio wants to cooperate with them, and wants to launch an exclusive simulated voice package for them to broadcast related content.

There is also a certain high-speed railway station, like CCTV, seeking a simulated voice package from them for broadcasting relevant information notifications at the station.

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