Military Technology

Chapter 1695 The ceiling in the extraterrestrial planet detector

If it were on the ground, these 110 kilometers would probably only take an hour or even less than an hour if traveling on the highway. Even on relatively complex non-paved off-road sections, the vehicle speed can be guaranteed to be 30 to 40 kilometers, and on the moon, a speed of 15 to 16 kilometers is already considered a fast racing.

However, this speed did not last long. After driving for probably more than an hour, the speed of the car began to slow down because the road conditions ahead were becoming increasingly difficult.

Although this is an impact basin plain formed by the Qihai crater, it is a flat plain on a large scale. But over the course of millions and billions of years, numerous large and small craters have formed on this impact crater plain. The smallest ones may be just a small crater, and the largest ones may be tens or hundreds of meters. Even giants like Qi Hai Jing Hai.

What is placed in front of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover is such large and small craters, as well as some rubble. These moon rocks should have been a large whole, but after the alternation of day and night temperatures, these moon rocks gradually fragmented into these large and small stones, scattered on the ground.

If the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover wants to pass through these areas, it must be extra careful. On the one hand, it must avoid these large and small potholes, and on the other hand, it must be careful of these large and small broken moons. rock. Prevent instruments and equipment from being damaged by the sharp edges of stones, as this will be more detrimental than gain.

Although the speed of the vehicle has slowed down on such terrain, it is much faster than that of other extraterrestrial planet detectors.

The "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle relies on its own six-wheel drive wheels to travel in such complex terrain very flexibly and lightly. When encountering larger and deeper craters, choose to avoid and detour, and when encountering shallower craters, directly slow down and cross over. As for some small craters, they can be completely ignored. The six-wheel drive makes this "Wangshu" an intelligent lunar vehicle. The surface inspection and detection vehicle has strong off-road passing capabilities, so there is no need to pay attention to some small potholes.

The same goes for the rocks. Avoid going around the big rocks, and then choose to cross over some flatter rock fragments.

The intelligent image recognition system and lidar obstacle avoidance system of this "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol vehicle can scan the three-dimensional terrain data in front of the detection vehicle and even around the vehicle in real time, thereby based on the "Wangshu" The intelligent lunar surface inspection and exploration vehicle repeatedly calculates its own passing ability, plans several routes suitable for the inspection and exploration vehicle, and then selects the most suitable route for passage.

Wu Hao and the others did not broadcast the entire 110-kilometer mission to the moon in real time. However, some pictures, texts and short video clips will be released from time to time.

Especially when I saw the video released, the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover was speeding on the lunar surface at a very fast speed, and there were some flashing scenes on both sides, which couldn't help but make everyone people exclaimed.

This is too fast. Although the displayed speed is only fifteen or sixteen kilometers, this should be said to be the fastest car driven by humans on extraterrestrial planets so far. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is racing on the moon.

In addition to its speed, it also has its super ability to overcome obstacles. This should be said to be part of autonomous driving. In the released video, the car quickly identified the potholes and rocks ahead, and quickly and accurately planned and selected the best route. pass. The entire process is carried out in real time while the vehicle is traveling. It does not require the vehicle to stop, detect and plan the route before driving, and stop and plan the traditional traveling method.

The most exciting and surprising thing among them is a video of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover passing through a relatively shallow crater about one or two meters in size. This crater is relatively shallow and flat, but it is full of various rocks, and they are also broken and irregular rocks, some of which look like shale, and some of which look like irregular basalt. , layer upon layer, messy.

If it were other detectors, they would have given way long ago when encountering such terrain. As for the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover, it drove in without any worries and began to plan a route among these rubbles.

Although the speed of the car was relatively high, it only took about ten minutes to pass through such a one- to two-hundred-meter-large crater.

Such autonomous obstacle avoidance and autonomous driving capabilities and such off-road passing performance are definitely the ceiling among all human extraterrestrial detectors currently.

Many experts and scholars expressed their disbelief after forwarding these videos, and some even questioned whether they were computer CG animations or artificial forgeries.

However, the trajectory on the lunar satellite map and the latest satellite photos released confirm that the car is traveling rapidly, which makes people believe it.

Such an amazing performance naturally aroused public attention and discussion, and quickly spread in some social short video platform communities. Find Shuyuanwww.zhaoshuyuan. com

Faced with such strong attention, how could Haoyu Technology's marketing department and publicity department miss such an excellent publicity opportunity. They quickly released the news on social platforms. The automatic obstacle avoidance and autonomous driving technology used on the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle is actually the intelligent autonomous driving technology from Haoyu Technology.

And such news suddenly became a rage. You must know that Haoyu Technology's intelligent autonomous driving technology is currently the industry's leading high-end autonomous driving technology.

This set of intelligent autonomous driving technology was initially used on models cooperated with B Asia Auto. Later, with the excellent experience and outstanding performance of this intelligent autonomous driving technology, it was quickly used by B Asia Auto in all its mid-to-high-end models. Above the car series. Relying on this set of intelligent autonomous driving technology, BYAC has captured a large chunk of the electric vehicle market.

Facing the fierce coming of BYAC, other car manufacturers naturally couldn't sit still and began to cooperate with Wu Hao and others. Subsequently, this set of intelligent autonomous driving technology was also used by other car manufacturers and began to be used in Above some mid-to-high-end brand models. Even this set of intelligent autonomous driving technology has been recognized by established European car manufacturers and has been used in their models.

In recent years, with the rise of new energy vehicles, traditional automobile manufacturers have become increasingly difficult to resist under such huge competitive pressure. This also forced them to change their strategies and start actively cooperating with other companies to absorb advanced technologies.

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