Military Technology

Chapter 1698 Tao Zhengyang’s Tiandi High-Speed ​​Communication Network Project

Of course, it is impossible for Wu Hao to give Tao Zhengyang direct information. As for whether there will be a project to orbit the moon in the future, it is really hard to say. Maybe after the current scientific research tasks are completed, such a project will be formulated. Well, not necessarily .

Seeing that nothing was asked, Tao Zhengyang felt a little regretful, but he immediately got to the point: "Mr. Wu, we have been committed to the development of aerospace technology, especially in satellite communication technology, and we have accumulated a lot of experience.

We hope to have in-depth cooperation with you in this regard and jointly build our country's first high-speed satellite communication network. "

Hearing Tao Zhengyang's words, Wu Hao responded with a smile: "Your strength in the field of communications is undoubted, and we are very much looking forward to more in-depth cooperation with you in this regard."

Having said this, Wu Hao immediately asked: "What, do you want to build a satellite network similar to "Starlink"?"

Tao Zhengyang nodded, but then shook his head: "It's similar to Star Chain, but it may not be as large in scale.

We initially plan to launch 12 high-speed and large-capacity communication satellites to form a high-speed communication network between heaven and earth to provide all commercial customers with a professional, stable and secure high-speed and low-latency communication network.

And as this project progresses, we will gradually increase the number of satellites in orbit to expand the coverage area. In the second phase, we will increase the number of high-speed and high-capacity communication satellites in orbit to 36 to provide basic coverage of the earth. In the third phase, we will double the number and increase the number of satellites to 72.

Ultimately, we plan to operate 160 high-speed and large-capacity communication satellites in space to form a professional high-speed communication network to provide customers with the most professional, stable, safe, high-speed and ultimate communication experience. "

After hearing this, Wu Hao probably understood the general situation of the project mentioned by Tao Zhengyang. It is similar to the Starlink system, but the user groups it targets are different, and the number of satellites in orbit will be greatly reduced. In addition, the quality of satellites will also be greatly improved, and the quality of communication networks will also be greatly improved, in exchange for a better communication experience.

This aspect is similar to the "Hongyan System" our country is building. Will there be some duplication? Wu Hao couldn't help but feel worried.

Tao Zhengyang shook his head and explained: "It's different. The Hongyan system is similar to Starlink. Our communication system can be regarded as a scaled-down version of Starlink or Hongyan system. Although the scale has been reduced, the overall performance has been improved a lot, such as Our biggest advantage should be stability, security, reliability, and ultra-low latency. This can not only be used for communication, but also for some special operations.

We believe that there are still great market development prospects in these fields in the future. "

After hearing Tao Zhengyang's introduction, Wu Hao thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "No problem, we will fully cooperate with you to promote the development of this project. Our Haoyu Technology has a very mature universal satellite platform. If If you need it, we can also provide customized services for you and develop a special satellite platform for you.

In addition, our space carrying capabilities, whether in low-Earth orbit or geosynchronous orbit, have also been greatly improved, which is enough to meet most payload launch needs. And because we use recyclable technology, launch costs are also dropping significantly.

Don't worry, we will definitely give you the best price in this regard. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Tao Zhengyang also understood the meaning of Wu Hao's words. This was a disguised refusal, or he was not optimistic about such a project, so he was not prepared to participate.

In this regard, Tao Zhengyang couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. If Wu Hao and others can be brought into the team, Haoyu Technology's strength in the aerospace field will be enough to promote the development of this project. But if Wu Hao and the others don't plan to participate, there's no telling whether this project can be implemented.

For Tao Zhengyang and others, although they are looking forward to the most advanced communication technology, they have never been involved in the field of aerospace technology, whether it is satellites or rockets. Therefore, the key to the success of this project is to find a reliable partner. Now Wu Hao has decisively refused because the other business partners are too weak. So this project is probably going to die unless they do it themselves, but the investment cost is too high and they can't afford it.

In Wu Hao's view, such a project requires huge investment, and the market prospects are really hard to predict. Compared with their other aerospace projects, this project is not important to them, so Wu Hao is not willing to waste resources on this, so naturally it is impossible to agree to Tao Zhengyang.

Besides, if they really want to engage in such a project, they can do it on their own, so why bother recruiting Tao Zhengyang and others to join them, or join them. Although the other party's communication technology is good, it is only good.

After receiving Wu Hao's uninterested attitude, Tao Zhengyang, who was a little disappointed, also pestered each other too much, chatted for a few more words and then ended the call. Find the bookstore

Tao Zhengyang's life has not been very good in the past few years. He has been under a lot of external pressure, causing them to lose a lot of business. Coupled with the strong rise of Haoyu Technology, especially the emergence of smart AR glasses and its development in the automotive field, Tao Zhengyang's business has been severely hit. Coupled with the already not very good business, this also put them in a situation of internal and external difficulties. So now Tao Zhengyang and the others are eager to expand their business market, and this high-speed communication network between heaven and earth is their attempt.

But judging from Wu Hao's attitude today, this project may also be aborted.

Wu Hao naturally understood Tao Zhengyang's anxiety through such long-term contact, but there was nothing he could do. In business, although he has a good impression of such a company, he cannot help the other party selflessly. This is obviously unrealistic.

Besides, he is really not interested in such a project, and compared to other aerospace projects, it is not worth mentioning at all.

In contrast, manned space projects, commercial space stations, lunar commercial scientific research stations, lunar cities, Mars exploration, deep space exploration projects, etc., these are what he is really interested in.

What makes him happy is that the excellent performance of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover on the moon has also won them the favor of many scientific research institutions, and some institutions have already sent them cooperation intentions.

For example, there is an organization that hopes to cooperate with Wu Hao and others to launch a probe to Jupiter. Wu Hao and others also have a strong interest in such a project.

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