Military Technology

Chapter 1706 Shocking Discovery

This was definitely a shocking discovery. After receiving the news, Wu Hao and the others rushed to the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center hall in less than ten minutes.

Everyone was excited when they saw the real-time white detection video sent back by the small detection robot on the big screen.

Zhang Qutong on the side excitedly introduced to everyone: "This, this, and this, these are all ice."

Where does this ice come from, asteroids or the lunar subsurface? Zou Xiaodong asked a question that everyone was concerned about.

Zhang Qutong shook his head when he heard this and said: "It's not clear yet. We need to conduct sampling and analysis, but there is a high probability that it seeped out from the ground."

Doesn’t it mean that the moon’s core has cooled and there is no strong geological movement? Zhang Jun expressed his doubts.

Zhang Qutong smiled and shook his head and explained: "The current core of the moon has cooled, but the core of the moon used to be very active, much more active than the earth. And according to scientists' estimates, the current core of the moon still remains Even with a temperature of more than a thousand degrees, it is not considered complete cooling.

And everyone, please take a look at the folded terrain at the bottom of Yuexi Valley. We believe that it was formed under the tensile stress of the lunar graben, or it may be caused by geological movements caused by meteorite impacts. For example, a small moonquake may form such a moon creek crack or valley.

Under such movement, water in the soil will gush out from the cracks with the movement and quickly condense into ice under the low temperature of the moon.

Under the Yuexi Valley, there is no sunlight all year round, so the temperature is very low, so there is no evaporation, and the ice in these valleys is preserved. "

Tong Juan heard Zhang Qutong's introduction and immediately asked: "Is this water groundwater from the moon?"

"Not necessarily. We currently have no conclusive evidence to prove the source of this water. As I said, this water is likely to seep out from the ground through cracks in geological movements. It is water that the moon originally contains. . Another point of view is that the water is probably brought by meteorites. After all, the meteorites that can create such a large crater must be very large, and it is possible that there is water on them.

There is also a view that the water comes from some mineral components in the lunar soil, water formed under the huge pressure and high temperature of meteorite impacts, or under strong geological activities such as volcanoes and earthquakes. "Zhang Qutong said with a smile.

He is in a good mood now, because such a discovery is very rare, it can be said that it only happens rarely in life. Therefore, they were very enthusiastic about Wu Hao for giving him such a precious opportunity.

Wu Hao looked at the picture on the big screen and asked: "Have you not taken the sample yet?"

The person speaking at this time was not Zhang Qutong but Zhou Xiangming, the general person in charge of the entire lunar exploration project. He smiled and said: "Not yet, the detection robot is currently detecting the valley bottom environment and conducting a comprehensive detection record as much as possible. After completing this, we will be ready to take samples and return them.”

Any new discoveries? This time Wu Hao looked at Zhang Qutong.

Seeing Wu Hao's inquiry, Zhang Qutong nodded very excitedly like a chicken pecking at rice: "We have discovered a lot. The geological environment here is very special. These folds are the best proof of geological activities. It is also because of geological activities that the These underground rock layers and soil are lifted out, which is very helpful for us to study the deep lunar soil and lunar geological activities."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this and did not continue to ask questions. Instead, he looked at the black and white pictures moving on the big screen.

At this time, Zhou Xiangming, who was accompanying him, asked Wu Hao softly: "Mr. Wu, ever since the ice at the bottom of the valley was discovered, the entire live broadcast has been interrupted in time. Now the outside world is very, very concerned about this, and reporters from some research institutions and media Everyone called to inquire about the situation.

Do you think we should hold a press conference to officially announce this news to the outside world? "

When Wu Hao heard Zhou Xiangming's words, he thought for a moment and then shook his head: "Don't worry. The more important the scientific research results are, the more careful you must be. Don't make a mistake and make a joke. It is better to wait for the sampling and analysis results to be confirmed before sharing them with the outside world." Announce it.”

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Of course, we are not a public scientific research institution, so there is no need to forget about everything. This is not good for us. So the press conference can be held, but what needs to be said can be said Say, don’t say anything you shouldn’t say, we are still waiting for the other party to pay.”

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming and Zhang Jun nodded in approval. Experts like Zhang Qutong and others had some complaints. In their opinion, such a major scientific discovery should be released to the public immediately and shared with the world. But Wu Hao and the others are too focused on profit, and now they are still thinking about how to obtain the maximum benefit.

This also made them feel a little disdainful. They thought that they were indeed businessmen. If there is no profit, they would not be able to afford it. They always put profits first. However, I just thought about these words in my mind, complained secretly, and definitely couldn't say them out loud. After all, Wu Hao and the others were the owners of the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle, and they were their bosses. If you anger them, you may lose your job. Find Shuyuan After all, attracted by such significant scientific research results, there are many experts and scholars who want to join the entire scientific research team, at least one or two people.

Therefore, although they are domestically renowned experts in related fields, they still have to show respect in front of Wu Hao and the others. Although Wu Hao and others are only as old as their children and grandchildren, the achievements they have achieved are far beyond the reach of their children and grandchildren, including themselves.

Just say that this intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle "Wangshu" cannot be developed by just anyone, and can launch it into the sky and land smoothly on the moon on a regular basis.

For Wu Hao and others, this project is commercial in nature, so profitability must be considered. Such a major discovery will definitely attract attention from all aspects, and it would be a pity to release it in vain. Therefore, Wu Hao plans to publish part of it first to attract the interest of these research institutions, including the media. If they want to obtain more useful information, they must show sincerity.

In fact, the information they have released before is very limited. If other institutions and individuals want to obtain comprehensive data information, including some high-definition pictures, they must spend money to purchase it.

Some of the high-definition photos taken by the "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle have been released on the official website of Haoyu Aerospace. Netizens can purchase and download them based on their interests and wishes. Of course, these can only be used for personal use. If it is for commercial use, such as publishing marketing accounts, news, including some magazines, you need to obtain separate commercial authorization.

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