Qin Xinghe didn't finish what he said, but Wu Hao knew that he didn't mean to say that part. Simply because they are a private enterprise, the opportunity to participate in bidding for such a major project is very rare. And because they are private enterprises, their participation in such a major project has caused great controversy. The biggest controversy is in terms of power and reliability. To put it simply, is the quality of the products produced by a private enterprise acceptable? Is it really reliable?

Therefore, if Wu Hao and others want to defeat their opponents and win this project, they must show their strong strength and come up with something convincing. Only in this way can the opponent be silenced and the project successfully won.

As long as what they come up with is not good enough, or is similar to the plans put forward by other scientific research institutions in the system, even if it is a little better, then in the end the aerospace authorities will still choose the scientific research institutions in the system after comprehensive consideration. of.

Therefore, this is the core meaning of Qin Xinghe's unfinished words. The opportunity is rare, but the difficulty is huge. If you want to get it, you must come up with something excellent.

In this regard, Wu Hao smiled and said confidently: "No problem, there is still half a year left. We will ensure quality and quantity, come up with something that makes people speechless, and win this project."

This opportunity is really rare. If they can successfully win this project, it means that Wu Hao and the others will be able to break through the current constraints and successfully join some major projects in the national aerospace industry and become major players. Products, equipment, and technology suppliers.

This not only brings huge benefits, but also brings benefits in other aspects.

Even if these are not mentioned, this project alone, as long as they can win it, can bring them a lot of profits.

Therefore, no matter what, Wu Hao and the others will prepare with their own rights and strive to win this bid.

Seeing his confident assurance, Zou Huanyi couldn't help but remind him: "Don't be careless. People started preparing for this project half a year ago. You are just starting to prepare now, and you will definitely fall behind others. And don't be careless, ours These scientific research institutions are not vegetarians, otherwise, our country’s aerospace industry would have developed so rapidly in recent years.”

Faced with Zou Huanyi's kind reminder, Wu Hao immediately accepted it humbly: "Don't worry, we will not underestimate others in this regard. In addition, we have confidence in our own technology and our own strength.

In fact, regarding the development of this space station, we have also begun research on the related inflatable inflatable space capsule. So even if we start now, we will not fall behind their research progress. Even in terms of related technologies, we can be said to be far ahead of them. "

In this regard, I believe it. Zou Huanyi smiled and nodded, then looked at the inflatable inflatable space capsule model on the other side and asked Wu Hao: "What is this? It's a bit like the inflatable Oasis you launched before. Inflatable space experimental capsule."

Wu Hao led everyone to the expandable inflatable space capsule model, smiled at everyone and introduced: "This is our 'Oasis 2' expandable inflatable space experimental capsule, which can be used in the 'Oasis' On the basis of the inflatable inflatable space experimental capsule, relevant improvements, optimization and upgrades have been made. The main purpose is to test and verify the various performances of our inflatable inflatable space capsule.

In addition, its other major mission is to test the space farm ecosystem. This time, we redesigned a complete set of space biological chains and added many plants and insects. Its goal is to provide an abundant and nutritious food source for our long-term survival on the space station, deep space, and extraterrestrial planets in the future. "

After hearing his introduction, the gray-haired expert not far from him asked: "What is the progress of the development of the 'Oasis 2' inflatable inflatable space experimental capsule, and when is it planned to be launched?" "

Wu Hao replied with a smile: "The development work is nearing completion, and relevant testing, improvement and optimization work is now underway. We plan to launch it in December this year or January next year.

It is expected to operate in orbit for 12 months to 16 months, mainly to verify the long-term operating performance of the 'Oasis 2' expandable inflatable space experimental capsule, especially the long-term performance of this expandable inflatable space capsule. Relevant changes in operation.

In addition, the mid- to long-term autonomous operation capabilities of the space farm will also be verified, especially the long-term operation status of the entire space ecological chain.

If all goes well, we plan to conduct an on-orbit docking experiment with it and our second manned spacecraft, allowing astronauts to enter it and verify its on-orbit manned capability. In addition, astronauts will also harvest some plant and insect samples from the 'Oasis 2' expandable inflatable space experimental capsule and bring them back to Earth. "

In January next year, you can use it as your competitive capital during the bidding process. After all, you have an advantage over other competitors in this regard. Qin Xinghe reminded with a smile.

Haha, thank you Bureau Qin. Wu Hao answered with a smile and didn't say much. Qin Xinghe also understood what Wu Hao meant, and then smiled and waved his hand, looking at Zou Huanyi who had been carefully studying the model of the 'Oasis II' expandable inflatable space experimental capsule.

Zou Huanyi looked at the model carefully, and then asked Wu Hao: "Compared with the previous 'Oasis' inflatable inflatable space experimental capsule, your 'Oasis 2' inflatable space experimental module has What are the areas for improvement?”

Seeing Zou Huanyi asking a question, Wu Hao immediately stepped forward and answered with a smile: "First of all, of course, the size is different. This time our 'Oasis 2' inflatable inflatable space experimental capsule can expand to ten meters. diameter, which is much larger than the former.

Secondly, the structure this time is also very different from before. This time, in addition to the inflatable experimental cabin at the front and the orbital service cabin at the rear, there is also a docking port at the front of the inflatable experimental cabin. This docking port is mainly It is used for subsequent on-orbit docking with the manned spacecraft.

In addition, because the entire inflatable experimental cabin is made of polymer composite materials, it is difficult to dissipate heat. This time, we installed two heat sink plates on the rear orbital cabin to adjust the temperature inside the entire inflatable experimental cabin. "

"I thought they were four solar wing battery sail panels, but it turns out that two of them are heat sinks." Some experts suddenly said.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "The overall energy consumption of this 'Oasis 2' expandable inflatable space experimental capsule is very small. The power generated by two solar wing battery sails is enough, and four are not needed."

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