Military Technology

Chapter 1741 Genius Design

Such a large solar sail needs to be very light, otherwise, the gain will outweigh the loss.

As for this nearly 800-square-meter solar sail, it is very thin and light. It is basically cut and made from a special polymer composite film. This storm composite film is very thin and light, only less than 0.5 mm. Such a thin film needs to be made so large and quite strong, which places more stringent requirements on the manufacturing process.

If this is just the case, it is not enough to make experts exclaim and marvel. This huge solar sail is not simple. Wu Hao and his scientific research and technical personnel were very talented and prepared to spray a photosynthetic power-generating paint on it, which can perform photoelectric conversion. Although the efficiency of flexible solar cell sail panels currently commonly used on spacecraft is much weaker, the advantage is that the area of ​​​​this solar sail is huge, so the electricity generated is also very objective.

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, some experts present could not help but raise their own doubts: "In this case, why do we still use solar sails? Why not just use this kind of flexible solar cell sail panels."

Before Wu Hao could speak, an expert answered for him: "The further away from the sun, the weaker the sunlight that can be received. If it reaches the outer ring of the solar system, or the edge, then the The received solar energy can be said to be very low, and the solar cell sail panels have no use."

Regarding the expert's answer, the expert who asked the question immediately asked: "Since solar cell sail panels have no use, will solar sails that also rely on sunlight be useful?"

Hearing the expert's rhetorical question, the expert who answered was stunned and couldn't answer for a while. At the same time, the experts and leaders in the hall also started talking about it.

Indeed, after being reminded like this, everyone realized that this solar sail seemed to have no much effect like the solar cell sail panel.

While discussing, everyone also looked at Wu Hao, wanting to wait for his answer.

Faced with such a problem, Wu Hao always kept smiling. After seeing everyone at the scene calm down slightly, Wu Hao gently uttered two words: "Speed!"

In the midst of everyone's surprise, Wu Hao went on to explain: "The solar sail can generate additional speed for the detector. This acceleration is continuous, even permanent. In terms of aspects, it is no better than the detector at all. The Hall engine assembled above is poor.

Secondly, we also fully considered the complexity and harshness of the space environment, so we designed a backup power system for this probe. In this way, even if there is a problem with its main power system, the probe can still rely on the backup power system, which is the solar sail, to continue flying forward. "

After hearing Wu Hao's explanation, everyone nodded, recognizing his answer.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and continued to introduce: "In addition, the front section of this deep space probe is also equipped with these four new solid-state batteries we developed. The function of these four new solid-state batteries is to store isotopes. The electricity generated by the thermoelectric battery and the solar sail is stored and used for the operation of the entire deep space probe. This is the basic situation of the energy system and auxiliary propulsion system of the entire deep space probe.

In the front section of the entire deep space detector, a variety of scientific research detection equipment is installed, including detectors of various bands, imaging equipment, communication systems, intelligent control systems, etc.

By the way, speaking of the communication system, we also made an innovative design this time. As we all know, the distance of deep space exploration is very far, so the difficulty in communication between the detector and the earth has always been one of the headaches for scientists.

So this time, we made innovative designs in this area, thus enhancing the communication performance of the entire deep space probe. "

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Wu Haoxiao pointed at the deep space probe model and said: "Everyone still remembers the huge solar sail we just talked about. We think its large area can be fully utilized. Get up."

Use this solar sail?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the first person to react was not the experts present, but Qin Xinghe. His eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "You mean to use this solar sail as an antenna to communicate with the earth."

Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Why not? This solar sail is nearly 800 square meters. Such a large size can be used as an amplifier to enhance the transmission and reception of signals.

Now everyone is looking at our deep space probe. Its overall shape is just a huge disk with a long stick running through the middle. Do you think of the antenna pot used for communication outside? "

Don't tell me, they look alike! Under Wu Hao's reminder, the experts carefully looked at the deep space probe hanging in mid-air again and nodded involuntarily.

This is really a genius idea and a genius design!

After admiring, someone immediately asked: "Can such a design be realized?"

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled: "Since we can come up with such a design plan, we naturally have a complete set of related solutions. You don't have to worry about this."

Seeing Wu Hao's concise and confident answer, everyone was a little surprised at first, and then they had many questions. However, seeing Wu Hao answer in just a few words, everyone knew that they would definitely not be able to get anything out of the question now, so it was better to wait until later and take it easy, there was no rush.

Wu Hao glanced at everyone, and then continued to introduce: "There is actually another article on the long truss support rod. There are also a lot of instruments and equipment installed on it, and some are also used for related detection research. We will talk about this later. Say it again.

Next is the second half of the deep space probe, which is also the most important power part.

The power part of this deep space probe is also divided into two parts, or a two-stage propulsion system. From back to front, they are the first-stage rocket propulsion system and the second-stage Hall ion propulsion system.

First of all, the first-stage rocket propulsion system is a rocket section equipped with four small-thrust liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen engines. Its main function or purpose is to accelerate the deep space probe in its initial stage.

If we only rely on the several Hall ion thrusters equipped on the deep space probe, it will probably take a long time to increase the flight speed of the deep space probe to a considerable speed, and we may also need to borrow the gravity of stars. A slingshot will do.

This time, in order to increase the flight speed of the deep space probe, researchers designed and equipped it with a rocket propulsion system to increase its speed in the initial stage. This greatly solved the problem of Hall ion propulsion. The shortcomings of the thruster are small thrust and slow acceleration. "

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