Military Technology

Chapter 1744 The military will definitely be interested in this technology

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After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone immediately understood clearly what he meant. It was nothing more than a cost issue. If the cost is too high, then the technology has no value in implementing it.

Qin Xinghe, on the other hand, waved his hand at him and said, "Let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about the technical aspect. What stage of development have you reached."

Wu Hao glanced at Qin Xinghe when he heard this, and then nodded and replied: "The current technology development work is progressing very smoothly. Some of the technical problems that troubled me before have been solved. Now we can carry out a series of verification and field experiments."

After listening to what he said, everyone also had a basic understanding. In other words, there are no technical problems with the Jianmu-2 special launch vehicle, and now there are only cost control problems.

The second stage of your Jianmu-2 special rocket uses the same flying wing structure layout as the Russian aerospace department. Immediately, some experts asked Wu Hao.

Indeed, Russia is developing a recyclable rocket, and its second-stage rocket also adopts this flying-wing design layout.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, but the specific design concept was developed based on the way the space shuttle flew and landed when it returned, and the aerodynamic shape of the cruise missile when it was flying."

Can you tell me more specifically? A leader at the scene suggested.

Wu Hao glanced at everyone, then nodded and started talking: "Actually, we have thought about many plans regarding the landing method of the second-stage rocket, such as directly using the engine to push back for landing, and using our Jianmu II rocket to land directly. The first-stage rocket landed like a parachute, and there was this kind of flying-wing gliding landing.

Each of these solutions has its own advantages, and of course each has its own limitations. After a comprehensive discussion, we first eliminated the first landing method.

The flight altitude of the two-stage rocket is over millions of kilometers. If it wants to land, it must first return to the atmosphere. If it carries too much fuel, it is likely to cause the fuel inside the rocket to overheat, resulting in deflagration. This is definitely not possible. .

Even if this problem is solved, when landing at such a height, the rocket engine must continue to ignite and decelerate, and its working time will be greatly extended. This will not only consume too much fuel, but also cause damage to the rocket engine.

Consuming too much fuel means carrying more fuel during launch, which will sacrifice the payload transport capacity of the rocket. It used to be six tons, but it may now be doubled to three tons or even less. Yes, this is obviously not cost-effective.

And long-term operation of the engine means damage to the engine. There are only two solutions. One is to enhance the quality of the engine so that it can work longer. The other is to replace the engine with a new one after landing. These two methods will add huge costs wherever they are, which is not much cheaper than building a new rocket. It is not cost-effective.

Therefore, we have focused our attention on the parachute landing method. We have successful experience in this aspect and should be said to be the most confident. However, when using a parachute to land, the first-stage rocket is fine, but for the second-stage rocket, using this method is a bit like landing a manned spacecraft.

The height is too high. If you use a parachute to land, the landing point is difficult to control and can only be predicted. Therefore, the uncertainty of the landing location of the rocket limits the application of this technology. Secondly, the second-stage rocket is so high that if it does not choose to land on a flat landing site, it will tip over. The rocket is no better than other rockets. Such a toppling and violent impact will inevitably cause some malfunctions, which will not be easy to repair, and the cost will naturally increase. .

Moreover, carrying such a large set of parachutes will inevitably increase the weight, which will also seriously squeeze the load transportation weight, thereby reducing the carrying capacity of the rocket. It is also a disguised increase in cost, which is not very cost-effective.

So, we focused our attention on the method of landing by flying wing gliding.

Compared with the previous two types, the flying wing gliding landing structure does not rely on the long-term use of the engine, thus extending the working life of the engine. Second, there is no need to carry such a large parachute group, so there is no need to squeeze the weight of the load transportation.

Third, the flying wing structure is less affected by weather and is easy to control, so that its flight attitude, route, landing site, etc. can be controlled, increasing its overall reliability and safety. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, looked at everyone, and then changed the topic and said: "Of course, this method also has many shortcomings. For example, first of all, it is technically difficult to glide from hundreds of kilometers into space. It re-enters the atmosphere and then glides back to the landing ground. The technology used in this process is undoubtedly top-notch.

This orbiter re-entry and return technology is a top-secret technology currently being actively developed by the military of various countries. Currently, there are only a few fingers that master this technology.

It’s not that other countries don’t want to do it, but it’s because the technology is too difficult.

The gliding landing technology we are going to use can be said to be comparable to the orbiter re-entry and return landing technology, and may even be more difficult in some aspects.

For example, when it first re-enters the atmosphere, how to control its speed to avoid friction with the atmosphere at too fast speed, thereby avoiding being burned in the atmosphere.

Secondly, when landing, the speed of gliding from hundreds of kilometers to a relaxed landing is undoubtedly very fast. How to slow down, how to land, etc. are also a big problem before us.

Of course, these are all technical problems, and we can solve them. However, solving these problems will undoubtedly bring continuing costs. As a commercial company and a commercial project, we have to consider cost factors.

If the cost is too high, then it will not be cost-effective to carry out this technology. After all, our original intention of developing this technology is to make money. "

After hearing Wu Hao's explanation, everyone present nodded to express their understanding. Wu Hao is right. The biggest purpose of this rocket return and reuse technology is to reduce the cost of a single launch of the rocket and achieve profitability. If the cost is too high, then there is no need to continue using this technology.

But for such a good technology to be abandoned due to cost reasons, everyone present must be a little reluctant. However, everyone is short of money, so they can't think of any good ideas for a while.

At this time, Qin Xinghe smiled at Wu Hao and said, "Xiao Wu, I think you can have a broader view, and don't just limit yourself to Qingshui Yamen like our aerospace system."

you mean? Wu Hao thought of something, but he didn't react for a while.

Qin Xinghe smiled and said: "Military, I believe that the military will definitely be interested in such a project. You might as well look for them. You have a good relationship with them. I don't need to teach you how to do it."

Hehe, Wu Hao suddenly came to his senses and immediately burst into laughter. Indeed, how could he have forgotten this?

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