Military Technology

Chapter 1767 Parents need more companionship

Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman seemed very happy for Wu Hao and the others to come back.

As a parent, how could you not like your children to come back to you? However, due to various reasons, the children could only temporarily put aside their family ties and choose careers.

Children working alone in big cities have a hard time, and parents at home looking forward to their children coming home are equally hard.

Most children can spend only a handful of times a year with their parents. Some may only have a few days during the Chinese New Year, and some may even go back during the long holidays.

However, such opportunities are still too few, and most young people have their own lives. After finally taking a long vacation, no one wants to travel thousands of kilometers, rush back to their parents for a few days, and then rush back to work exhausted.

What's more, young people will also start their own families one after another. After having their own families, their attention will be gradually divided into their own families, so there will be even fewer opportunities and time to go back to their hometown.

If both husband and wife are only children, it means that two families and four elderly people have to share the limited holidays of such a young couple. Whose house are you going to? Is it a man or a woman, how to arrange the time?

No matter how it is divided, parents on both sides have fewer opportunities to see their children. In China's traditional culture, especially the cultural atmosphere that emphasizes reunion and filial piety, these parents are undoubtedly the most miserable.

They worked hard for half their lives to train their children to be successful. However, after they became successful, these children all flew away, leaving only a pair of empty nesters living alone for the rest of their lives.

Even so, these parents are still shining for their children. Many parents may have spent their entire life's savings in order for their children to own a house in a big city.

But even so, these old people still miss their children all the time. My life is already very difficult, but I still worry about whether my children far away have enough to eat and whether their clothes are warm.

He would even use the little savings he had managed to save to finance his children's household expenses. As for myself, I am reluctant to eat, wear, and use. Sometimes an inadvertent sentence posted by their children in WeChat Moments will make their parents worried and sleepless for several days.

These are parents, these are parents in China. They have grown up from children and worked hard for their children all their lives. One pair, one generation after another, constitute our country’s understanding of human ethics, morality and culture for thousands of years. It is also because of this that our splendid culture can endure to this day. In the history of our country, so many outstanding talents have been born.

Wu Hao, Lin Wei and Wu Tong came back, making this originally deserted home lively again. Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman started preparing for their return more than a month in advance.

The bedding in their room was taken out to dry in advance, and the quilt covers and sheets were washed in advance. The whole house went through a general cleaning and was cleaned cleanly.

In order to decorate their home, the two old people bought a lot from the market. In addition to buying a lot of flowers and plants, I also bought a lot of snacks for Wu Tong and their daughter-in-law Lin Wei.

Afraid of the additives in the food they buy at the supermarket, the two elderly people actually--\u003e\u003e

I traveled dozens of kilometers to go to farmers’ houses to buy and make them myself.

Knowing that Wu Hao didn't like eating these snacks, I prepared a lot of delicious food for him. Mutton is the fattest in autumn, so Wu Jianhua went to the countryside and bought two young goats raised by farmers. This kind of semi-large goat meat is the most plump and tender. It is very suitable for braised, braised or grilled.

Every day for breakfast, lunch and lunch, I put all my efforts into making all kinds of delicious food in different ways. Wu Hao's stepmother Zhang Xiaoman, in order to cater to the tastes of young people, heard from her father Wu Jianhua that she started learning various cuisines half a year ago.

As for those who did not do well or failed at the beginning, the old couple ate it themselves. It is said that in order to make squirrel mandarin fish, the two old men ate squirrel mandarin fish for half a month. In the end, his father Wu Jianhua directly complained to Wu Hao and others.

Wu Hao is really grateful to Zhang Xiaoman, his stepmother. Although he still hasn't called her mom yet, he has already recognized this little mom in his heart. Maybe he doesn't know when, the image of his mother in his heart has slowly turned into Zhang Xiaoman.

This time Wu Hao came back and found that his father Wu Jianhua and stepmother Zhang Xiaoman were obviously a little older, and Wu Jianhua had more white hair on his head. The wrinkles at the corners of Zhang Xiaoman's eyes are also more obvious.

Logically speaking, by successfully sending Wu Tong, a girl who is not easy to worry about, to college, the two of them should not have to worry about it now, and their lives will be easier.

But the situation seems to be exactly the opposite. Without them playing around, the aging of the two elders has obviously accelerated. Sure enough, parents need more company. Only when their children are by their side will they become happy. Even if the daily worries are difficult and they always express disdain, this worry and disdain have long since become a habit and a hobby. If you lose it suddenly, you will feel that life is meaningless.

Wu Hao has expressed the hope more than once that his parents can come to Anxi to live with them. Their house is big enough, even if both parents live in it, it is still very spacious.

If your parents are not used to living with them, you can live somewhere else close to their home. With Wu Hao's current ability, it would be easy to handle this matter.

However, for Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman, this is their hometown where they have lived for most of their lives. The two of them obviously couldn't accept the fact that they had to move away when they were old.

Especially since their relatives and friends are all here, and their ancestral graves are also here, it is hard to leave their traditional homeland.

Wu Hao was also helpless about this and had no choice but to end up with no results. Sometimes he would also think about it from another perspective, why he selfishly asked his parents to leave his hometown where he had lived for most of his life and insist on living in the city where he lived.

Why, this is a familiar city for you, but for your parents, this is indeed a completely unfamiliar environment. The elderly have a very poor adaption to this new environment. Why can't we as children be considerate of them?

And why should parents compromise? Why shouldn't you compromise? Why can't children compromise, give up their careers and current lives, and go home to accompany their parents?

Because of work, because of life, because of a better future, because we still have a long way to go. We always use such excuses to convince ourselves and numb ourselves again and again. This is the normal state of life and the helplessness of life.

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