Military Technology

Chapter 1769 Moon Harbor

I helped Wu Jianhua tidy up the rockery and added many new plants and landscape models. Finally, Wu Tong, the girl, also joined in and personally arranged a miniature landscape.

As for Lin Wei and Zhang Xiaoman, after watching for a while, they had already gone to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

With the joint efforts of the three of them, the rockery was finally tidied up and arranged. Although with the participation of Wu Hao and Wu Tong, the newly arranged rockery seems not as natural and beautiful as before, it has been highly praised by Wu Jianhua.

For Wu Jianhua, perhaps this rockery is not beautiful enough or natural enough. But this is the masterpiece of his children and him, which is very meaningful. In the future, when the children are no longer around, they will be able to look at this rockery fish pond and miss the people they see.

After cleaning up the rockery, it’s time to release the water. Because it is tap water and there is disinfectant chlorine in it, the koi cannot be put down directly. It needs to be exposed to the sun for a day to allow the chlorine in the water to dissolve and dissipate, and to increase the nutrients in the water, and then these fish can be put in. Fortunately, the sunshine is good today, so we can release fish at night.

After finishing these tasks, Wu Jianhua invited the two of them to sit on the wicker chairs under the umbrella next to the fish pond. He leisurely helped them make tea while admiring the fruits of their previous labor.

Wu Hao took the tea cup handed over by Wu Jianhua and tasted it carefully. If you drink too much tea, you will naturally understand it better. Although Wu Hao has only scratched the surface now, he can still taste the taste of this tea.

But this girl Wu Tong couldn't do it. She took a sip and found it too bitter, and then started swiping with the transparent folding tablet Wu Hao gave her. After not brushing for long, I felt that sitting was too uncomfortable, so I ran back into the house and lay down on the sofa.

When Wu Hao and Wu Jianhua saw this, they shook their heads and laughed. Wu Jianhua added a glass to Wu Hao, then smiled at him and asked: "I heard that you are planning to build a scientific research station on the moon so that people can live there for a long time?"

Wu Hao knew that Wu Jianhua would be very concerned about news reports related to him, so he smiled and nodded: "Yes, there is such a plan. In the future, we plan to build a lunar commercial scientific research station on the moon, and then serve our domestic and It is open to overseas scientists and tourists. These scientists and tourists only need to pay a certain fee to live and study at this lunar commercial research station for a period of time."

"Isn't our country already building the international lunar scientific research station? Isn't your project a bit repetitive? Can it make money?" Wu Jianhua asked with some concern. Although he knew that such a huge project was beyond his imagination, he still wanted to ask out of concern for his son.

Regarding his father's problem, Wu Hao naturally could not explain it to him in detail from a professional perspective. Even if it is told to him, he may not be able to understand it. So I can only talk about it in a simple and popular way.

"It will definitely make money. Otherwise, we would not be able to prepare for this project, especially since the investment is so huge. As for the International Lunar Research Station, it is an official project, which is different from our project. And compared to the official project, there are many rules and regulations. The restrictions are strict, and we don’t have so many rigid regulations, so it is relatively free. Therefore, it is more suitable for commercial scientific research projects, as well as the development of lunar tourism."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao took a breath and continued: "Now all countries are actively developing the space industry, so the development of the space field--\u003e\u003e

Very fast.

Some people think that the way humans explore the universe now is a bit like the navigators' continuous exploration in the ocean on the eve of the Great Voyage. Opportunities and challenges coexist, and it depends on who can stand out.

We know that Europe relied on the opening of new routes in the Great Navigation and established Europe, as well as Europe and the United States' dominance of the oceans for hundreds of years. And relying on the plunder and accumulation in the Age of Discovery, these countries benefited a lot and rose rapidly. So far, they are all powerful countries and regions in the world.

Whoever controls the ocean controls the world.

Now, the same opportunity is before us. If we cannot catch up and participate, once other countries and companies initially take control of these resources, it will be even more difficult for us to catch up.

There is a great voyage ahead that has kept us chasing for hundreds of years. And now in the vaster universe, if we miss the opportunity again, we will have to catch up for who knows how many years.

Therefore, faced with this situation, both the country and enterprises must seize this rare opportunity and work hard to develop.

Just like companies in various countries are now developing their own Starlink plans, do you think they are really developing their own communication networks? No, this is just the surface, their real purpose is to seize very precious orbital resources.

Space is huge, but the resources in orbit around the Earth are indeed limited. Previous spacecraft, some debris, and asteroids orbit them, leaving us humans with not many orbital resources available, and some high-value orbital resources are even more precious.

According to relevant regulations, these orbital resources belong to whoever occupies them first, so these countries and companies are so happy to launch so many satellites.

Their purpose is to seize these orbital resources, then hoard them, and then sell them when the orbital resources are exhausted in the future. If they want to obtain them at that time, the price will naturally be very high. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao took a sip of tea, and then continued: "The same is true on the moon. First of all, there are many precious resources on the moon. In addition to the helium-3 accident that we have all heard of, there are also many other minerals. For example, ilmenite, copper, gold, quartz, etc. These resources are very precious and belong to whoever mines them.

In addition, the moon is the gateway for the earth to enter and exit the universe, and its strategic value is very important. In the future, if we humans want to go to deep space or return to the earth from outer space, we will need to pass through the moon.

Therefore, the moon is at the crossroads of entering and exiting the earth. Whoever controls this place will cut off other people's access to the outer universe.

If we don’t work hard now and watch others take control of the moon, then we will have to face difficulties if we want to enter deep space.

From a commercial perspective, such an important place is very suitable for establishing a transit supply center to serve cargo ships entering and leaving the moon.

In the great voyage, Xingjiapo, a lion city, relied on its strategic location adjacent to the entrance of the Strait of Malacca and became one of the largest famous ports in the world. Every year, the oil, water and docking fees alone can make Xingjiapo earn The pots are full. In the future, the strategic value of the moon will be much greater in the great voyages. You must know that there are many such strategic ports on the earth, but there is only one moon. "

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