Military Technology

Chapter 1778 Micro Field Sentinel System

After sighing, Zhou Yonghui said solemnly: "I'm not worried about the ground aspect. They are doing a good job in this area. What I am most worried about is the field of drones, especially I heard that the opponent is targeting our drones." Many new tactics and tactics have been researched, and I am worried that they may be specifically targeted during the exercise."

Wu Hao heard this and waved his hands with a smile: "It is certain that we will be targeted. If we are not targeted, then what is the point of this exercise?

The enemy cannot be so willing to be beaten, and will definitely come up with various ways to deal with it. To put it bluntly, this is a competition between spears and shields to see who is stronger.

So you don’t actually have to worry too much in this regard, just focus on the performance characteristics of our weapons and equipment. And I have full confidence in the performance of our weapons and equipment. I don't believe that the other side can eat us to death.

We must be good at utilizing the characteristics and advantages of our weapons and equipment. Think carefully, what are the advantages of our weapons and equipment? "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Yonghui couldn't help but think. Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, and did not interrupt his thoughts, but waited for him quietly for a while.

After about a minute or two, Zhou Yonghui finally came to his senses and quickly looked at Wu Hao with an apologetic expression.

Wu Hao waved his hand at this, and then said to several people: "Let's go around."

Okay, after hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Yonghui and the other three people immediately began to lead him into the carriage of a large box train.

Although it looks like a carriage from the outside, there is something hidden inside. It can be said to be a whole other world.

The space inside the entire carriage is very huge, because the carriage can be extended left and right, so the interior is relatively spacious. There are two rows of high-definition ultra-thin computer screens on both sides of the carriage. At this moment, many technicians are sitting and busy in front of these high-definition ultra-thin computer screens. On the carriage walls on both sides above these computer screens, there are some huge ultra-thin high-definition screens hanging, which display some pictures and data information.

In the middle, there is a huge digital sandbox, which has all the data information of the entire exercise area marked on it, and is displayed in a three-dimensional 3D form.

As for the cargo box ceiling, in order not to make the interior of the car appear claustrophobic, a simulated display screen is set up on the top of the car, which can play some sky scenes, or display the external environment through the camera on the top of the car.

Seeing Wu Hao's eyes focused on the 3D digital sand table, Zhou Yonghui smiled at Wu Hao and introduced: "This digital sand table was drawn by ourselves on the basic satellite map given to us by the exercise director department, using our wireless Humans and machines can conduct 3D stereoscopic scans of all areas in the entire exercise area and draw such 3D three-dimensional maps. These maps have long been shared with the Blue Army Command Center and synchronized with the exercise director.

Starting from this morning, at the request of the Blue Army Command Center, our detection and inspection drones have begun to carry out high-altitude warning patrol missions continuously, and constantly update the 3D three-dimensional map of the entire exercise area, so that the Red Army can participate in the exercise. Any actions of the troops in the exercise area cannot be hidden from these drones.

Unless, they use countermeasures to attack these detection drones, but in this case, their position will be exposed.

In addition to this, we scattered a number of miniature field sentinel devices throughout the exercise area. The miniature field sentry device we deployed this time is very small, only more than 40 centimeters. Forming a cylindrical shape before deploying, it can be dropped by a parachute or launched by a rocket.

This time, with the help of Blue Army fighter jets, we dropped about a thousand such miniature field sentinel devices throughout the entire exercise area.

These micro-sentinel devices will automatically deploy and enter sleep mode after landing. When the sensors equipped on them detect relevant abnormalities, the system will automatically wake up and start work.

For example, an infrared signal is detected. This is mainly used to defend against some small-scale surprise attack infiltration forces and special forces. In addition, it can also detect slight vibrations on the nearby ground within a few hundred meters to determine whether a convoy is passing by. "

With such a small size, how long can it work? Wu Hao looked at the photos displayed on the big screen and asked with interest.

"We installed a new lithium battery inside it, so it can be on standby for three months without the help of a solar panel, and can continue to run for about a week after it is turned on. We installed a small solar panel on it The battery board can charge this miniature field sentry device, thereby effectively extending its standby time and working time." Zhou Yonghui introduced with a smile at him. Obviously, this is their latest masterpiece, otherwise he would It's impossible to be so confident.

When Wu Hao saw this, he smiled and joked: "Looking at it this way, the red team participating in the exercise will definitely lose. Why fight? There is no need to continue this exercise."

The moment the red team's participating troops step into the exercise area, their whereabouts will be known to you. In this way, it will be much easier for you to target them again. "


Everyone heard his smile, but Zhou Yonghui shook his head: "No, I don't think that this equipment alone can defeat the opponents in this exercise. It's obvious that they are all well-prepared. We have also conducted in-depth research, and there will definitely be corresponding countermeasures.”

So what do you think is the biggest weakness or drawback of this miniature field sentry system? Wu Hao looked at Zhou Yonghui and asked.

Zhou Yonghui thought for a moment, then looked up at Wu Hao and replied: "It's fragile electronic components, digital systems, and electromagnetic signals used to transmit data.

Once the red team's participating troops carry out strong electromagnetic suppression on the exercise area, these miniature field sentinel devices scattered throughout the exercise area will be ineffective.

In addition, even if the electromagnetic suppression fails, the opponent can still use electromagnetic pulse weapons or graphite bombs to cover the entire exercise area, so these miniature field sentinel systems will also be ineffective. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Yonghui said with a smile: "However, I don't believe they will be so extreme, because if this happens, they will also be affected.

Therefore, this system can still suppress the opponent's actions to a great extent, limiting their combat effectiveness in the exercise area, which is also a huge gain. "

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