Military Technology

Chapter 1781 Being regarded as a dream

What is the current status of this unit? Wu Hao immediately asked.

The condition is very good and the morale is high.

Meng Hai responded with a smile: "From the unit supervisor to the soldiers below, everyone is holding back their energy, hoping to shine in this exercise and become famous in one fell swoop."

What about weapons and equipment? Wu Hao then asked further.

Meng Hai said with a smile: "We specially dispatched a technical support team to follow the rear of the troops to provide real-time support to ensure that these weapons and equipment are in the best condition at all times."

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this: "This is a trump card. Its appearance means that the war will end. It can be said that it is the terminator of the war. I believe that the Blue Army will not let this unit appear before the decisive stage. of."

Yes, I heard the Blue Army command say the same thing. Meng Hai nodded and said: "In addition to these, the Blue Army also controls these two cards. One is our light field area air defense system, which includes the UAV field area air defense system and the laser field area air defense system. system.

At present, the Blue Army has dispersed such an air defense battalion at important nodes throughout the exercise area and hidden it to ambush the Blue Army's low-altitude penetration fighters, helicopters, missiles, and drones.

Especially for important targets, the defense deployment has been strengthened. If the air power of the red team participating in the exercise wants to break through the defense, I am afraid it will have to pay a high price. "

Wu Hao heard that there were some differences, and then shook his head and smiled: "I didn't expect that we developed this weapon and equipment only a short time ago. It was only delivered to some troops for use. Unexpectedly, it was pulled over by the Blue Army. The nose is so good. of.

But by the way, have you given us any instructions on how to use our weapons and equipment at will? "

With that said, Wu Hao looked at Zhou Yonghui. Zhou Yonghui spread his hands and showed a helpless expression.

Wu Hao chuckled, then waved his hand and said: "Let's remember this account first. As the exercise is approaching, we can't go to the weapons and equipment we need."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, several people laughed and showed helpless expressions.

In fact, this matter can be big or small. The key point is that the Blues are doing things very unethically. If they had said hello in advance and followed the procedures, could Wu Hao and the others have stopped him and said no.

And this is also a good thing. Through this exercise, we can further test and demonstrate the performance of their weaponry.

That's why Wu Hao asked him to write down the account first, and then settle the accounts slowly after the exercise was over. Although there is a high probability that they will be mixed up with the mud, at least it can make the leaders of the Blue Army feel unhappy. Who asked them to make Wu Hao and others feel unhappy in the first place.

Although he said this, Wu Hao still has a keen sense and advanced perception of modern weapons and equipment and modern tactics on the part of the Blue Army.

It is obvious that the other party pays strong attention to this field and conducts in-depth research. Only in this way can they obtain information about these advanced weapons and equipment as soon as possible and work hard to get them. This was true for the previous digital special synthetic battalion equipped with intelligent mechanical exoskeletons, and this is also true for the field area air defense system.

What makes Wu Hao a little helpless is that it is obvious that they have become the focus of this Blue Army team. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to pull over their troops who were trying out this weapon and equipment in such a short period of time.

As for Meng Hai, a piece of news then broke out: "In addition, the Blue Army also borrowed our Xingtian humanoid robot and Xingtian powered armor to assemble a special force.

This unit is kept strictly confidential and currently only the Blue Army knows about it. After we gave it its final inspection and maintenance, this special unit disappeared. In order to prevent us from leaking secrets, the Blue Army asked us to turn off the positioning devices on these mechas, so now we don’t know where this special force is. "

Wu Hao opened his mouth when he heard this. Not a word was spoken for a long time. After a long time, Wu Hao finally opened his mouth and said: "Where is the Blue Army headquarters? I want to visit!"


After hearing Wu Hao's words, the three of them looked at each other and said nothing.

"This is a bit too bullying. We really think we are Doraemon, and everything is taken out of our pockets. It's not who agreed to this matter. Did I agree? Who made the decision?" Wu Hao looked at the three of them. Not in a good mood.

Um... The three of them were a little frightened by his sudden anger. After a long time, Zhou Yonghui said weakly to him: "We didn't want to, but the other party just forced it. There is nothing we can do about it, they have such rights. "


Wu Hao thought for a moment, and then sighed involuntarily.

There is indeed such a provision in the law that when the military or in need, some materials can be requisitioned from society, and the people and various institutions must cooperate unconditionally.

Of course, this is not free occupation. After the requisition is completed, the army must fully compensate the requisitioned materials to the people and units that were requisitioned, and compensate for related losses.

This is no problem for ordinary people and units, but it is really a big problem for Wu Hao and others. These are cutting-edge weapons and equipment that are in the process of research and development experiments and have not been successfully developed. This was obviously taken directly from their laboratory test field by the Blue Army under the banner of requisition.

So thinking of this, Wu Hao couldn't help but feel angry, but he had no choice but to say in frustration: "Keep the relevant evidence and prepare a copy for me. When the chief comes, I have to file a complaint. This is simply too bullying." .”

As he said that, Wu Hao waved his hand: "Don't watch it, don't watch it, go ahead as you like. You have worked hard for so many days, take a day off and have a good rest. You will inform me later."

Now? Zhou Yonghui couldn't help being surprised when he heard Wu Hao's words: "However, this exercise will start soon. If we take a vacation, it may seriously affect the Blue Army's preparation and deployment."

It's none of our business, I make the decision, take a day off. He is allowed to strike at us, but we are not allowed to strike at him. Wu Hao raised his eyebrows.

This wasn't really a big problem originally. It was perfectly fine to just follow the normal procedure and say hello. But the other party actually came hard and requisitioned them directly, and Wu Hao didn't even know about it now. This was obviously too much.

Since the other party is playing like this, he will stay with him until the end.

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to actually interfere with this exercise. You must know that this exercise has been prepared for a long time. It is one of the very important annual series of exercises. If there are only mistakes, we will have to suffer from it.

That's why Wu Hao said to take a day off. Wu Hao took a rough look and found that all the preparations were basically in place. Only some final and finishing work was left, so taking a day off would not affect the overall situation. Besides, the drill won't start until tomorrow anyway, so there's no rush.

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