Military Technology

Chapter 1784: Being wronged

Chapter 1785: Wronged


When Wu Hao returned to the guest house, he was indeed very tired from the round trip. In addition, he was a little weak after paying too much public food last night, so he took a shower and went to rest directly.

After probably sleeping for more than an hour, the phone in the room rang. It was Shen Ning calling, telling him that Luo Kai was here.

Wu Hao naturally knew the reason why Luo Kai came to him at this time, but he still had to do what he should do, so he immediately refused: "Tell him that I am very tired now, and we can wait until the drill starts tomorrow to talk about anything."

After saying that, Wu Hao hung up the phone directly. But not long after, the landline phone rang again. Wu Hao knew that this should be Luo Kai's call, and then turned around and fell asleep.

The phone rang for a while and then stopped. Then there was a knock on the door, and Wu Hao sat up from the bed helplessly. Why doesn't this guy understand? He did this because he obviously didn't want to see this guy, at least not now.

However, he was no longer sleepy at all because of this guy's troubles. And it's not a big deal just to let him keep knocking like this.

So Wu Hao got up, wrapped himself in the guest house's nightgown, then walked over and opened the door, and found that standing at the door was Luo Kai, who was wearing a camouflage uniform, followed by Shen Ning, two staff members, and the guest house staff.

Wu Hao glanced at Luo Kai, didn't say anything, but turned around and walked into the room. Luo Kai, on the other hand, followed angrily. Shen Ning, who was behind, saw this and evacuated everyone. She also walked in, closed the door, and started pouring water and tea for Wu Hao and Luo Kai.

"After such a big thing, you can still sleep?" Luo Kai looked at Wu Hao and said speechlessly.

Wu Hao yawned and ignored him, but turned and walked into the bathroom. After washing up and changing clothes, I walked out and found Luo Kai sitting there with a serious face.

Wu Hao walked over and picked up the water glass and took a sip. Then he looked at Luo Kai and asked, "I heard that you went to the training ground. Are you done?"

Luo Kai glared at him and said, "Stop pretending to be confused. Don't you know what I'm here to do?"

"I asked you, can you calm down and put the overall situation first? This exercise is about to start. What do you want to do with this, sabotage the military exercise? I tell you, this alone can give you Punishment.”

"Don't do this to me. You saw me sabotaging the exercise." Wu Hao asked Luo Kai: "What's wrong with me letting my people rest? They have been here for more than half a month and you haven't rested for a day." Have you ever felt distressed?

I feel sorry for them, why am I breaking the law by letting them take a day off? "

In response to Wu Hao's series of questions, Luo Kai couldn't answer for a while, and then he said softly to Wu Hao with a helpless look: "Even if you rest, you have to wait until after the exercise. This time is really inappropriate.

What you are doing, to others, is that you do not understand the overall situation, lack the overall situation, lack the spirit of dedication, are not mature enough, and find it difficult to take on big responsibilities. "

Wu Hao looked at Luo Kai and shook his head: "I believe you also understand the relevant reasons, so I won't repeat them.

This incident chilled me and made me rethink my previous cooperation with the military.

I originally set my heart towards the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Luo Kai couldn't help scolding him: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you suffer a little grievance, you just give up and quit. You are still not a man. There were so many old seniors and old heroes in the past. Their grievances were worse than yours." For the most part, it’s not selfless dedication until the end of life.”

"You, please don't do any ideological work for me to cleanse my soul." Wu Hao smiled and laughed at himself: "I am just a capitalist, a small boss, a small role, and a young boy.

I am a rather vulgar person, and I love money the most. There is no way, who makes the main purpose of a company to make profits? "

Hearing Wu Hao's sinister words, Luo Kai couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "It's so bad, how long can I keep pretending? Don't worry, I have already reported it to the superiors, and I believe the superiors will definitely give you an explanation."

Wu Hao shook his head slightly, obviously not paying much attention to what Luo Kai said. He looked at Luo Kai and said with a helpless smile: "We invested so much manpower, material and financial resources to produce twelve samples. Now they have all been looted, and all the research and testing of our project team have been interrupted.

In the end, we were given a broken IOU with just a signature and seal on it. Something worth billions is worth just this piece of paper and a dozen words.

If it were you and the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the hard-earned research results would be taken away like this. What would happen to you? "

After glancing at Luo Kai, Wu Hao did not wait for his answer, but continued: "In other words, our private enterprises are weak and easy to bully."

"It's over, you can complain about this in my place, but you are not allowed to go out and say it." Luo Kai quickly corrected and persuaded.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and said nothing.

As for Luo Kai, he could only continue to persuade: "I know it's not easy for you, I know you have been wronged. No, didn't I quickly throw away the work at hand and come back to comfort you?

Don't worry, I have reported this matter to the police, and I believe there will be news soon.

In addition, you don’t have to belittle yourself, and you don’t have to be afraid. We all see the achievements you have made, and so do the leaders. They will never let you be wronged.

Besides, we have me, the Kong Research Institute, and the Air Force. We are all your backers, so we are not afraid. "

Seeing Luo Kai say this, Wu Hao looked at him with a smile and thanked him.

Luo Kai waved his hand and continued talking to him.

Not long after talking, the landline phone in the room rang. Shen Ning, who was standing by, saw this and immediately went to pick it up. After listening for a while, Shen Ning hung up the phone and said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, Blue Army's The political leader Sun Zhipeng is here. "

"Oh, it came very quickly." Wu Hao looked at Luo Kai and smiled playfully, then said to Shen Ning.

"You go to receive them and tell me that I'm not here. I went to visit the red team's military base where they participated in the exercise. I won't be back until tomorrow."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning and Luo Kai's foreheads were covered with black lines. They could come up with such lame excuses, how could they believe them.

As for Wu Hao, he obviously saw the doubts in the two people's minds, and then explained with a smile: "They want to know my whereabouts. The reason why I gave such an excuse is to tell them that I don't want to see them now." .”

"Okay, I'll go see them right away." Shen Ning nodded and walked out immediately.

As for Luo Kai, when he saw Shen Ning walking out, he looked at Wu Hao with an unhappy expression: "I said it's almost done. It's hard to deal with the situation if it gets too big."

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