Military Technology

Chapter 1791 The Existence of “Invincible”


"So from the appearance point of view, it is slimmer than the A-model manned version of the power mecha. Although it is slim, its actual endurance performance is actually hundreds of times higher than the A-model manned version of the power mecha. About thirty to forty points. Similarly, it can also be equipped with an extra energy backpack to increase battery life.

In addition, the biggest difference between the two models is also reflected in the intelligent control system. Compared with the A-type power mecha, the B-type power mecha has stronger independent analysis and decision-making capabilities. You can perform some tasks alone after receiving relevant orders from the rear.

For example, duty patrol, it can patrol along relevant lines, and can also undertake the duty of guarding and guarding some sentries.

After a suspicious person is discovered, the system will immediately follow and monitor closely. At the same time, it reports to the rear command and control center and alerts surrounding 'companions'. This companion can be other combat units or other powered mechas.

The mecha intelligent control system can autonomously handle these suspicious targets and emergencies based on instructions from the rear command and control center or preset instructions. For example, drive away, block, subdue, detain, etc. those who are approaching. If the other party uses force, they can also fight back. After identifying some enemy targets, attack and eliminate them, etc.

In this regard, we have given this power mecha intelligent control system a strong ability to make independent decisions. It can even formulate corresponding actions and combat plans based on the relevant instructions and intentions of the rear command and control center. If the rear command and control center does not intervene or choose, the system will independently choose the best plan for execution. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, Luo Kai couldn't help but interrupt him: "I want to know how to judge the best plan you are referring to here. What are the characteristics or conditions?"

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "This aspect depends on the nature of the mission and the decision of the rear command and control center.

If the task is given priority, then the intelligent control system of the power mecha will choose the one with the highest success rate in completing the task among the many options.

If safety is the priority, then the power mecha intelligent control system will choose the solution with the lowest risk and highest safety to execute.

Of course, there are also those who do both.

In fact, in the final analysis, this is a big data and AI learning capability. As more and more data are recorded in various early training exercises, the intelligent control system will also perform learning and analysis. Then when a task is encountered, the most appropriate plan will be selected for execution based on the data accumulated in advance.

Of course, this is not a mechanical application, but a choice to optimize, seek truth from facts, and be flexible and adaptable are the core keys. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Luo Kai nodded while absorbing and digesting what Wu Hao said, and said: "In the final analysis, this kind of unmanned operation is more intelligent and more suitable for execution than the human operation. For special tasks and high-risk tasks.

But it has a very big weakness or shortcoming compared to the manned version, that is, it is very susceptible to interference. Especially on the ground battlefield, there are more sources of interference and they are more susceptible to interference.

Therefore, how to choose and how to use them are issues that the commander needs to seriously consider. Used well, this thing is a great killer and invincible. If not used properly, this thing will be just a pile of rags, a piece of tofu, and it will break at the slightest touch. "

"Your analysis is correct." Wu Hao nodded and smiled: "This is why we make two models, so that users can choose easily. There is no such thing as bad equipment, only equipment used in the wrong place."

Luo Kai deeply agreed with Wu Hao's words, but he immediately changed the topic and looked at Wu Hao with a curious look on his face: "Although I said that, I am still curious about the combat effectiveness of your two power mechas. .What kind of weapons, machine guns, and missiles can be mounted on it?"

Haha, Wu Hao laughed when he heard Luo Kai's words. He shook his head and smiled: "This still depends on the personal choice of the user. Even if it is not equipped with any weapons, it can exert great combat effectiveness with bare hands on the battlefield.

Of course, no commander would be stupid enough to let such a big killer go to the battlefield with bare hands, unless performing some non-combat missions. "

With that said, Wu Hao smiled at Luo Kai, and then continued: "Currently, with the help of the military, we have equipped and experimented with many weapons and equipment on these two mechas.

For example, we have successfully installed a 14.5-caliber three-barreled rotary machine gun on the door and conducted live fire.

To this end, we put a large ammunition backpack on the back of this mecha, which can be equipped with 800 to 1,000 rounds of 14.5-caliber machine gun ammunition.

Although the maximum rate of fire of this 14.5 three-barrel rotary machine gun can only last for tens of seconds, but under normal circumstances, it is impossible to modulate such a fast rate of fire.

Therefore, this kind of ammunition reserve is enough for a medium-intensity battle, and the continuity of firepower and suppression capabilities are very excellent.

Of course, you don’t necessarily need this kind of three-barreled rotary machine gun. An ordinary large-caliber 14.5mm machine gun will also work. Its basic rate of fire can also meet the needs of various fire suppression tasks, and it can also greatly improve such firepower. duration. Moreover, ordinary machine guns are lighter and have a simpler structure, which also means that they are less likely to malfunction, and the weight saved can also carry more ammunition.

Of course, distance analysis of specific problems still depends on the specific needs of the user unit and actual equipment.

In addition to this large-caliber 14.5mm ordinary machine gun or three-barreled rotary machine gun, we also experimented with a 12.7-caliber machine gun version, which can carry more ammunition and has a stronger ability to sustain fire suppression. It's just that the caliber of the ammunition is weakened, and the power of the ammunition will be relatively weaker.

In addition to these two large-caliber machine guns, we also tested a domestically produced 7.62 mm six-barreled Gatling machine gun, whose maximum rate of fire can reach 6,000 rounds per minute.

Because the ammunition caliber is small and the weight is light, this mecha can carry more ammunition, and there is no problem in carrying three to four thousand rounds.

The fire suppression capability is also very terrifying. With such a mobile machine gun on the battlefield, it can suppress the fire power of a platoon or even a company of the opponent.

In addition to machine guns, we also experimented with automatic grenade launchers for its equipment. It is equipped with domestic 40mm or 35mm automatic grenade launchers, which can also carry hundreds of grenades, which is also very powerful for fire suppression capabilities on the ground battlefield. "

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