After hearing the report of the war situation, everyone focused their attention on the large screen in front. One of the large windows displayed the first-person view captured from the Blue Army Tornado series swarm suicide attack drone.

What discovered the red cruise missile battalion was a formation of two of the more than fifty Tornado series swarm suicide attack drones. After these Tornado series swarm suicide attack drones arrived in the relevant area, they immediately dispersed into groups to search, and finally found the vehicles of this rapidly moving red cruise missile battalion in one direction.

However, at the same time, the Red Cruise Missile Battalion also discovered the drone. Immediately, a vehicle stopped, and several soldiers launched two individual anti-aircraft missiles. Then the two Tornado series bees The group of suicide attack drones began to avoid the missiles, and then selected the target to attack.

As for Wu Hao, he did not wait for questions, but took the initiative to act as a commentator: "When developing this Guangfeng series of swarm suicide attack drones, we added an avoidance game system to it. When the drone When they judge that it is difficult to avoid missile or anti-aircraft artillery attacks, they will choose to start the game mode, that is, escape as much as possible. If they cannot escape, they will choose to attack the nearest enemy target.

In the video, the two Tornado series swarm suicide attack drones, after detecting the individual air defense missiles launched by the red side, calculated that they could not escape, so they urgently transmitted data, including the detected image information. Location coordinates, including wind speed, temperature, humidity, etc. On the other hand, the two Storm series swarm suicide attack drones will choose the nearest red target to launch the final game-style attack.

Of course, this is an attempt. As for whether it can attack the target before local anti-aircraft missiles intercept it, it is not clear, but it is still an attempt. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone nodded slightly. Many old people also sighed. They didn't expect that today's weapons and equipment are so advanced, and they actually know how to fight to the death.

On the big screen, the Tornado series swarm suicide attack drones were searching in all directions on the map. After receiving the data information from the two Tornado series swarm suicide attack drones, they immediately began to search for the target. Collection of directions.

All of a sudden, many icons began to fly towards the same place on the digital sand table.

As for the two Storm series swarm suicide attack drones, one of them failed to escape the interception of the individual air defense missiles launched by the red team and was shot down, while the other one attacked the road in front of the convoy. Above, it fell to pieces.

As for the convoy, these debris stopped in front. According to relevant regulations, this section of road has been damaged and must either be repaired or diverted.

After quickly surveying the "damaged" road ahead, the convoy finally slowly bypassed the damaged road at the edge of the road and then continued driving.

The Storm series swarm suicide attack drones that gathered from afar also arrived one after another and began to attack the cruise missile launch battalion.

Although this cruise missile launch battalion was equipped with considerable anti-aircraft firepower, it was still unable to withstand the simultaneous attacks of so many Tornado series swarm suicide attack drones. In the end, the entire army was destroyed and regretfully retired.

What on earth is the Red side doing and why doesn't it send its own air defense troops to accompany the air defense.

This red cruise missile battalion is too far forward. If it were a few hundred kilometers further away, the range of these Tornado series swarm suicide attack drones would not be reached.

What on earth is Zhang Tiecheng thinking?

This big fight must be too frustrating. He has lost a big arm before anything has even started. Will Zhang Tiecheng be able to fight in a big fight?

The old man sitting next to him said with a serious face: "From the current point of view, the blue army won the first match between the two sides, while the red team's participating troops were completely defeated.

If this trend continues, there will be no need to fight this exercise, and the outcome can be determined now. "

"Haha, don't worry, let's see what follow-up actions the red team's participating troops have before we talk about it." The old man said calmly with a smile.

"This exercise has just begun. This is just an appetizer before the main meal."

After hearing the old man's words, everyone calmed down.

According to the report, the Red Army's Far Fire Camp began to fire long-range rockets into the hinterland of the Blue Army's defensive area.

Following the announcement, the large screen showed that the long-range rocket launcher battalion had entered the firing position and started firing. However, it was still a combination of live ammunition and simulation, and only a few long-range guided rockets were actually launched.

"This Far Fire Camp is in a good location. It is placed at the very back. This avoids the fate of the entire cruise missile battalion being wiped out just now."

"I also don't understand the deployment of troops on the red side. Could it be that they want to use a cruise missile battalion to throw stones at the enemy and test the blue army's reaction?"

"The price over there is too high."

At this time, the broadcast in the hall sounded again: "The guidance and ruling center of the exercise director's department reported that at 19:17:30, the Red Army's Far Fire Camp fired long-range guided rockets deep into the Blue Army. The guided rockets successfully penetrated the Blue Army's air defense system and destroyed three of the Blue Army's radar stations, 13 light field area air defense systems, four road passes, three fortifications, and other targets. The Exercise Directorate's Guidance and Adjudication Center ruled , the units and troop personnel destroyed by the red side’s distant fire immediately withdrew from the exercise.”

The damage effect this time is good. Rockets are more effective against this kind of air defense system.

As soon as this person said this, someone else retorted: "It took a single salvo from a distant fire camp to destroy these targets. Doesn't this illustrate the power of the Blue Army's air defense system?"

Indeed, the Blue Army's air defense system is really powerful. As long as it is running, the fighter planes of the Red Army participating troops cannot be put in, and the Blue Army Air Assault Battalion loses its role.

"Report, all two fighter squadrons under the jurisdiction of the red side's participating troops have taken off." Along with the sound of the broadcast, a window on the big screen showed the situation at the forward airport of the red side's participating troops. Only one aircraft was visible. Fighter planes have already begun to mark off the tarmac and are queuing up to take off.

"Report, the two armored combined battalions of the Red Army's participating troops began to move towards the Blue Army's forward position."

"Finally it begins!"

"Why do I feel that the Red Army's participating troops are preparing to launch a decisive attack? Do they want to launch a blitzkrieg and rely on their superiority in strength to defeat the Blue Army?"

I also have the feeling that the red team's participating troops are preparing to fight tooth and nail.

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