Military Technology

Chapter 1812 Microrobots and new treatment technologies

Looking at the embarrassed Zhang Tiecheng and Dong Fangfang on the big screen, the old man sitting in the middle sighed, and then said: "Okay, there is no need to continue this exercise. Let's announce it as soon as possible."


Immediately, the old man stood up and said to everyone: "Okay, the next step is some finishing work. Let's go back to the guest house to have a good rest. We will hold a meeting when the leaders of the red and blue sides arrive in the afternoon."

After hearing the old man's words, everyone nodded and stood up. Indeed, now that the exercise is over, there is no point in staying here any longer.

"Chief, how about we go have a meal first and then go back to rest. The cafeteria is ready." Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.

Hearing Lu Qingfeng's words, the old man glanced at everyone and then smiled and said: "Don't tell me, I'm really hungry. Come on, let's go to the cafeteria to eat something first, and then go back to sleep."


Immediately, everyone came to the contract command center restaurant while chatting and laughing. The standard of this restaurant is relatively high, probably because it has hosted some leaders for a long time, so the decoration and settings are relatively exquisite. However, you can still see a very strong military style from some decorations.

"Xiao Wu, come here, sit down." The old man waved to Wu Hao.

Ah, Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he declined politely: "Chief, I can just sit here."

"Come, sit here and have a chat with me. Officers and soldiers in our army are equal and we don't do that." The old man said kindly to him.

Then Lu Qingfeng also smiled at him and said: "Come quickly, don't be coy, this is not your usual style, why are you scared."

What a provocative method. Wu Hao was speechless, but he still walked over and walked opposite the old man.

Compared with the ordinary military camp canteen, the small kitchen stove in the agency is still very different. At least on Wu Hao's table, there are eight dishes and one soup. Of course, it's not just the two of them, there are two other people, so this is not excessive.

As for the dishes, they basically have everything you need, and they all look good in color and taste.

The old man picked up the rice and smiled at Wu Hao: "During the exercise, we won't drink anymore, just eat!"

With that said, the old man took the lead in picking up the dishes. Next to him, the author Lu Qingfeng and another leader also picked up the bowls and chopsticks. Wu Hao, who was a little restrained and awkward, immediately picked up the bowls and chopsticks and started moving.

The old man took a few mouthfuls of rice, then personally added a piece of braised pork to Wu Hao, and then said kindly to him: "Don't be so restrained when it comes to eating with us old guys. Just do whatever you want. You eat what you want." of.

This braised pork is good. Eat a few more pieces and don't waste it. "

As he said that, the old man also took a piece for himself and then smiled and said: "You should eat more when you are young, otherwise when you get old, we can only look at it but not eat it. Just one piece of braised pork is enough for me, otherwise, I’m going to be criticized again.”

The old man sitting opposite Lu Qingfeng smiled and nodded and said: "When I was young, I could eat three kilograms of braised pork with rice, but now I can't. Due to various diseases, the doctor clearly warned me to stop drinking. , quit smoking and eat less fatty meat.

Hey, when we were young, we wanted to eat but we didn’t have the conditions, but now that the conditions are better, we can’t eat it. "

Hearing the sighs of the two old men, Lu Qingfeng smiled and nodded, and then looked at Wu Hao: "I heard that you have been engaged in research in the field of medicine. Do you have any involvement in this area?"

After hearing Lu Qingfeng's words, Wu Hao put down his chopsticks and shook his head with a smile and said: "In recent years, we have indeed increased our investment in medical technology research and development, but the main focus is still on the research of some basic diseases and cutting-edge medical technology.

We don’t deal with many traditional geriatric diseases like this. However, we have already conducted cooperative research and the application and investment of new technologies with many hospitals in this area.

For example, we have conducted targeted research on the three diseases of the elderly: hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia.

The three high diseases are most likely to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially some diseases such as blood vessel blockage and blockage, which can easily lead to strokes and even life-threatening conditions.

So for this area, we have jointly developed a micro-robot with relevant hospitals, which may be about the size of a mosquito.

During treatment, we only need to inject it into the arteries and veins through the arteries and veins in the arms or various parts of the body, and then guide these satellite robots to swim along the blood until they reach the arteries and veins where the problem occurs. place, and then carry out related treatments, such as unblocking blood vessels, clearing these opportunistic blockages, etc.

After completing these cleaning tasks, these micro-robots will be eliminated from the body along the exit.

At present, this micro-robot and new treatment technology have been undergoing clinical trials in several hospitals, and have successfully cured dozens of such patients, achieving excellent results.

As for the next step, we will continue to expand the scope of clinical trials, increase the number of people in clinical trials, continue to conduct further experimental verification of this micro-robot and new treatment technology, and make further optimization and improvements based on the clinical trial results, striving to make it available as soon as possible. It is launched on the market to benefit more patients suffering from this disease. "

After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, the old man immediately praised: "Okay, I didn't expect that you have achieved so many excellent results in the field of medical technology. This is amazing.

Medical technology is related to people's lives and health, as well as the health and well-being of the general public, so the country has always attached great importance to this area.

In recent years, thanks to the support of relevant policies, we have developed a large number of excellent pharmaceutical companies and many large general hospitals with complete facilities.

These pharmaceutical companies and general hospitals can not only serve the general public, but are also an important part of our military's comprehensive logistics support during wartime, which can be said to be crucial. "

Speaking of this, the old man couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity. Although a large number of pharmaceutical companies and large general hospitals have been born and grown in our country, they have always been limited by technology and related patents, as well as technical restrictions and blockades. Factors, the medical equipment we use, especially the high-end and advanced medical equipment, all come from overseas. The same is true for medicine. Most of the Western medicine, especially the medicines for some important diseases, rely on overseas medicines. , or overseas technology patent authorization.

Therefore, this imposes a great restriction on us. They sell us these medical equipment and medicines at sky-high prices, but they also impose many restrictions.

Even if the troops sometimes want to use it, they can't. They say they are restricted and very passive. "

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