Military Technology

Chapter 1817 Making money is the main purpose

Chapter 1818 Making money is the main purpose


"I really saw you right." When the old man saw Wu Hao responding so generously, a smile appeared on his face, and then he waved his hand and said: "Let's go back to the guest house. This man is old and has low energy.

Take the time to rest for a while. You have to attend the summary meeting in the afternoon and you have to speak. "

Hearing the old man's words, Wu Hao said with a look of embarrassment: "Um, chief, I won't attend this summary meeting. Besides, it's not appropriate for me as an outsider to be present."

Hearing this, the old man pointed his finger at him and scolded him with a smile: "Stop being so naughty, you must attend the afternoon meeting.

You don’t have to say anything in the summary of the previous exercise, but in terms of weapons and equipment later, this is your home field, so you can’t avoid it. "

After saying that, the old man walked out with a smile. Lu Qingfeng, who was following behind, smiled and patted his shoulder, then quickly followed.

Wu Hao was a little helpless. It seemed that his attempt to be lazy would not work. Since the old man said so, he had no choice but to attend this meeting.

After bidding farewell to the old man and Lu Qingfeng, Wu Hao returned to the guest house. He hadn't slept all night, and now he was indeed very tired.

After taking off his camouflage training uniform, he took a hot shower, put on his bathrobe, and walked out freshly dressed. He found that Shen Ning was already waiting for him in the living room.

When Wu Hao saw this, he smiled at her and said, "You've been up all night, so you should go and have some rest. Don't follow the afternoon meeting."

Shen Ning smiled and replied after hearing his words: "I slept for a long time after last night, so I'm fine now and not very sleepy. But you stayed up all night and your voice is a little hoarse."

How about I make you a cup of throat soothing tea and you drink some before resting. "

After hearing Shen Ning's words, Wu Hao nodded. When he thought about how much time he would waste in the afternoon meeting, he had to take good care of his throat, as he had a sore throat and lost his voice during the afternoon meeting.

Seeing that he responded, Shen Ning happily took out the throat tea, poured him a cup, and handed it to him.

"Mr. Wu, many people from the military came to ask for our contact information today."

When Wu Hao heard this, he picked up the teacup, then looked at her and said with a smile, "Did you give it to me?"

"Give it. There are so many military ranks and I dare not deny it." When Shen Ning said this, he looked a bit like a child who had done something wrong and was looking for him to complain and ask for forgiveness.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Just give it to me, it doesn't matter. Our weapons and equipment performed well in this exercise, so naturally they can't sit still."

"You mean they want to buy our weapons and equipment?" Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Wu Hao looked at this girl with a delicate face and a good figure, smiled and shook his head: "If a weapon and equipment is to be successfully installed in the troops and delivered to grassroots officers and soldiers, it needs to go through many procedures. These are the General Logistics Department. The general assembly has the final say.

Of course, some troops can order by themselves. In addition, they can also report the situation, apply, etc. to the above.

Therefore, the purpose of contacting and cooperating with them is to use them to promote the early installation of our weapons and equipment into the troops and increase orders. This is also one of the main purposes of our coming here this time. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao remembered something, and then ordered to Shen Ning: "Where are Zhou Yonghui, Meng Hai and Cai Tao now? Inform them that the exercise is over and come back quickly.

After they come back, if anyone wants to know about these weapons and equipment, you can directly lead them to the three of them and let them be responsible for receiving and answering questions. "

"Okay, I'll inform them right away." Shen Ning nodded, but said a little worriedly: "Although the exercise is over, there are still some follow-up finishing work to be done. Isn't it a bit awkward to let them come back at this time? good?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. The previous matters have been discussed." Wu Hao waved his hand and said, "Let the three of them bring a few people back first, and the others will stay where they are and wait until they finish the follow-up work before coming back."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao suddenly thought of something, and then continued to give instructions: "Our twelve 'Xingtian' power mechas are still in the hands of the Blue Army. Now the exercise is over. Go ahead and go with Zhou Yonghui." The blue army negotiated with each other to get them back as soon as possible, and then transported them back to the northwest research and development base. The laboratory project team was still waiting.

Don't leave it here for too long, or you won't be able to go back by then. "

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away." Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses, then nodded and prepared to walk outside. However, he was stopped by Wu Hao.


"Mr. Wu, do you have anything else?" Shen Ning stopped, turned around and asked curiously.

Wu Hao looked at her and nodded with a smile and said: "It's rare to come here once. I heard that the local products here are good. After you finish these things, you can take everyone, mainly the girls, out for shopping and eating together in the afternoon." Order some delicious food and have some fun. It's hard for everyone to come out, so don't be so bored.

In addition, remember to buy me more local products and make them more authentic. If you don't understand this, you can ask Zhang Chengfei for a guide. I believe they will be happy to help you.

You can also buy some for yourself and your family, and I will reimburse you! "

"Thank you, Mr. Wu!" Shen Ning showed a happy smile. Nothing makes a girl happier than going out for shopping and shopping for free. Shen Ning was no exception. Although this girl seemed more serious in front of him, in private she was a very lively, playful and greedy girl.

As his secretary, how could Wu Hao not even understand this? Otherwise, he would not be able to entrust important matters to her.

"Okay, let's go. Take the time to rest for a while after you're done." Wu Hao told her.

"Yes, then you should go to bed early." Shen Ning responded softly, and then walked out happily with brisk steps.

As for Wu Hao, after seeing Shen Ning go out, he immediately returned to the bedroom in the back room and lay down comfortably on the bed.

Just as he was getting ready to sleep, a message popped up on his mobile communication device. It was from Lin Wei. Because he was at the contract command center all night, his mobile communication devices were turned off and handed over for safekeeping. It was only after the exercise was over that he took it back and turned it on.

"How are you busy? Your devices have been shutting down all night. Are you okay?"

Seeing this, Wu Hao showed a gentle smile on his face, and then replied: "It's okay, I turned off my phone after entering the controlled area."

Unexpectedly, not long after this message was sent, the mobile communication device suddenly rang.

First there was a ringtone, and then the voice of 'Coco' came: "Sir, did you answer the call from Miss Lin?"

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