Military Technology

Chapter 1821 Special Operations Weapons

【Corrected version】

After the unmanned attack aircraft is launched, it will fly to the target airspace and hover according to the controller's instructions or preset instructions to search and screen local ground targets. When the drone detects the target, it will automatically lock it and send the target data information to the command and control personnel.

After the command and control personnel issue an attack order, the unmanned attack aircraft will immediately plan the attack route and conduct the attack independently.

Of course, we can also leave the entire process to drones to complete independently.

In other words, it can be fired and ignored like anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank missiles. One, several, or dozens of these battlefield sweeper micro-unmanned attack aircraft fly over the target area to autonomously search, identify, and attack enemy targets. "

At this point, Wu Hao paused for a moment, took a breath, and then continued: "The smaller drone on the right is also our micro attack drone, codenamed 'Killer Bee'. But there are A name that may be more familiar to everyone is smart bullets.

Its folded size may only be as big as a large-caliber machine gun bullet, and its power is also very limited.

Compared with the second-generation 'Battlefield Sweeper' suicide attack drone, the top speed of this 'Killer Bee' micro-attack drone is only more than 200 kilometers per hour, its range is only two kilometers, and its effective combat radius is also Only about a kilometer.

As for its power, it can only attack enemy targets. The killing method is also very simple. Accelerate and fly towards the enemy at maximum speed. The moment it is about to approach the enemy's body, the warhead of the 'Killer Bee' micro-attack drone explodes, and the high-temperature metal jet inside flows into the body of the local personnel, thus Cause damage to enemy troops.

Does this principle sound familiar to you? Yes, its inspiration or principle comes from our armor-piercing bullets.

It’s just that armor-piercing projectiles are used to attack armored vehicles, while our ‘Killer Bee’ micro-attack drone is specifically used to kill enemy troops.

In actual combat, this kind of 'killer bee' micro-attack drone or smart bullet requires special firearms to fire. This type of firearm is similar to a sniper rifle and has basically the same structure. However, in combat, it is still very different from traditional sniper combat.

Like sniper operations, this 'Killer Bee' micro-attack drone also requires a combat team, usually two people. One of them is responsible for launching, and the other is responsible for remote control attack.

In other words, the primary and secondary functions of this and the sniper team are just reversed. The shooter only plays the role of aiming and launching in advance, and the actual remote control attack is left to the teammates next to him.

Under normal circumstances, the operator can hold a special tablet computer for remote control. Of course, he or she can also wear professional smart VR glasses for control. The operator can make independent choices according to actual needs.

Compared with the second-generation 'Battlefield Sweeper' suicide attack drone, the 'Killer Bee' micro-attack drone is more suitable for some precise sniper and counter-sniper operations, mainly for precise sniping of enemy personnel. .

Compared with excellent snipers that require a lot of time, personnel, financial and material resources to train. This kind of 'killer bee' micro-attack drone launch operator only needs simple training to master it.

In this way, on the battlefield, everyone can become an accurate 'sniper' if necessary. This is particularly important in ground operations, especially in complex terrain operations.

Because Guqi is controllable, it is very suitable for attacking some hidden targets. Even if the enemy is hiding behind a bunker or inside a house, remote control sniping can be carried out from a distance. This will play a great advantage in sniper operations and counter-sniper operations. Our personnel can hide in the bunker without risking their exposure. This 'killer bee' micro-attack drone can be controlled to attack lurking enemy snipers or ambushed personnel.

Of course, in addition to using this single-shot precision sniper, we can also use automatic launchers similar to machine guns or multi-tube launch nests for rapid combat, which can achieve rapid fire, group control, and precise strikes. "

"In movies and TV shows, snipers are always shown to be very good. But in fact, everyone knows how difficult it is to hit a humanoid target at a distance of one thousand meters.

The use of our "Killer Bee" micro-attack drone can increase the hit rate to a very ideal level.

In addition to being used on the battlefield, this 'Killer Bee' micro-attack drone can also play a very important role in the field of public security.

For example, when our public security officers deal with some vicious security incidents, they often encounter situations where suspects take hostages and hide.

Ordinary sniper rifles are difficult to shoot accurately due to sight lines, obstacles, and hostages. This new type of suicide attack drone takes advantage of its unique advantages.

After the 'Killer Bee' micro-attack drone is launched, we can remotely control it to bypass hostages or obstacles and launch attacks from the side.

We can even adjust its flight speed to make this 'Killer Bee' micro-attack drone as silent as possible, and then quietly lurk near enemies or gangsters until it is actually mature, and then suddenly launch an attack.

In this case, it will be able to perform miraculous effects in special operations, counter/operations, and public security maintenance. "

Speaking of which, Wu Hao played a video on the big screen. This was the relevant video clip of the Blue Army special forces clearing out the Red Army's infiltrated special operations personnel last night.

"The picture in the video is the operation of the Blue Army Special Forces to clear out the Red Army Special Forces personnel last night. As you can see, after the Blue Army Special Forces got off the helicopter, they quickly moved towards the area where the Red Army was lurking.

It stopped about five hundred meters away, and then launched a micro-attack drone to attack the red side's latent special operations personnel.

The entire attack process was very short, only about ten minutes from start to end. All the special forces members lurking in from the red side were "killed" and exited the exercise.

In this exercise, the Blue Army used the two drones we mentioned above to conduct swarm attacks. And throughout the entire combat process, it was completely left to the drone swarm to search, identify, and target the attack.

In the video, the red team's special operations team discovered that the blue team's micro-attack drone was very powerless. This is not their fault. In this dark night, people's vision is limited, and they are suddenly attacked and move quickly, so it is normal for them not to react. "


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