Military Technology

Chapter 1823 How to deal with micro-attack drone attacks

Chapter 1824 How to deal with micro-attack drone attacks


After hearing Wu Hao's words, both the officers and soldiers on the stage and off the stage couldn't help but be moved. If it can really be equipped like a hand grenade, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers and troops.

But is this really possible? Everyone couldn't help but question it. Is the cost of such a weapon with excellent performance and good combat effectiveness really as cheap as he said?

Wu Hao, who took in the expressions of everyone in the audience, then smiled and said: "Of course, this is just our own superficial opinion. As for how to use it, this remains to be discussed and studied.

But it is undeniable that this kind of high-tech, intelligent, and automated weapons and equipment are gradually extending to the grassroots, and will appear more and more on the ground battlefield.

In fact, there are many similar projects, such as the Future Warrior System developed by Rice, the Smart Grenade Project, etc. Therefore, I think we should pay more attention to this field and enhance our crisis awareness, because what this field will subvert will be the lowest level things in military warfare.

In modern warfare, fighter planes, warships, and armored vehicles dominate, which can be said to be a standard for measuring the strength of a country's military strength.

But we all know that these are all consumables and weapons and equipment. The basis of war is the confrontation between people. The final battle still needs infantry to solve it and even decide the outcome.

Once you take the lead in this field, your opponent will no longer have the chance to turn defeat into victory. In the future ground battlefield, this type of high-tech, intelligent, and automated weapons and equipment will dominate.

If the troops with current weapons and equipment are allowed to deal with them, the outcome may be as helpless as the red team special operators in the video when they deal with these attack drones released by the blue army.

Let’s not talk about other weapons and equipment, but let’s talk about whether we have a good way to deal with these two micro-attack drone attacks? "

Wu Hao asked this question and then looked at everyone. Everyone in the audience was eager to try, but no one raised their hands. Wu Hao smiled and said: "I hope this is not just a lecture by me, but that everyone can join in the discussion. You are all soldiers, more professional than me, and you can put forward your own opinions, and we can discuss it together."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone below began to talk among themselves, as did the leaders on the stage. Everyone thought of many ways, but in the end they all rejected it.

"Isn't there anyone? Please be bold. It doesn't matter if you say something wrong." Wu Hao continued to encourage.

"Can machine guns be used for anti-aircraft defense?" someone shouted.

Hearing this answer, Wu Hao smiled and then asked: "Is there more?"

At this time, a school officer with eyes sitting in the front row stood up and said to him: "Is it possible to use some electronic jamming equipment to interfere with the attacking drones and disrupt their attacks?"

"Not a bad idea." Wu Hao applauded, motioned for the other person to sit down, and then looked at everyone, but no one stood up again.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this and said: "First of all, using machine guns for air defense is the most conventional and direct way of air defense. However, the effect against such small and high-speed targets is not very satisfactory. If it is a precise sniper, even It is defensive, but it is also difficult to defend against. It can be said that it is impossible to defend against it.

If it is a swarm attack, facing hundreds or even thousands of drones, even if they all fire in the air, it may be difficult to carry out such a swarm attack.

Therefore, using this method of machine gun air defense may have a certain effect, but the success rate is relatively low. As for professional anti-aircraft weapons, these weapons are used to deal with such tiny targets, and some anti-aircraft guns are used to fight mosquitoes.

Unless special small-caliber defensive weapons are developed, such weapons are usually heavier. Even if the weight is reduced as much as possible, it would be difficult and very inconvenient for a single soldier to carry it without the help of a vehicle.

Next, let’s talk about strong electromagnetic interference. This may be more effective than using a machine gun, but the effect is also very limited.

Do you still remember what I said when I introduced our two micro attack drones? These two micro drones use image recognition systems to search, identify, and lock on attacks. Even if it is subject to strong electromagnetic interference and cuts off contact with the rear controller, the drone will launch an attack according to the preset instructions.

Therefore, the effect of this strong electromagnetic interference device is very limited, and if it is carried by a single soldier and turned on, it can easily reveal the position. This is equivalent to turning on a large locator or loudspeaker on the battlefield to tell you and me Here it is. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused and waited for everyone to absorb it for a while, then changed his tone and said: "So is there no effective defense method against this kind of micro-attack drone?"

Looking at the attention of everyone, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, actually there is more than one kind. Moreover, these two weapons and equipment also appeared in last night's exercise, but they were equipped by the Blue Army. With.

First of all, the first defensive weapon is the light field laser air defense system developed by us and deployed by the Blue Army.

Its basic principles and structure are the same as the light field area air defense system we developed, except that we changed the air defense drone to a high-energy laser cannon.

This lightweight field laser air defense system has an autonomous defense function, which is similar to the automatic defense system of a tank. After detecting an incoming drone or missile, this lightweight field laser air defense system will automatically track and lock on, and guide the laser cannon to conduct a continuous burning attack, eventually burning it down and shooting it down.

This kind of laser weapon may not perform well when dealing with large aerial weapons and equipment, but it performs very well when dealing with such tiny drones. Coupled with the intelligent autonomous defense system it is equipped with, it can respond to simultaneous attacks by several, dozens or even hundreds of drones in a very short period of time, and the effect is very good.

Compared with traditional air defense weapons, laser weapons have very unique advantages in dealing with such large-scale swarm attacks. We can even install prisms to split a single laser into two or more lasers to deal with large numbers. Many incoming targets.

Of course, shunting the laser will weaken the laser irradiation power and weaken the laser power, but it is still very useful when dealing with such small targets.

In addition, compared with traditional air defense weapons, the light field laser air defense system is agile and fast in response. Through the intelligent autonomous air defense system, it can independently identify, track, and lock dozens or even hundreds of incoming targets, and select them according to the threat level. Attack order: attack the most threatening targets first. "

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