Military Technology

Chapter 1825 The Contest between Spear and Shield B (Excellent Chapter)

【Corrected version】

"It was also during this period that tanks and armored vehicles began to appear on the battlefield. Their original role or purpose was to protect infantry charges. Today's armored vehicles still follow this role, providing cover for soldiers on the battlefield."

"At this time, there is still not enough attention to the protection of soldiers. However, as the casualty rate in war continues to increase, and battles become more and more difficult and fierce, the prototype of body armor and bulletproof vests gradually emerged."

"The earliest bulletproof vests must have been borrowed from ancient armors. This may be a coincidence. The items hidden on someone's body blocked the bullets, so this also led more people to follow suit. Eventually, the top military officials and military factories found out, and then again Based on this, the first generation of body armor was developed.”

"Of course, the body armor at this time was still very crude. It might just be a large iron sheet, an iron plate, or some iron sheets tied together."

"Later, it gradually developed into a steel vest or a steel plate armored vest. Of course, this type of body armor is very rare and is only used by some elite assault troops."

"As the war continues, body armor technology continues to develop. After hundreds of years of development, today's body armor can protect the main fatal parts of the human body."

"However, due to limitations of technical materials, these body armors are very heavy. Coupled with the weight of other weapons and equipment, a soldier's weight can reach dozens of kilograms. Not to mention running flexibly, even daily walking will be a bit strenuous. .”

"Therefore, some reductions must be made, so most body armors now are just a bulletproof vest, which only protects important parts of the torso."

"This kind of body armor may save the lives of soldiers and play a certain protective role in conventional combat. However, with the emergence and large-scale use of such intelligent micro-weapons, especially those targeted at individual soldiers, , this kind of body armor has lost its effectiveness."

"Perhaps you have also seen some news reports of the US military's battles in Central Asia. When armed personnel and snipers attack the well-equipped US military, they usually attack the more vulnerable and weakly defended parts of the US military, such as the face. , neck, armpits, pubic area, legs and feet, etc.”

"As for the two micro attack drones we have developed, after locking on the enemy, they will prioritize attacking the enemy's weakly defended and lethal parts, such as the face, neck, genitals, etc."

"In this case, it is necessary to equip the soldiers with better and more comprehensive protective gear. However, increasing the protective gear means increasing the load, not to mention whether the soldiers can bear it. Just wear such heavy and cumbersome protective gear. A, the flexibility and maneuverability will also be greatly reduced."

"So we developed this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton to assist with protective armor based on the mechanical exoskeleton."

"Relying on the mechanical exoskeleton for auxiliary support, the wearer can bear greater weight. The protective armor on this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor is not worn on the human body, but relies on the mechanical exoskeleton for support, so that It greatly reduces the wearer’s stress.”

"And the mechanical exoskeleton has a power-assist function, so it can provide the wearer with additional strength assistance, allowing the wearer to run faster, stride farther, jump higher, and its agility and flexibility can be greatly enhanced."

"The entire set of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor can completely wrap the wearer, which can greatly enhance the wearer's protective capabilities. In addition to being able to deal with ordinary bullet attacks, it can also defend against such tiny drones. There is no problem."

"And it has very strong mobility. Even if it is attacked by rockets and anti-tank missiles, it can maneuver and dodge in time. Because of its small size and fast and flexible movements, this is something that armored vehicles and tanks cannot have. .”

"In addition, because the wearer's whole body is protected and isolated from the outside world, it can protect the wearer from the influence of the external environment. This also makes this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor useful in nuclear, biological, chemical, and environmental environments. Continuous combat.”

"We have equipped this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton powered protective armor with an independent oxygen supply system, which can ensure that the wearer does not rely on external air to survive in combat. This also means that this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton powered protective armor has underwater operations ability."

"With its propulsion system and self-inflating airbags, this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor can move underwater and fight!"

"And this oxygen supply system can also provide additional oxygen supply to officers and soldiers who perform strenuous exercise, fight in plateau and mountainous areas, and perform missions at high altitudes, reducing and relieving the wearer's fatigue and improving combat effectiveness."

"We have integrated a variety of optical detection equipment into this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, which can help the wearer inside to more comprehensively grasp the surrounding situation, such as infrared, low-light, thermal imaging, etc. In this way, on the battlefield, Especially in complex environments, this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton with the help of protective armor can prioritize targets."

"In addition, because the wearer is covered by this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, all the infrared heat signatures on the body are blocked. This makes it difficult for the local infrared thermal imaging system to detect these heavy-duty mechanical exoskeletons. The whereabouts of protective armor.”

"The external coating of this set of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor is a digital camouflage that suits combat on various terrains, making it easier to conceal."

"As for weapons and equipment, because it is supported by a mechanical exoskeleton, it can carry heavier weapons and equipment, which can also greatly increase the firepower of individual soldiers."

"It is also supported by mechanical exoskeletons, which can greatly weaken the huge recoil produced by these firearms and weapons when they are fired, increase the stability of firearms and other weapons, thereby improving the accuracy of design and firing. "

"On the one hand, this can improve the accuracy of the aiming design. On the other hand, it can also allow the wearer to withstand greater and longer huge recoil, perform continuous firepower output, and improve combat effectiveness."

"Similarly, because of the mechanical exoskeleton support, the heavy mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor can carry more ammunition, which is often impossible for manpower. This will greatly enhance the infantry's firepower and extend the firepower output. Persistent."

"In this way, the firearms or other weapons used by these heavy mechanical exoskeletons to assist in the protective armor must be modified and optimized. We know that the current design of weapons and equipment is more in line with the needs of infantry. While ensuring firepower, it also In order to increase the convenience of use and carrying, this type of individual firearms usually use magazines to feed ammunition, which of course is convenient for portability and use, and on the other hand is also a weight limit."

"But when it comes to heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, these problems no longer exist, and this magazine feeding method will change accordingly."

"Maybe more emphasis will be placed on the continuity of firepower, then the ammunition will be fed by belts, or the ammunition will be fed by large drums..."

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