Military Technology

Chapter 1829 It’s not a 1-dimensional war

Hearing Zhang Tiecheng's words, the same 20-cent middle-aged man sitting next to him smiled at him and comforted him: "Old Zhang, don't be depressed. In fact, you have done a good job in this exercise. If you change If we were doing it, we might not be able to perform as well as you.

Faced with so much cash weapons and equipment, let alone you, even the heavy armored brigades of the Long Live Army may not be able to get much benefit. "

Yes, I can see that the gap in weapons and equipment in this exercise is really too big, which cannot be made up by more people.

I even have the illusion that the two of you are not fighting a battle of the same dimension.

I feel the same way. I just feel like this exercise is so awkward and you two can't get along. Another person next to him immediately responded.

Let alone you guys, we ourselves felt that the fight was very awkward. It's the kind of feeling that you have no strength and can't do anything, which is very frustrating. Zhang Tiecheng couldn't help but feel annoyed.

As for Zhang Kefeng, after hearing Zhang Tiecheng's words, he laughed and said: "Actually, we also feel this way, and it's also a very awkward feeling that we can't express ourselves.

Now it seems that everyone is the same. It seems that our feelings are correct. There is indeed something wrong with this exercise. "

After hearing what everyone said, Luo Kai pointed at Wu Hao and said with a smile: "Don't worry about it. Wu Hao is here. The weapons and equipment in this exercise belong to them. If you have any questions, you can ask questions." .”

Under Luo Kai's reminder, everyone looked at Wu Hao. Zhang Tiecheng's eyes lit up immediately, and then he said to Wu Hao: "Fang Fang and I are planning to make a special trip to visit you and ask for your advice. Today we have this opportunity, please tell us what happened. thing.

And you can hear it. In fact, you didn’t say a lot at the meeting. There is no one else here now, so you can speak freely. "

"Yes, tell us what is going on."

Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao smiled and threw the peeled edamame into his mouth, then clapped his hands and said, "Actually, this question is very simple and easy to understand.

We all know that modern combat methods and tactics are based on past experience, combined with the performance of existing weapons and equipment, and the actual combat effectiveness of the troops.

In this exercise, many of the weapons and equipment used by the Blue Army were new weapons and equipment, which were very different from the traditional weapons and equipment in the past.

And it is difficult for you to use the experience, tactics, and tactics of using traditional weapons and equipment in the past to unleash the full combat effectiveness of these weapons and equipment.

Military technology, weapons and equipment are changing, and I think your tactics and methods should also change accordingly, so that you can give full play to the combat effectiveness of your weapons, equipment and personnel.

The same goes for the red team participating in the exercise. If you use the past to deal with the blue army equipped with traditional weapons and equipment to the opponent's blue army equipped with so many new weapons and equipment, it will naturally feel very difficult, even very powerless, and there is nothing. There is no room for exertion of one's strength. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone looked thoughtful, and the four chief officers of the red and blue sides even looked thoughtful.

What you mean is that we have not fully utilized the true combat effectiveness of these weapons and equipment. Zhang Kefeng, who was the first to wake up, asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao kowtowed slightly and said: "As developers of these weapons and equipment, no one knows the true combat effectiveness of these weapons and equipment better than us.

Throughout the entire exercise, I have not seen you display the true strength of these weapons and equipment.

In terms of the performance display of weapons and equipment, this exercise was indeed exciting and an eye-opener for everyone. However, the use of many weapons and equipment is still too rigid, and the tactics are too rigid and outdated, so many times it is just a show, and there is not much actual content.

If I say that in yesterday's exercise, what impressed me the most was the final beheading action, which was a little bit interesting.

Everything else..."

At this point, Wu Hao stopped talking, and Zhang Kefeng and the others naturally knew what Wu Hao didn't mean.

However, everyone did not notice that the qualified young man in his twenties was sarcastic and joking and annoyed. Instead, they all looked like they were thinking.

So in your eyes or in your imagination, what should this exercise look like? The speaker was Dong Fangfang, who said curiously to Wu Hao.

Dong Fangfang's words naturally aroused everyone's interest. Everyone looked at him, waiting for his answer.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "I am not a soldier and do not understand combat. But in my opinion, there is a saying in the military book that is very good.

Water has no permanent momentum, and soldiers have no permanent shape. They all depend on one mind.

There are no tactics or rules in war. All wars have only one purpose, which is to win. It can be said that all tactics and tactics and rules serve this purpose.

Although water is soft, water droplets can penetrate rocks. Water can change into thousands of forms according to all things. Water can also overcome hardness with softness and water droplets can penetrate rocks.

The same should be true for combat. An excellent army can be like water, no matter what kind of enemy it faces, what kind of tactics and tactics it uses.

Of course, if you want to realize this tactical idea, you must have a strong hardware foundation to support it. The so-called hardware foundation includes many things, but it mainly includes three things, personnel and equipment, and of course ideas.

These three are indispensable, and among them, ideas are the guide, personnel are the core, and weapons and equipment are the extension of human power, which can infinitely amplify human 'power'.

In other words, what kind of weapons and equipment can exert human power to what extent.

Although I am what you all call a weapons dealer, like you, I have never been a weapons theorist.

But it is undeniable that the total weight of weapons and equipment in future wars is getting higher and higher, and unmanned and intelligent weapons and equipment will become popular in future wars.

This will be a huge revolution in military technology and warfare. If we miss this opportunity, it means that we will miss out on the world's powerful military in the future and will no longer be able to show off our capabilities on the world stage. . "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present, whether it was Zhang Kefeng, Luo Kai, Dong Fangfang, Zhang Tiecheng, etc., all had solemn expressions on their faces.

Indeed, in this exercise, unmanned weapons and equipment indeed displayed amazing combat effectiveness. Especially in terms of air combat, this may be the first time that an unmanned fighter aircraft has defeated a manned fighter force.


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