Military Technology

Chapter 1831 The bitterness now is for the sweetness of the future!

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but shook his head. Fortunately, he didn't have a vacation, otherwise he would have to lie down and come out.

Luo Kai glanced at the driver driving in front, and then said to Wu Hao: "There won't be any problems with the weapons and equipment display tomorrow."

Seeing Luo Kai ask this, Wu Hao nodded and replied: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Well, Luo Kai nodded and said: "The leaders are very interested in your weapons and equipment, so you must perform well tomorrow. If you perform well, this will be conducive to the finalization and large-scale procurement of these weapons and equipment in the future."

When Wu Hao heard this, he smiled and shook his head and said: "There is no problem with weapons and equipment. I am just worried about the on-the-spot questions tomorrow. I don't know what problems the leaders will raise, so we are not allowed to prepare in advance."

Don't worry, I won't embarrass you. They just want to see the actual performance of these weapons and equipment. Luo Kai patted his shoulder and comforted him with a smile.

After saying this, Luo Kai hesitated for a moment, and then said to Wu Hao: "The news I just received this afternoon is that the foreign military is very concerned about this northern series of annual exercises and has obtained a lot of intelligence information through various channels. .

The other party is likely to make a fuss about this, so you should be prepared in advance. "

After hearing Luo Kai's words, Wu Hao's expression turned solemn. He also knew the reason why Luo Kai said these words at this time. He was afraid that the other party was using them to make a fuss, which would inevitably have a serious impact on their corporate image, especially in overseas markets.

Wu Hao's expression was solemn, and Luo Kai continued: "I won't talk about other aspects, but I will talk about you. As the developers of this important weapon and equipment, you will definitely not focus on the other party.

You don’t have to worry about safety at all. We now have a professional team responsible for your personal and company safety. You can rest assured that this situation will never happen again.

In addition to us, security departments at all levels have also conducted relevant drills and preparations for your situation, so you can rest assured in terms of safety.

What I want to say is mainly in terms of market impact. The domestic market is nothing and will not have much impact on you.

Mainly in overseas markets. As you know, countries in Europe and the United States have been targeting us and using various excuses to attack our advanced technology companies. You are also an important victim.

This time, the other party must have felt the pressure and threat, so their targeted actions will definitely be more crazy. You must be mentally prepared in this regard.

Especially in overseas markets, you may have to face greater pressure. "

Although Luo Kai's words were very tactful, Wu Hao had already heard the meaning of his words and thought of the worst result.

The so-called worst outcome is that these countries and some companies will definitely use the excuse that their participation in military industry projects is a military industry enterprise, and then pour some dirty water on them, forcibly target them, and punish them.

Perhaps the most serious thing is that they will completely lose the European and American markets, and begin to collapse in some other countries, thus losing a large part of their overseas markets.

As a result, the losses caused are undoubtedly huge.

Of course, this is just the worst outcome, maybe things are not that bad. However, the losses are foreseeable and not too small.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao smiled and said, "It's impossible for the troops to see us suffer like this. Are there any countermeasures?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Luo Kai couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head: "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. You have to deal with the overseas market yourself, and we can't interfere.

Even at the national level, the work that can be done is very limited. Many times, you have to rely on yourself.

But don't worry, we all know the grievances you have suffered and the losses you have suffered, and the country knows it, so you will definitely be compensated. "

"With compensation, that's not bad." Wu Hao pretended to be relaxed. At this time, there is no point in complaining anymore, it is better to be more open-minded.

Luo Kai patted his shoulder and comforted him again: "Don't worry, I won't let you suffer.

During this exercise, your weapons and equipment performed very well. Many leaders and unit supervisors present were moved, and only then did we make temporary arrangements for tomorrow.

As long as there are no problems with the performance of these weapons and equipment tomorrow, these weapons and equipment will definitely be included in the military's weapons and equipment alternative procurement list.

Once the installation is confirmed, the orders obtained will undoubtedly be huge. Considering the losses and grievances you have suffered this time, we will definitely give you appropriate care in this regard.

If I don’t say anything else, let’s just say that if these orders are given to you, you will make a lot of money. "

Speaking of this, Luo Kai took a breath and said: "Of course, by saying all this, I am not trying to persuade you to give up on overseas markets and waste all your efforts in overseas markets over the years.

You kid must also be strong. Although the enemy you face is powerful, it is not without any chance of victory. You still have to try your best.

It's like a big battle. You know your opponent is very strong, but you can't escape. You still have to strike with your sword. Even if it fails, it must be done spectacularly.

But if there is no competition, just throw down the sword and admit defeat, such a person has no great future. "

Don't worry, I've been here for the past few years, and it won't be like this again. Wu Hao smiled at Luo Kai and said: "In fact, we have been actively safeguarding rights overseas in these years and actively responded to various crises and challenges.

Now that we have developed a professional team with excellent skills and quality, we are confident to deal with this coming crisis.

Besides, the world today is no longer the era where the West spoke exclusively. Although they are still in a dominant position, their influence is no longer what it used to be, and their influence on other countries is gradually weakening.

Nowadays, these great powers still want to wield their hegemonic stick to do whatever they want, but I am afraid they are not so easy to do so anymore. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Luo Kai smiled, then leaned back in his chair and sighed: "Now that we are suffering, our future children will not have to suffer.

So no matter how great the grievances are, no matter how great the sufferings, we still have to persevere. Who makes us not as strong as others? "

There will be such a day, and I firmly believe that this day will come soon, Wu Hao said firmly. Wu Hao did not hesitate in this regard. He was full of confidence in his own future, the future of the company, and the future of the country. He believes that with the efforts of people like them, his company will get better and better, and this country will get better and better.

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