Military Technology

Chapter 1833 Overseas Problem Response Team

I've seen it, and I've already asked people to start dealing with it. Tong Juan replied to him.

Hearing Tong Juan's words, Wu Hao shook his head, and then said with a serious expression: "Don't take it lightly, this time is different, so many Western media have reported it, it is obvious that someone is behind it.

Today is just a warm-up, the more serious thing is yet to come. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused, then took a breath and said to Tong Juan on the screen: "We have received relevant information. This exercise has greatly affected the West, so the other side will definitely take action.

In other aspects, the other party may not be able to do it, so in the end we can only turn our attention to the commercial market. As the producers of these equipment, we will definitely become a thorn in the other party's side and be taken care of.

It is foreseeable that our overseas markets and businesses will be severely affected soon.

So now, I want you to form a special overseas issue response team. I will be the team leader and you will be the deputy team leader to preside over the work.

Although the battle we are about to face will be very difficult, we cannot give up easily. Even if you lose in the end, you have to lose with great vigor and dignity.

Now, before the other party officially takes action, you have to get ahead and seize the common and favorable public opinion environment. On the one hand, this can exert pressure through public opinion and inhibit the other party from taking action. On the other hand, even if the other party takes action, it will eventually reduce its intensity due to the pressure of public opinion.

In this situation, we should strive for one point at a time. The overseas markets we have worked so hard to create and operate cannot just disappear. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Tong Juan's face became serious.

Wu Hao gave her these things this morning, which showed how urgent and important this matter was. And she noticed that Wu Hao used intelligence instead of news in his previous words. Although these two words have similar meanings, they represent completely different meanings.

There are many sources of information, and intelligence can only be specific. Thinking of the purpose of Wu Hao's trip, she naturally knew where the information Wu Hao said came from, which also proved the accuracy of this information from the side.

Thinking of this, Tong Juan immediately nodded and said: "Yes, I will start to allocate personnel to form a response team. How much time do I have?"

Wu Hao replied: "Judging from the current situation, the other party is hyping up the topic. It should take a few days, so your side can't be later than next Monday at the latest. There are only a few days left. Do you have any problems?" "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Tong Juan nodded solemnly and said, "No problem. I promise to establish a problem response team within 24 hours and start working with our overseas cooperative media to respond."

Speaking of this, Tong Juan paused for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Wu, according to what you said, the situation is quite serious this time, so we are not sure what the final outcome will be.

What are your expectations, or minimum requirements? "

Wu Hao thought for a moment after hearing this, then raised a finger and said: "First of all, we must ensure that our overseas fundamentals cannot be damaged.

Markets in West Asia, North Asia, Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia must ensure that these regions are not affected in any way.

Especially the Southeast Asian market will inevitably become the focus of the struggle between Japan, Bangzi and Sanguo, so we must pay special attention to it.

The subject, South Asia's three pots, try your best. We can't predict this magical country.

The focus and difficulty this time is still in the European market, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, and Western Europe, three regions. Eastern Europe must do its best to retain it, and Northern Europe must do its best to fight for it. As for Western Europe, let’s give it a try. After all, we spent so much effort to win it, we can’t just throw it away. "

Yes, I understand. Tong Juan nodded and had a general understanding of Wu Hao's strategy. Her inner thoughts were consistent with Wu Hao's.

In view of the upcoming severe situation, the overseas market can be divided into three parts. First of all, the first part is naturally the basic market, which cannot be lost. This includes the regions mentioned by Wu Hao before, mainly the markets in some developing countries. .

Secondly, they are trying their best to protect the areas. These areas are easily influenced by Western attitudes and are deeply influenced by the West. This is also the main battlefield for both sides and the focus of their future work, so they must put more effort into it.

As for the last ones, there are those areas that are not sure, or the areas that are currently predicted to be affected and lost in the current period, such as North America and Western Europe.

Even so, it doesn't mean that they have to give up voluntarily. As Wu Hao said just now, she has conquered many of these markets bit by bit and cannot give up so easily.

Wu Hao was right, even if he failed, he would still lose with great fanfare.

What to do about the domestic market? Although it is said that it will not have a big impact, there is no guarantee that someone will make a fuss about it. Should we prepare in advance? Tong Juan asked Wu Hao.

In response, Wu Hao smiled: "This time, we have the support of the entire country behind us, so we are not afraid of these clowns coming out to act like monsters.

It's better to be a little low-key and don't be too arrogant. This will be counterproductive and easily cause confusion and discomfort.

Just like the h action a few years ago, someone must have figured out some patriotic marketing, which caused a lot of controversy and resentment.

So it's normal here in China, and we can even be calm and calm. The more this happens, the more we can show our corporate confidence. Don't be so panicked, but it will be easy for others to see through. "

I see. Tong Juan heard his words and nodded slightly in approval. This is indeed the most appropriate approach. The boss is indeed the boss and looks at the problem from a different perspective.

The task this time is difficult, and I want to ask you for someone. Tong Juan suddenly said.

Wu Hao was a little surprised when he heard Tong Juan's words, but he still smiled and asked: "Who do you want?"

Zhang Xiaolei! Tong Juan spit out three words.

Hearing the name, Wu Hao couldn't help but laugh: "She was originally the deputy director of the overseas operations department. You can just transfer her directly without telling me."

Tong Juan shook her head, then smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Everyone knows that she is yours. You put her in this department to train her. If I want to use her, I will naturally say hello to you." "

When Wu Hao heard this, he was speechless and said: "It's a joke, whoever in this company is not mine should still share this."

After hearing his words, Tong Juan quickly explained: "I mean, she is the person you pay attention to and cultivate, and I will definitely say hello to you before I use her.

And this time, I plan to let her serve as the deputy leader of this problem response team. "

After hearing Tong Juan's words, Wu Hao paused and then asked, "Is she qualified?" 12075/9912013

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