Military Technology

Chapter 1836 Aerial automatic refueling technology

On the other side, Wu Hao accompanied the old man and his entourage and drove to the field airport where he had gone before. see you again

Seeing Zhang Kefeng, Li Fangfang and the others again, Wu Hao found that these people were all in high spirits and did not look at all drunk.

Even Luo Kai, who is not very good at drinking, is in high spirits. It made him very depressed. Could it be that he, a young man, couldn't drink several old guys in their forties and fifties?

Upon learning that the leaders were coming, all the fighter planes in the field airport had been put into storage, and all personnel lined up to welcome them.

In response to this, the old man said a few words and then went directly to the topic.

First of all, everyone went directly to the hangar, where the Fuji intelligent attack drone that performed very well in this exercise was placed.

Of course, when everyone walked into the hangar, a stealth drone full of science fiction appeared in everyone's sight. The shape of this Fujia intelligent attack drone resembles a dart or the arrow of a sword. It is relatively flat. It has two vertical tails at the back and is equipped with two small jet engines below.

It has dual dual nozzles, and the tail nozzles are concentrated in a rectangular nozzle. The shape is a bit like the rectangular appropriate nozzle of the F_22.

The cockpit of the Fujia intelligent attack drone still uses a glass cockpit. However, it is very small inside and cannot accommodate one person. Apart from some control buttons, the most eye-catching thing in the cockpit is naturally the optical synthetic aperture radar.

It looks like a pilot's head, standing in a glass cockpit, with multiple honeycomb-type six-sided compound eye lenses installed on it.

There is also a conformal optical sight cabin integrated into the fuselage at the nose level, and then there are shark gill-style air intakes on both sides.

There are two internally filled magazines on the belly of the aircraft close to the two sides of the aircraft engine. Four medium-range combat bombs are hung in each magazine.

In addition, three hidden hanging points are designed under the wings and belly, which can carry external ammunition for combat according to mission needs.

Everyone looked around the Fujia intelligent attack drone, and then they couldn't help but show interest.

The old man looked at this unique-looking Fuji intelligent attack drone, then smiled at Wu Hao and asked, "Is this the drone that defeated all the Red Air Force pilots in this exercise?"

Wu Hao smiled and nodded and replied: "That's right, it's this drone. Our internal code name is '嫇徯'. This is an intelligent multi-purpose attack drone."

It seems that this appearance is not much different from the attack series drones we have installed, right? An old man next to him looked at the drone and couldn't help but ask his own questions.

Hearing what the old man said, the old man replied with a smile: "How can the performance of weapons and equipment be judged from their appearance? If that's the case, then let's just hold a beauty contest, why are we fighting a war? "

After saying that, he bent down and took a closer look at the magazine below, then patted the wings and asked Wu Hao: "What is its combat radius?"

Currently, with its own fuel, the combat radius is about 800 kilometers. If an auxiliary fuel tank is installed, the combat radius can reach about 1,200 kilometers. If a fuel receiving pipe is installed for aerial refueling, the combat radius can be greatly enhanced. Facing the old man's inquiry, Wu Hao had everything in mind and introduced him with all his treasures.

After hearing his introduction, the old man and everyone present nodded. I am very satisfied with the ability of this Fujia intelligent attack drone to achieve such a combat radius.

You know, this Fuji intelligent attack drone is not large and is slightly smaller than the J-10 aircraft. And it uses small twin engines, which consume more fuel.

And it uses this flat stealth design, so the fuel storage is limited. Under so many conditions, it can reach a combat radius of 800 kilometers by relying on its own fuel. This is already very good. It can be said that it is almost equal to the current main model 'Villain'.

Installing two additional auxiliary fuel tanks can also increase the combat radius by 400 kilometers, which is almost an increase. This is absolutely ideal. The combat radius of more than a thousand kilometers, although not far, is enough to handle most combat missions.

Not to mention that Wu Hao mentioned just now that this Fuji smart attack drone can also be equipped with a fuel receiving pipe for aerial refueling.

So after hearing this, someone couldn't help but ask: "Does this smart drone of yours still support aerial refueling? This foreign military has tried it, and only a few have mastered it. The technical requirements are very high."

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "The Fuji smart attack drone in front of you is not equipped with aerial refueling equipment, so it does not have aerial refueling capabilities.

However, we have already begun research in this area, and it is expected that the improved model will have the ability to refuel in the air.

Moreover, compared with pilot-controlled refueling, the automatic aerial refueling and refueling system will be more efficient, and the docking and refueling time will also be greatly reduced.

In addition, in addition to the automatic refueling device installed on this Fujia smart attack drone, we are also actively researching automatic refueling technology. We currently have a prototype of the technology and are actively researching it. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, many people present brightened up, especially several leaders of the Air Force who showed strong interest.

If this aerial automatic refueling and refueling technology is successfully developed, it will greatly increase the combat radius and airborne time of Air Force fighters and improve their combat effectiveness.

You must know that artificial aerial refueling is technically very difficult and requires special training. The Air Force also has very limited pilots who can perform mid-air refueling.

If this aerial automatic refueling technology matures, it will be able to benefit most fighters and pilots. It is precisely because of this that these people are so interested.

Seeing this, the old man smiled at Wu Hao and said, "Wait a minute, please introduce to all of us the automatic aerial refueling and receiving system you have developed. I believe everyone is very interested in this."

After hearing the old man's words, Wu Hao nodded in response, then organized his words and introduced them to everyone.

In fact, this aerial automatic refueling technology is a technology project derived from our Fujia intelligent attack drone project.

In order to improve the combat effectiveness of this Fujia intelligent attack drone, our project research team put forward many ideas. In the end, we believe that improving the airborne duration and combat radius of this drone is also beneficial to the overall performance and combat effectiveness. A huge improvement.

So we then conducted relevant research in this area and developed several solutions. This is the additional fuel tank solution, which expands the size of the drone, increases the fuel tank capacity, and the automatic refueling technology in the air.

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