Military Technology

Chapter 1840 Power is “justice”

"When pilots encounter incoming missiles or are bitten by enemy aircraft in close combat, they generally need to concentrate on controlling the fighter aircraft to escape and evade. I am afraid it will be difficult to have the time and energy to distract and control such complex equipment." An expert Looking at the space-based laser self-defense weapon pod under the Fuji intelligent attack drone, he expressed his worries.

Upon hearing this question, many people present nodded in agreement. Indeed, in such an extremely critical moment, it is obviously unrealistic how the pilot can be distracted to control such a device.

Regarding this question, the confident Wu Hao calmly answered: "Actually, the control of this laser self-defense weapon pod is not complicated. It has three main control modes.

First of all, the first one is the fully manual mode. The so-called fully manual mode relies entirely on the pilot for control. Through the optical sighting device on the laser weapon pod, the image can be transmitted to the pilot's head-mounted display screen, or displayed on the cockpit display for control by the pilot.

This fully manual mode is mainly used in some special and extreme scenarios. Its biggest feature is that it is manual, safe, reliable and flexible.

The second type is semi-automatic mode. When the fighter aircraft detects an approaching missile, the missile launch warning system will transmit relevant data information to the laser self-defense weapon pod. The intelligent control system of the laser self-defense weapon pod will then track and lock the target based on the relevant command data information transmitted back.

The pilot needs to confirm the attack through the cockpit screen display or head-mounted display device. The biggest feature of this mode is simple operation, safe and reliable, and flexible response.

The third mode is the automatic mode. As the name suggests, after the automatic defense mode is activated, the intelligent control system of this laser self-defense weapon pod will operate autonomously and synchronously share relevant data of the fighter aircraft. When it detects an incoming missile or an approaching enemy fighter plane, it will actively attack and intercept the incoming target, or attack the tracking enemy fighter planes and the pilots inside the fighter planes.

Once this automatic defense mode is activated, the weapon system will operate autonomously without pilot intervention. This mode is most suitable for air combat, because in that intense thinking situation, the pilot's attention cannot be distracted. This laser self-defense weapon pod can help pilots resist enemy missile attacks and even help pilots fight against enemy fighters. "

Everyone present nodded after hearing his words. These three modes cover manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic modes, and can be selected according to actual needs. But for now, the semi-automatic mode is probably the most reliable, safest and most reliable.

How about the fully automatic mode? Once the system fails, will this laser self-defense weapon pod attack the wingman next to it? Compared with performance, everyone pays more attention to the safety and reliability of a weapon.

"What is the damage power of such a small laser weapon pod?" someone asked at the scene.

The raising of this issue immediately attracted everyone's attention. The damaging power of laser weapons is directly related to its power. The greater the power, the greater the power of the laser weapon, and the greater the power required. The power on the fighter plane is very limited. How can it support the continuous attack of such a high-power laser weapon?

Wu Hao nodded and responded with a smile: "Of course, limited by factors such as volume, weight and fighter power, the power of this laser self-defense weapon pod cannot be compared with those of laser air defense weapons. But when using our new technology, especially The honeycomb hexagonal compound eye lens technology makes its irradiation power 50 to 80% higher than that of laser weapons of the same type, so its irradiation burning and damage effects are still very impressive.

Secondly, what this laser self-defense weapon aims at and burns is generally the guidance part of the missile, especially for optical and infrared guided missiles, which has a very powerful damaging effect.

For this type of missile, it only takes one second of irradiation to destroy its infrared guidance system, thus forcing the incoming missile to be blinded and lose its target.

Similarly, for radar-guided missiles, this laser self-defense weapon also has the same damaging effect. By continuing to burn the guidance part, the guidance system is damaged and fails, and the target is lost.

In addition to this method of attacking the guidance system, this laser self-defense system can also directly illuminate the warheads of these missiles. Through continuous high temperature, the ammunition in the missile warhead is forced to explode in advance, thereby destroying the missile.

Of course, you can also burn the missile body and tail to force the missile to lose power and crash. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then continued under the gaze of everyone: "Similarly, this laser self-defense weapon can also attack parts of the trailing fighter plane, thereby burning various parts of the fighter plane, thereby making it The failure of a single system or multiple systems will cause the fighter aircraft to lose its combat effectiveness.

Of course, the most effective way is to directly attack the pilots in the cockpit of the enemy fighter. The powerful irradiation power can blind the enemy pilots instantly, and even directly burn the pilots, making them lose their combat effectiveness. "

Seeing Wu Hao say this, everyone at the scene shook their heads.

Someone said: "International law clearly stipulates that the use of laser blinding weapons is prohibited. Doing so is illegal."

After hearing this man's words, everyone immediately turned to look at him. The man opened his mouth when he saw this, but finally said nothing. Is it possible that everyone doesn’t know this rule? But who has actually followed it or implemented it?

The so-called treaties and international law may work sometimes, but they basically don’t work most of the time, because the first to break the rules are often those who first formulated them.

But this thing can only be tacitly understood, not revealed. If the war really comes to a life-or-death situation, who cares about bullshit rules.

No one spoke, and Wu Haozhi continued the man's words smoothly: "Of course, there is the possibility of accidental injury, so you have to pay special attention during use."


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone laughed heartily. The word 'accidental injury' was really used brilliantly. You must know that there are too many similar incidents of accidental injury.

A certain powerful military gang used this excuse to commit numerous crimes, and we were among the victims.

Although it has been criticized and accused all over the world, this military gang still uses accidental injury as an excuse to go its own way. As for the whole world, they just criticize and criticize, and get used to it, but there is nothing the other party can do. This is power, this is truth, and this is also the ‘justice’ shouted by these gangs of gangsters.

That's right, in the real world, strength is 'justice', and being within range is 'truth'.

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