Military Technology

Chapter 1856 Wu Hao who

Chapter 1857 Wu Hao who "ticks his nose and gets into his face"


Having said this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then softened his tone and said with a smile: "Of course, because this Xingtian powered mecha is still in the research and development stage. So currently we have not gone to relevant areas to conduct field environmental adaptability tests. After all, it How it performs in various environments is something we don't know yet.

But judging from the current experimental tests in a simulated environment, its performance is still very good. This time I took this opportunity to test it out in actual combat, and the performance was remarkable. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded in agreement. Indeed, this Xingtian powered mecha performed very well from its debut in the exercise to its recent display. Everyone also believes that if such a weapon and equipment can be installed in those areas and units that need it, it will definitely play an important role.

"R\u0026D work must be stepped up and the relevant regional environment field adaptability tests must be completed as soon as possible. If necessary, the military can provide you with relevant assistance to promote the successful development of this weapon and equipment as soon as possible."

The old man said sternly to Wu Hao: "This equipment will be deployed in the troops one day earlier, and it will be effective one day earlier. It will be able to relieve those soldiers who are still on the front line and in dangerous and difficult environments."

"Yes, we must seize the time, overcome the difficulties, and strive to put this equipment into the troops as soon as possible and hand it into the hands of the soldiers."

Wu Hao responded, then changed his tone and said with a smile: "It's just that we encountered a number of problems during the research and development phase and the testing phase. As you know, our conditions are limited, and there are some tests that we cannot carry out. In the research and development phase, there are We have limited resources and technologies that we cannot solve, so we still need the support of the military in this regard."

"Haha, you really know how to find opportunities to speak."

The old man nodded with his finger and cursed with a smile, and then said: "Okay, let the science and engineering and assembly departments contact you. If you need anything, tell them and let them help you coordinate and solve it as much as possible."

"Thank you!" Wu Hao thanked him happily, then looked at the old man and said with a smile: "Actually, there is a lot of controversy within our company regarding the development project of this Xingtian power mecha. I think we are on this project. You have invested enough, and you can’t invest any more.

Everyone is worried that if the development is successful and the troops don't like it or don't need it, then it will be in our hands. Then all the previous investment will be in vain, but it will be a huge loss. "

"Hahahaha, you are a typical stick-up guy." The old man pointed at him and laughed and scolded him: "Now that the conditions are over, we are starting to place orders. I think you are the one who is worried."


After hearing what the old man said, everyone present laughed. However, everyone laughed and could indeed understand Wu Hao's worries.

After all, this project doesn't seem cheap. Let alone this project, even this Xingtian power mecha is probably expensive. It is already remarkable that Wu Hao and the others were able to carry out this project independently and have already produced this powered mecha product with good performance in all aspects.

After investing so much, it is understandable that I am now worried about losing money due to lack of sales.

Lu Qingfeng, who was next to him, smiled at him and joked: "You are dishonest, haven't you done this before? You sell the products we don't need directly to export, and you have also made a lot of money through foreign trade in the past few years. Bar."

"You have wronged me." Wu Hao quickly replied with an aggrieved expression.

“We have made a little money from foreign trade in the past few years, but it is only a small amount, which is not worth mentioning compared with our investment in this field.

Besides, how much money have we made? You all have no idea.

Besides, let’s just talk about this Xingtian powered mecha. Even if you don’t need it, I’m afraid you won’t allow us to export it.

So in the final analysis, our customer base is only you, and it is also for this reason that everyone is so worried. "

"We only have W police, police, fire and emergency services. We don't need it. In addition, it also has great market development prospects when put into civilian use." A leader next to him said to him.

The old man, however, waved his hand, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "For a company like yours that focuses on the research and development of cutting-edge weapons and equipment, we will definitely not treat you badly.

We have all seen the performance and combat effectiveness of this weapon, and it has been unanimously praised by all of us. If the final product is still as shown, with reliable performance and no problems, we will definitely purchase it.

And what I can assure you is that we definitely need a lot of equipment like this, and it is definitely not as few as dozens or hundreds of units.

So put your heart in your stomach and engage in research and development with peace of mind. As long as the product is good, there are no buyers. "

"Don't worry, there will be dedicated people to contact and negotiate with you after you return."

"Yes, we will work hard to research and come up with excellent equipment to deliver to the troops." After getting the answer he wanted, Wu Hao responded loudly with a smile.

"Haha, you kid." The old man laughed and cursed, then waved at him and said: "Let's go and see your heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor."

With that said, everyone came to these heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armors. The old man looked at the opened sets of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, and then said to Wu Hao: "I just saw the process of taking them off, and it seemed very easy."

Wu Hao nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, we have also conducted special research on putting on and pulling this set of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, so that soldiers can skillfully put on and take off this set of heavy-duty machinery in the shortest time. Exoskeleton assists in protective armor.

It only takes more than thirty seconds for a professionally trained soldier to skillfully wear this set of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, and he can enter combat in one minute.

It only takes more than thirty seconds to take off this set of heavy mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, and the soldiers can quickly escape from it.

After all, wearing this kind of heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor for a long time is also a burden for the wearer. Although we try to make the wearer feel comfortable as much as possible, no one likes to be restrained in it for a long time. .

Not to mention anything else, it is not very convenient to scratch an itch or go to relieve myself. Therefore, soldiers generally do not need to wear them unless they are performing missions. Even in an emergency, he can quickly dress up and go into battle within a minute. "

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