Military Technology

Chapter 1859 3-Win Cooperation

"How is the current output of this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor?" After listening to Wu Hao's detailed introduction, the old man asked with concern.

The performance of this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton to assist in protective armor is obvious, and it has also been trial-installed with troops. The combat effectiveness of this digital special synthetic battalion has also been affirmed in this exercise. The natural next step is to study how to deploy troops on a large scale, and output is also crucial for this.

Military production does not have to be anything else, it has its own particularity. Once it is put into production, it cannot be stopped easily. Even if production is stopped, it is impossible for the factory to withdraw, let alone produce other types of products.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of production factory can only be temporarily shut down and stored as a backup strategic resource. Even the equipment in the factory will be maintained from time to time, and the employees will return to their original production positions to practice skills and so on. These are so that if an emergency occurs, the factory can be opened immediately, workers can quickly arrive at work, and then continue to operate.

Hearing the old man's question, Wu Hao shook his head slightly and said: "Currently we are only using our existing smart manufacturing factories for small-scale production, so the output is very low, and we can probably produce about one battalion per year.

If you want large-scale production, you must build a new production line. Existing production conditions can only meet small-scale production, and these production lines are also responsible for other production tasks.

It cannot meet the long-term production, operation and post-maintenance needs of this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor. "

The old man nodded after hearing his answer, and then asked: "How long will it take to build a new manufacturing factory to be put into use?"

Wu Hao responded with a smile: "This depends on the production scale. Based on the equipment production scale of one regiment per year, it will take about ten to fourteen months to build such a manufacturing factory and put it into use.

Using our intelligent unmanned manufacturing factory technology can greatly reduce the need for personnel in the manufacturing process and greatly improve production efficiency.

Moreover, relevant production and manufacturing processes can be adjusted according to relevant needs, and production can be customized according to relevant needs. "

One group per year, which is not a slow pace. You must know that this is an individual soldier's equipment, not a fighter or armored vehicle. The scale of a regiment's equipment is very huge.

However, the old man was obviously not very satisfied with Wu Hao's answer: "It's too slow. According to the replacement rate of one regiment every year, it will take decades for the entire army to be replaced.

Besides, we basically no longer have a regiment, so every year you have to produce equipment for at least one brigade for us, and at least meet the equipment replacement needs of one brigade.

Only in this way can we complete the overall upgrade of individual equipment of our troops before the arrival of new military technological innovations, thus ensuring our leading advantage in this regard. "

Speaking of this, the old man said to him and everyone: "We have basically mastered the various performance data of this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor. The next step is the focus of our work.

On the one hand, we must seize the time to promote the improvement, optimization and finalization of this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor. On the other hand, we must also step up the construction of related manufacturing plants and other supporting production facilities.

In this way, once the equipment is finalized, it can be put into production immediately. "

Speaking of this, the old man said to Wu Hao: "Once mass production is to be carried out, it is not enough to be close to you. Although this heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor was developed by you, for the sake of safety and practical needs , this equipment still cannot be produced by you alone.

Of course, we are not trying to exploit you. Rather, we want to encourage you to cooperate with the existing military industry system to jointly produce this weapon and equipment.

Although their innovation capabilities are not as good as yours, they still have their own excellent technologies and advantages in the field of military weapons and equipment production, which is exactly what you lack.

It’s not that I don’t believe you, but that you must do this for the sake of national defense and security and yourselves.

After all, if such a large project is entrusted to you to produce independently, if something goes wrong, it will not only be affected by you, but also the entire national defense security. This responsibility is not something you can bear.

Do you understand what I mean? "

Upon hearing the old man's question, Wu Hao nodded slightly and replied: "I know."

Well, the old man nodded and said in a gentle tone: "Don't worry, you won't be wronged, let alone go hungry. Otherwise, who will be willing to serve us in the future?

This is a win-win cooperation model that can not only meet our needs, but also support and promote the industrial development of the military industry system. At the same time, it can also reduce your pressure and risks in this regard, which is also very beneficial to you. "

You can rest assured that we will actively cooperate with the leaders of the army and military industrial enterprises to promote the rapid implementation of this project. Upon hearing this, Wu Hao assured the old man.

Hearing Wu Hao's assurance, the old man smiled happily, then gestured to him, and then the two of them walked alone to an open space away from the crowd.

"Actually, there is another reason for doing this. I believe you can guess it." The old man looked at Wu Hao and said.

"Your rise in the field of military technology has jeopardized the survival and development of some traditional military companies. Therefore, they do not want you to continue to develop and progress in this field. Although they will not do anything on the surface, these companies They all have a long history and great influence.

They don't need to take action directly, they just need to show a little bit of intention, and then they can embarrass you. So for your future growth and progress, you still have to make concessions.

As the saying goes, it is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. You must learn to win over your opponents and win them as your allies, so that you can win. How to win over opponents and enemies is nothing more than giving them what they want. And what they want is nothing more than profit. As long as you and them can form a community of interests, then you don't need to worry about these things, they will rush to solve them.

At present, there is no progress in so many of your good weapons and equipment projects. The problem arises here. How can other companies and factories run a strong competitor to rise.

Have you heard of the idiom "He Zong Lian Heng"? Now you are quite familiar with the situation of the Qin State at that time. How the Qin State solved the dilemma back then, I don't need to teach you. "

"I understand, thank you." Wu Hao nodded seriously and replied.

The old man nodded slightly and said, "Well, you are a smart man, so I won't say more."


It’s just one chapter today, don’t wait, I’ll update it early tomorrow

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