Military Technology

Chapter 1861 3 Keys

Of course, theoretically speaking, we can completely adjust the strength to the level that the wearer can feel. In other words, the wearer can feel no weight when holding this ammunition box, just like holding a ball of air.

However, in this case, it is easy to make mistakes, and the wearer will ignore the object he is carrying, thus causing some dangerous situations. Therefore, we will still appropriately allow the wearer to feel a certain weight. It does not need to be too heavy. The wearer will feel the weight of the object without feeling tired. "

This drive system and the pneumatic power assist system can be introduced together. Wu Hao introduced to the crowd: "On this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system, there are numerous drive systems and pneumatic assist systems.

These two systems can be regarded as the movable joints and muscle tissue on the human body. Of course, compared to the human body, the joints on this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system are more complex.

In addition to the special force-bearing bearings, this set of joints also has our independently developed high-torque magnetic levitation motor and a reliable transmission system.

It is precisely this complex joint drive system that can support the excellent flexibility and maneuverability of this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system.

In addition, the joint drive system on this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system is also different according to the different joints in various parts of the human body. For example, the joint system on the limbs is different from the spinal joint drive system on the core support system of the trunk.

Including the wrist joints and the micro-driven joints on the gloves, so many joints need to be flexible and coordinated. This technical difficulty is not something that everyone can master.

In addition to this joint drive system, what supports the movement of this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system is the pneumatic assist system distributed throughout the body, or you can call it a very appropriate name, the artificial muscle system.

Everyone knows how muscles work. They control movement through relaxation and contraction. This pneumatic assist system also works on the same principle. It controls the force movement of each part of this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system through rapid inflation and deflation.

Otherwise, the joint drive system alone will be difficult to support this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system to drive the entire wearer and the weight they carry for rapid excitement, such as running, high jumping, long jump, etc., which all require this pneumatic assist system to generate power instantly. Just fine.

In addition, for example, just picking up this ammunition box requires the operation of this pneumatic power assist system. Otherwise, it would be difficult for these joint drive systems to bear such a heavy weight. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said to the leader who was wearing and experiencing this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system: "Try boxing and use your strength."

As he spoke, Wu Hao asked two soldiers wearing heavy mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor to pick up a wooden board about five centimeters away. This wooden board is not the thin wooden board used for performances in Taekwondo, but a real thick wooden board.

Looking at the target, the leader walked up to the board, clenched his fists and prepared to hit, but he looked a little scared.

It's okay, don't worry. With the protection of this exoskeleton support system, you won't be injured. Wu Hao comforted him with a smile.

Okay, the leader nodded, then clenched his fist and made two gentle gestures, and then hit the target with all his strength. There was a snap, and the board broke, but it was not completely broken, but bent at a hundred and twenty degrees from the struck part.

What does it feel like? Wu Hao asked with a smile.

The leader shook his arm, then smiled at Wu Hao and said: "The fist doesn't hurt, but I feel that my arm was shaken hard and it was a little weak."

Wu Hao nodded and smiled: "It's normal. This is because you haven't undergone adaptive training, so you strained your arm muscles when you punched quickly. It's okay, you will be fine in two days of recovery.

When you punched the board quickly, the motion following control system captured the strength of your arms and punches, and then controlled the exoskeleton assist system worn on your arms and hands to provide assistance. In this way, the punch you just punched was so fast and produced such great force that it broke the thick wooden board.

This is the same as high jumping and long jumping. This air-assisted system will provide extra strength to the wearer's limbs, allowing him to jump higher, jump further, and swing a more advantageous fist.

One of the technologies is joints, that is how this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assistance system knows the wearer's limb movements and makes appropriate "responses".

This requires a very smart control system, which is the motion following control system.

Simply put, this is a system that can sense the movement of the wearer's limbs, convert the wearer's limb movement signals into corresponding control signals, and transmit them to the joint drive system and pneumatic assist system distributed in various parts of this motion following control system. .

In order to sense the wearer's limb movements in real time, we have arranged various sensors in various parts of this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system.

There are sensors specially designed to sense the strength of the wearer's muscle contraction, so that the strength of the wearer's force can be sensed, thereby controlling the pneumatic assist system at the corresponding position.

There are also spatial positioning sensors arranged at each joint, which can sense the conscious movement of the wearer's limbs in real time, thereby controlling the lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system to make corresponding movements.

In fact, this motion following control system is not that magical. Many exoskeleton systems also have corresponding systems, but the performance of each system is uneven.

There are three keys to determining the quality of these motion following control systems. The first one is the perception control accuracy. This system must be keenly aware of the slight movements of the limbs and respond accordingly, so that the wearer will feel comfortable during activities and be able to perform various difficult movements flexibly and freely.

The second key is the response speed. Whether the sensor can quickly sense the activities of the wearer's limbs and quickly generate control signals to control the movement of the lightweight mechanical exoskeleton. If the reaction speed is too slow, it will greatly limit the flexibility of the wearer's activities, causing the wearer to feel restrained and uncomfortable, causing movement delays, sluggishness and other problems, which will undoubtedly be fatal on a fierce battlefield.

The third key is reliability. How to ensure the safety and reliability of this motion following control system and ensure that it can accurately and quickly sense and transmit every control signal is the key to whether this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system can achieve great success. The key to scale applications.

If errors or downtime occur frequently, then this lightweight mechanical exoskeleton assist system will naturally not be able to be used on a large scale, and it will naturally be impossible to field troops and go into battle.

Otherwise, on the battlefield, problems will arise at critical moments of the battle, which can be very fatal. "


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