Military Technology

Chapter 1872 Virtual Cinema

Chapter 1873 Virtual Cinema

[Modified version] After all, this space is essentially a data storage space, just like a cloud disk, which requires a storage server to store it. The stacking up of so many user data creates a huge amount of data, which requires a very large server group. That's why Wu Hao and the others charge a portion of the fee for the operation of the server group.

In addition, there are changes in various functions. For example, in the field of audio and video entertainment, virtual theaters have been completely upgraded. Not only can it restore the best viewing experience in a real theater, but it also greatly improves the viewing quality, making it possible to watch IMAX-3D movies through this set of equipment.

Thanks to the virtual cinema's strict copyright protection and anti-piracy mechanism, the virtual cinema has also established in-depth cooperation mechanisms with major distribution companies, so that most of the currently released films can be simultaneously online in the virtual cinema.

The cost of screening in physical theaters is reduced, so each ticket in the virtual theater is very cheap, only half or even less than the ordinary ticket price. This has also attracted a large number of movie-watching users, causing the current box office of virtual theaters to grow rapidly.

Just last year, the first virtual cinema movie with a box office of over 1 billion appeared on the virtual cinema chain. The box office revenue of virtual theaters for the whole year reached more than 9 billion, and this year, there should be no problem in exceeding 10 billion.

Affected by some epidemic infectious diseases and other practical problems, physical theaters in various regions around the world are currently facing difficulties in operating. Therefore, more and more film companies and distribution companies are beginning to take the path of online distribution.

For example, this year, many well-known foreign film companies have begun to launch new movies in virtual cinemas. And the global box office performance is excellent, which also gives these film companies and distribution companies a taste of the sweetness, and they plan to further cooperate with Micro Media.

This time, Wu Hao and the others established a virtual theater chain based on the virtual theater for the release of new movies. In addition to newly released movies, many classic movies from the past will also be available in the virtual cinema.

Although these classic movies can also be watched on some other websites, virtual cinema should be the only channel where you can watch movies that are consistent or even better than the movie viewing experience in a movie theater without using a movie theater.

These films can only be released in real theaters for a month, and at most they will be delayed for a while before they have to be released to make way for new movies. As for virtual cinemas, there is no need to consider this at all. These movies can always exist in theaters, and audiences can watch them whenever they want.

On the one hand, this is of course convenient for the audience to watch movies, because some movies are released for too short a time, so many people do not have time to watch them. But now there is no need to worry about this problem. As long as it is released in virtual theaters, users can watch it whenever they want. Unless the film distributor or film owner takes the initiative to release the film, or it is removed from the shelves by the theater operation and supervision department for some reasons.

On the other hand, this is what distributors and film companies want to see. After all, if the film can be released all the time, it will continue to make money. Who wants their film to be released too early? Virtual cinema, a method that does not require screenings, has been welcomed by distributors and film companies.

For this reason, many film companies have also put their first-pass films on virtual theaters for release, and even established many new film and television companies that specialize in shooting and producing such films.

And this time, the virtual theater is really like a movie world. Entering the virtual cinema, there is a huge space inside, with many movie posters and rolling promotional videos hanging around, as if you are in a huge cinema.

Users only need to click on the video they like and confirm to watch, and then they can be in a movie theater and watch it. You can also simulate the real movie-watching process, enter the real-time movie theater, and watch with other viewers.

In addition to virtual cinemas and virtual cinema lines, there are also virtual theaters in film and television, which are used to play various series. At present, Wu Hao and others have also cooperated with many film and television drama companies and platforms to add a lot of rich drama content to the virtual theater, where users can watch new drama content from all over the world in a timely manner.

In addition to film and television, there are also music and games. Needless to say, there is nothing to talk about in the field of music. The game has been optimized accordingly, so that players can get a more realistic and exciting gaming experience when playing the game.

In addition, this time in the virtual world version 2.0, Wu Hao and the others also integrated some games into the virtual world, such as a racing game whose tracks are located on these three islands in the virtual world.

There will be a fixed time open every day, and players need to sign up to participate. New tracks will appear on the three islands, and the tracks on the three islands will be connected through time and space gates. The total track is more than 80 kilometers, including various terrain environments, climates, and track types.

Players need to compete through racing. At present, this is just a preview, and the first game has not started yet. However, many excited players have already rushed to sign up and want to have a good run on this new track.

Apart from this, there is also Boxing and Sanda Arena, which is a boxing and Sanda martial arts game. The arena was immediately set up anywhere in the three Penglai islands and broadcast live simultaneously. Players need to register to participate.

Only after passing layers of screening can players be eligible to participate in this kind of open competition. If they can win in the end, players will receive corresponding rewards. Find Shuyuan

This is a brand-new carnival game mechanism. Through this open game method, it increases the fun of the entire virtual world and adjusts the joyful atmosphere of the entire virtual world.

This is a bit similar to real-life sports events or festivals. The purpose of this is naturally to entertain users. Of course, from a business perspective, it is also to stimulate consumption.

In addition to audio and video entertainment, this time Wu Hao and the others also opened up a dedicated commercial work space in the virtual world. In the past, many companies used virtual devices to perform various online tasks in the virtual world, but this method was informal and was also the private behavior of these corporate studios.

This time, Wu Hao and the others have opened a special business work space specifically for such enterprises and small company studios. These companies only need to pay part of the rental fee to obtain such a formal office space, which has an independent server, is safe and reliable, and is not prone to leaks or other influences.

Some more practical functions have also been specially designed based on the characteristics of online working in the virtual world.

This move by Wu Hao and others is not only to meet the online office needs of existing corporate studios, but also to promote the development of business and online offices in the virtual world.

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