Military Technology

Chapter 1874 Midnight gathering

Chapter 1875 Midnight gathering


Domestically, at the Haoyu Technology Virtual World Technology Operation Center, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun were staring at the relevant data information on the big screen.

The release of virtual world version 2.0 this time is a bit hasty, and I don’t know whether it can achieve the desired effect. Therefore, everyone is paying close attention to it and deliberately stays in the company to wait for the new version to be launched.

"How many people are online now?" Zhang Jun was obviously more anxious than Wu Hao and asked from time to time.

"Reportedly, there are currently more than 1.3 million people online in the domestic division and more than 900,000 people online in the overseas division."

"Is the data reliable?" Zhang Jun asked immediately after hearing the data.

Hearing this, Wu Hao smiled: "At this time, do we still need to falsify this kind of data?"

After receiving a positive reply, Zhang Jun immediately stood up and gave a high-five and said excitedly: "Great, there are already so many people here in just one hour. I believe there will be more people later. We succeeded."

Wu Haowei smiled and nodded: "This update is too large, and with many users' home network speeds, it may take some time for the update to be completed.

Okay, let's not stay here anymore and go back. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun quickly advised him: "Don't, how can you go back at such a critical time? Besides, you can sleep well when you go back.

I think it's getting late, so let's not go back and disturb the family. The few of us will just spend one night together at the company today. Speaking of which, it has been a long time since we stayed up late together.

How about we go out to a stall and have a drink? "

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Zou Xiaodong on the side immediately responded: "Okay, we haven't gone out to have skewers for a long time, and we miss the street smell a little bit."

"It's such a cold day, what are you doing?" Wu Hao was speechless.

"It's cold, so can't we have skewers?" Zhang Jun retorted.

Yang Fan on the side also laughed after hearing what a few people said: "I have no objection, but I want to say hello to my family."

"Damn it, Fanzi, since when did you become a strict wife?" Zhang Jun joked with a smile.

"Whenever he is not, given Zhou Xi's character, he must not be eaten to death." Zou Xiaodong said with a smile.

Yang Fan was not angry when he heard this, but said with a smile: "Don't talk about me, except for Dongzi, you are none of them. Just talk about Brother Hao, if Sister Wei asks him to go east, will he dare to go west?"

"What? I'm still telling the truth at home, so don't bring the subject to me." Wu Hao retorted after hearing this.

"Come on, we know your family status clearly, no need to explain, no need to explain." Zhang Jun, Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan both showed mean expressions.

Seeing this, Wu Hao patted the brain department and shook his head helplessly: "It's not a good idea to make friends."

"Where are we going?" After joking, Zhang Jun asked several people.

"You can still go there, the old place." Wu Hao waved his hand.

The old place they were talking about was actually the barbecue restaurant they used to go to, which was jointly opened by several veterans. The barbecue restaurant is not very big, with a small courtyard, and the location is relatively remote.

But the business of this barbecue restaurant has always been very good, partly because their barbecue is made with real ingredients. The prices are affordable and fair, the food is clean and hygienic, and the environment is relatively clean, so it attracts many diners.

On the other hand, because of their status as veterans, they naturally attracted many veterans to gather here. Now their barbecue restaurant has become one of the gathering places for several veterans in Anxi.

Speaking of which, Li Wenming recommended this barbecue restaurant to them, and they would come here often when they had time. On the one hand, of course, it's because the taste here is good, and the environment is also good, so Wu Hao and the others are quite satisfied. On the other hand, naturally because they are all acquaintances and trustworthy, there are not so many worries.

There were not many people on the streets of Anxi late at night, so the car drove quickly and arrived at this barbecue restaurant in just over 20 minutes.

Before they came, Li Wenming and the others had already greeted them, so several owners of the barbecue restaurant were already waiting at the door. When they saw Wu Hao and the others got out of the car, they immediately came up to say hello.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Lao Ma." Wu Hao said with a smile at the leader, a muscular middle-aged man in his forties.

"Hey, what are you talking about? You guys are here to take care of the business. It's too late for us to be happy, so why bother?" The old man smiled at Wu Hao and said, "It's a bit cold today, how about you guys?" Do it inside the house and keep it warm.”

"It's okay, it's fine outside. Don't affect your normal business." Wu Hao said with a smile at Lao Ma.

Lao Ma smiled and shook his head: "Hey, it's this time, the weather is cold, and there are basically no people around. Since you want to do it outside, then the old place is ready for you."

"Thank you." Wu Hao and the others thanked them, and then came to the old place they often came to before, in a corner of the yard, separated from other places. In this way, they will not be easily affected, let alone Lao Ma and their normal business.

The barbecue grill on the table has been raised. It is a pure charcoal fire, and a lamb chop is grilled on it. It is already sizzling and exuding fragrance.

Everyone was seated, and Zhang Jun greeted Lao Ma: "It's still the same, barbecue, come and have a bottle of Maotai."

"Okay, everything is ready for you." Lao Ma responded and immediately went to prepare.

Wu Hao and the others were not idle either. Zhang Jun couldn't wait to pick up the knife and start dividing the mutton chops for everyone. The lamb chops here are relatively browned, so there is a crispy crust on the outside, which is very delicious.

"Come on, don't be polite." Zhang Jun grabbed the lamb chops and started to chew on them. He praised them as he chewed: "Yes, it still tastes the same as before. It tastes amazing.

Let me tell you, I was hungry early and ate a little bit in the afternoon. I forgot everything when I was busy this evening. "

"Good guy, how about you eat a little bit? A bowl of wontons, a cage of steamed buns, a cage of shaomai, and a piece of veal steak. Look for Shuyuan By the way, there are also fruit snacks. "Yang Fan complained to Zhang Jun.

"Just those small steamed buns, I can eat two in one bite, so I'm not hungry at all." Zhang Jun grabbed a lamb chop and started to chew on it.

Haha, Wu Hao, Yang Fan and the others laughed when they heard this.

At this time, Lao Ma came up carrying a tray with various steaming barbecues on it. Lao Ma put these barbecues on the barbecue stove on the table to keep them warm, and introduced them with a smile to everyone: "Old rules, twenty skewers of beef on small bamboo skewers, twenty skewers of mutton, twenty skewers of ribs, roasted pork belly Twenty skewers, twenty skewers of roasted kidneys, four chicken wings, one roasted leek, and one peanut edamame!

By the way, do you want crayfish? They just arrived yesterday and are relatively fresh!"

When Wu Hao heard this, he smiled and waved his hand: "Forget it, that's enough!"

Okay, Lao Ma nodded, then took a bottle of Moutai from a veteran next to him, put it on the table and said with a smile: "I got the inventory directly from the Guizhou Province Winery through entrustment with a few comrades. It's one to five years old." , try it!”

"Okay, thank you!" Wu Hao thanked him immediately after seeing this. Although it is easy for Wu Hao and the others to drink whatever they want with their status and wealth, this bottle of wine should be something that Lao Ma and the others have treasured for a long time and are reluctant to drink. This time it was specially given to them, and they have to accept the favor.

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