Military Technology

Chapter 1877 Breathe underwater like a fish!

Because this smart bionic artificial lung can adjust the operating power of the equipment based on blood volume, it can maintain sufficient blood oxygen volume even in a hypoxic environment, thus greatly reducing such altitude sickness.

In addition, this set of equipment can also effectively filter carbon dioxide, nicotine, dust particles and even viruses and other harmful substances to avoid harm to the human body.

Many epidemics are basically infected through the lungs, and this equipment is a machine, so it is naturally not easily infected by these viruses. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, Zhang Jun and the others couldn't help but shine in their eyes. Their meaning couldn't be clearer, they were simply exclaiming: "Can it still be like this?"

In response to this, Wu Hao said angrily: "It's not as exaggerated as you think. This smart bionic artificial lung is only correspondingly strengthened, not completely immune.

Besides, the entry of these gases and equipment will also affect the service life of this smart bionic artificial lung, so it is best to avoid such a thing from happening. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun and others nodded to express their understanding.

Zou Xiaodong immediately asked: "When will this smart bionic artificial lung be put into clinical trials?"

“It is related to the life and health of patients, so various tests and inspections are essential. Unless this smart bionic artificial lung can be verified to be safe and reliable, it will not easily enter clinical trials.

At present, we have begun to carry out relevant animal tests and will conduct tests on rabbits, pigs, macaques, orangutans, etc. If the test results are excellent, we will immediately apply to the relevant departments to include this smart bionic artificial lung in clinical trials. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed his tone and said with a smile: "In fact, the relevant departments about our Five Elements scientific research project are also very concerned about it, including science and engineering, industry and information technology, health care, the Academy of Sciences, and the Academy of Engineering, including some famous scientific research projects Universities and large general hospitals are very concerned about this.

Compared to us, they are more eager and are paying close attention to the research progress of these projects. These hospitals are also competing for clinical trial sites for these projects. "

I suddenly had an idea, is it possible to use this smart bionic artificial lung to allow people to breathe freely underwater? Yang Fan suddenly had an idea and came up with an idea of ​​his own.

"Free to breathe underwater?" Zhang Jun and Zou Xiaodong looked puzzled when they heard this. Wu Hao gestured to him: "Tell me what you think?"

Yang Fan nodded, then smiled at the three of them and said: "That's what I think. Although we humans depend on oxygen to survive, it can be said that we cannot live without oxygen, but the oxygen in the air we breathe every time is only 21%. .

If the oxygen content in the air is reduced, it may cause hypoxia in people, leading to a series of hypoxic reactions and diseases, such as altitude sickness.

When the oxygen level continues to decrease, the person may be at risk of suffocation and eventually die from hypoxia asphyxiation.

If the oxygen content increases to more than 21%, people will also experience reactions such as oxygen intoxication. If the oxygen content continues to increase, and people breathe high concentrations of oxygen for a long time, their lives will also be in danger.

In other words, people actually need very little oxygen. Therefore, when people dive, what they breathe is generally not pure oxygen, but air. The reason why pure oxygen is not provided is of course for the sake of life and health, and on the other hand our human lungs need air for sufficient contraction.

Theoretically speaking, every breath we humans take only requires 21% of the pure oxygen in each breath we take, but our lungs are already used to it and cannot adapt.

And now with this smart bionic artificial lung, we can completely move underwater for a very long time, or survive permanently underwater, which is what I call breathing freely in the water like a fish.

There are currently two methods that I can think of. One is to use high-pressure liquid oxygen to supply oxygen. In this way, a bottle of high-pressure oxygen can support people to move underwater for a long time.

The other one uses electrolyzed water technology to produce oxygen to meet the oxygen needs of smart bionic artificial lungs. In this way, we are equivalent to making an artificial gill, or an underwater bionic respirator, which can allow divers to breathe freely underwater. "

Damn it, you're so imaginative! Zhang Jun praised in surprise, then looked at Wu Hao and asked: "Haozi, is Fanzi's idea reliable?"

The thoughtful Wu Hao, after hearing Zhang Jun's words, first smiled and nodded, and then shook his head.

Hey, you are nodding and shaking your head, what do you mean? Zhang Jun said with some confusion, Zou Xiaodong and Yang Fan who proposed the idea also looked at him.

Wu Hao looked at Yang Fan and said with a smile: "Your idea is good and theoretically feasible, but it has no practical value."

Why is it not valuable to be able to breathe freely underwater? Yang Fan was not in a hurry, but Zou Xiaodong was a little confused.

Don't worry. Wu Hao signaled this guy to calm down, and then introduced to everyone: "First of all, you must understand that the premise of this idea or this underwater free breathing technology is that the diver must be implanted with an intelligent bionic artificial lung. , so that it is possible to breathe freely underwater.

But everyone must be clear that all those who are implanted with this kind of smart bionic artificial lung are patients, and they are all critically ill patients. Who would take out their own lungs and implant such an artificial thing.

Second, if this kind of thing is implanted, can this person still engage in extreme sports such as diving? Will it have any health effects on this person?

The current diving equipment is very mature. Find Shuyuan www. Unless there are special circumstances, there is no need to stay underwater for so long. Even if the breathing problem is solved, a series of problems caused by being underwater for a long time must be solved.

After all, we are humans, not fish after all. "

Seeing the three people nodding, with a slight look of disappointment on their faces, Wu Hao changed his tone and said with a smile: "Of course, it doesn't mean that this technology is worthless. In fact, I think it still has great applications. Prospective.

If our smart bionic artificial lung is really safe and reliable and put into large-scale use. It proves that this smart bionic artificial lung is safe and reliable, and can help patients recover and live healthy for a long time, just like ordinary people.

Then, if we develop this additional function at that time, I believe it will definitely be liked by these patients.

Of course, I don’t know if there will be diving enthusiasts who would deliberately replace and implant this kind of intelligent bionic artificial lung in order to be active underwater for a long time.

After all, the world is full of wonders. Who knows what other people think? "

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