Military Technology

Chapter 1889 It’s too outrageous, ruining the three views

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, Lin Wei and Shen Ning nodded to express their understanding. Lin Wei still looked at Chen Ke'er with a keen interest, then turned to Wu Hao and asked: " What does she rely on to keep herself running and recharged?"

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "I have equipped this robot body with several of the latest models of super solid-state batteries we developed, so that only a few batteries can maintain the operation of this robot for a long time.

Basically, it can run for a whole day on a single charge.

I used our super wireless remote charging technology on it, so it can charge remotely without cables. Of course, it can also be wired for charging if needed.

I installed an interface on the sole of the right foot, which can be used for wired charging. This robot only needs to walk to the special charging base, align the sole of its right foot with the charging port, and insert it into it.

In addition, this excuse will also be used for some data cable connections, communication control and other purposes. "

Hearing Wu Hao's answer, Lin Wei nodded and then looked at him and said: "I now understand why you are worried. Once such a robot that is indistinguishable from a real person is released, what will it bring? What kind of impact?

Positive or negative?


Lin Wei didn't finish what she said, but Wu Hao already knew what she meant.

Therefore, regarding its true identity, you two must keep it strictly confidential and not let it out. Wu Hao looked at the two of them and said.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei and Shen Ning nodded first and then were stunned for a moment. Lin Wei was the first to react and asked Wu Hao: "What do you mean?"

Wu Hao smiled and did not answer Lin Wei. Instead, he turned to look at Shen Ning and said with a smile: "From today on, it is a member of the Secretariat. You are responsible for taking care of it and keeping it confidential."


Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wu Hao and said, "What do you mean, let it go out!"

Wu Hao nodded and said: "Of course, if you want to be more like a human being, you must go deep into the crowd and learn their words and deeds, so as to better yourself.

You don’t need to worry about the other things, Coco can handle them all, but in some aspects of daily life, this is the weakness of the AI ​​​​robot, so you need a lot of help in this regard. "

But, but... Shen Ning's eyes widened and her mouth stuttered but she couldn't speak.

Lin Wei couldn't stand it anymore, and then rolled her eyes at Wu Hao and said, "Why are you embarrassing Shen Ning? This matter was not done by humans..."

Haha, Wu Hao smiled, then looked at Shen Ning and said, "Relax, it's nothing. This is actually letting you be a guide so that it can integrate into human society as soon as possible. Don't worry, it's very simple.

And I'm right here at the Secretariat, so everything will be fine. "

After hearing what Wu Hao said, Shen Ning had no choice but to agree. Now she really wants to find someone to complain about, to be a teacher or nanny for a robot. No one else has this kind of experience. Of course, this was just what she was thinking about. Because the first request Wu Hao gave her was to keep it strictly confidential and not let others know Chen Keer's true identity. This was simply too difficult.

Seeing Shen Ning agree, Wu Hao smiled, and then looked at Chen Ke'er: "Keke, let's use this robot body to carry out activities, and the scope is limited to the company.

To prevent others from getting suspicious, the name of your robot body is Chen Kerr, one of my secretaries. You ride home with me in the evening, and to the outside world you are my cousin. "

OK sir! Chen Keer responded to him, and Shen Ning on the side also nodded.

After arranging these, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, then felt very hungry, and immediately started to dig through the breakfast that Shen Ning had brought him.

Although it was a little cold, Wu Hao didn't mind it, so he immediately took breakfast and sat down to eat.

Lin Wei, on the other hand, glanced at Wu Hao, then turned her attention to the relevant environment in the laboratory, and was very curious about everything.

You know, this is one of the core and most mysterious laboratories of Haoyu Technology, and only a handful of people can enter. In addition to Wu Hao himself, it is also limited to those authorized by him. Even Lin Wei has never come in before, especially Shen Ning.

Therefore, the two of them were very curious about the environment in this laboratory, and their eyes were looking everywhere involuntarily.

As for Chen Keer, she turned around and glanced at the three of them, then walked to the coffee machine, then took out the coffee cup and started working. After a while, it was seen carrying a tray and walked up to Lin Wei and Shen Ning, then smiled at them and said: "Miss Lin, please drink coffee, less sugar and less milk."

Oh, okay, thank you! Lin Wei was stunned for a moment before reacting. Then she took the coffee with a surprised look and thanked her. But as soon as she finished speaking, she was stunned again. Why did she want to thank a robot? Did it really understand?

You're welcome! Chen Keer smiled.

She actually understood it!

Then, Chen Keer turned around and handed another cup of coffee in the tray to Shen Ning: "Secretary Shen, this is your coffee, less sugar and more milk!"

Thanks! Shen Ning also subconsciously thanked Lin Wei.

You're welcome. Chen Keer smiled slightly and said: "I noticed that you have some acne on your skin, so try to drink less irritating food like coffee, drink more warm water, and pay attention to adjusting your work and rest."

Oh, okay, thank you... Shen Ning, who was stunned, nodded subconsciously and was about to say thank you, but she was stunned again in the middle of the sentence. Yes, why should she say thank you to such a robot. And don’t you think this is outrageous? A robot is actually teaching you how to take care of it. Ask Shuyuan to care about you. Isn’t this a bit too gray?

But even though she thought so, she still remembered Chen Keer's words in her heart, and then looked at the coffee in her hand and couldn't help but hesitate.

At this time, Chen Keer's words rang out again: "Of course, it's okay to drink a small amount of coffee. A small amount of coffee can help refresh your mind and activate your body and mind."

Shen Ning:......

Lin Wei, who watched the whole process from the sidelines:...

While the two were stunned, Chen Keer had already walked to Wu Hao with a cup of freshly brewed green tea, put the tea on the dining table and said to Wu Hao: "Sir, your tea has been brewed for you. .”

Okay, Wu Hao glanced at Chen Keer, and then started eating by himself.

As for Shen Ning and Lin Wei, they are still staying there. Today's matter is a bit beyond their understanding and must be digested carefully. Therefore, Wu Hao did not disturb the two of them, leaving them some space to digest themselves.

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