Military Technology

Chapter 1892 The beauty’s name?

Wu Hao smiled slightly when he heard this, but still said: "Immediately organize technical personnel to check the security system, find out the source of the attack, fix the loopholes, and prevent this from happening again."

Wu Hao knew in his heart that this matter was done by Keke, and it was impossible for technicians to find out, so Wu Hao was not worried at all and just treated it as a routine maintenance inspection.

yes! Wei Bing responded, and then said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, what happened?"

It's okay, I'm just reminding you to check it out. Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then looked at Wei Bing and said: "As you know, we are now under great pressure and difficulties overseas.

So this time is very critical for us, so nothing can happen, especially at our headquarters. So it’s up to you how to keep this ‘home’ and protect the safety of this ‘home’. "

Yes, I will definitely protect my home and do everything possible to ensure its safety and stable operation. Wei Bing assured Wu Hao.

Well, that's it. In the future, emergency withdrawals like this will be done from time to time, just to give everyone a heads up and twist the clockwork. It doesn’t have to be on such a large scale, and it doesn’t have to be in the form of such an emergency gathering, but the standards must be raised. Wu Hao once again gave orders to the Wei soldiers.

Looking at Wei Bing who was still in a daze, Wu Hao waved his hand and left immediately. Wei Bing didn't react until Wu Hao left, opened his mouth, and finally gave up and turned around to organize the leader's safety inspection.

When he came to the company building, Wu Hao could clearly see that the employees looked at him strangely. Obviously, this should be the influence brought by Chen Keer. There is no way, who makes the beautiful girl attract too much attention.

Wu Hao took out his foldable transparent device and opened the company's internal community forum. Sure enough, someone had already posted photos in it.

"The mysterious beauty appeared in the company building with the boss lady and Secretary Shen, and her appearance is explosive!"

And below, naturally a group of people followed.

Let me go, so beautiful, who is this, that star?

He's not a celebrity, he should be a model. This figure is simply...

Probably not. I know all the well-known domestic models and celebrities, but I have never met her.

Following the boss lady, she must be the boss lady's sister or relative.

The family background of the boss lady is available online. She only has one younger brother and has never heard of a beautiful younger sister. If there was, it would have been exposed by the media long ago if it was so beautiful.

They must be relatives.

Does anyone know this girl's name or her contact information?

We want the same thing, we want the same thing!

Spending a lot of money to get the name of a beautiful woman?

A good man's life is safe, and his brother's lifelong happiness depends on you.

I'll go, there's a face upstairs, this is obviously my wife!

You two are going to duel, I will take her away first.

I just got the news and went to the boss's office with the boss's wife.

Does anyone know this girl's name? Has she registered at the front desk?

No, I see that this girl has an ID hanging around her neck. She should be an employee of our company.

Are you new to the job? I haven't seen him before.

It should be that someone so beautiful has been excavated a long time ago.

Could it be the boss’s new secretary?

Damn, this is your angle.

No, if you really are the boss's secretary, how do you want me to chase you?

Don’t worry and chase after me boldly. I followed the boss’s wife. Do you think the boss would have the courage even if he has such evil intentions?

Haha, yes, I feel more relieved.

The boss has a very good reputation, so feel free to pursue him boldly. Married people can only envy him.

To be honest, she is so beautiful that it makes her feel inferior, so she doesn’t care about pursuing her.

Yes, I feel the same way. It feels like she is a swan and we are a group of toads.

She's so beautiful, it must be a lot of pressure to be her boyfriend.

What kind of pressure is this? Taking it out with you is definitely a proper focus.

With such a beautiful girlfriend, you can safely leave her alone at home?

I go to where she lives and I move next door to her.

You bunch of scoundrels, I want to live across from her!

I found it, Chen Keer, 25 years old, a new employee who joined today, secretary in the boss's office.

You're so awesome, bro!

Her age doesn't feel like 25, but like a girl of eighteen or nineteen.

Maybe she just looks young, and 25 is not too old.

Sure enough, all the beautiful girls are in the boss's office. Is he raising a secretary or running a harem?

Not all are the same, everyone understands.

Speak politely, the boss has a good reputation. Have you heard any scandals about him?

That's true, but I feel sorry for the boss. There are so many beautiful women around him, why can't he be tempted by any of them? He's still not a man.

That is, someone who has no desires and desires all day long, shouldn’t he be...

Speak up with confidence and your boss won't be able to see it.

It's G!

Hahaha, you are dead upstairs. The boss can't see it, but Coco can. What Coco sees is different from what the boss sees!


Wu Hao closed his transparent folding device with black lines on his head and walked out of the elevator. It seems that everyone is still too leisurely. Are there so many people fishing at this point?

Passing by the secretariat, you can hear the discussion inside. Wu Hao smiled and walked into his office.

At this moment, Lin Wei was sitting in the rest area. Chen Keer and Shen Ning were not seen. They should be in the secretary's office.

Wu Hao picked up the cup of hot tea that had been brewed, then came to the rest area and sat down. Looking at Lin Wei who looked lazy, Wu Hao asked with a smile: "What's wrong? Didn't you have a good rest without me last night?"

Go, I had a good rest without you, I slept until dawn. Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him, and then said deliberately.

Hahaha, look for Shuyuan Wu Hao smiled and did not expose Lin Wei's lies.

When Lin Wei saw that he was no longer talking, she immediately said to him: "Did you really let this robot do this? What are you going to do once someone discovers it?"

When Wu Hao heard this, he looked at Lin Wei and said with a smile: "If you find it, you will find it. It will happen sooner or later. Now that I let it out, I will be prepared to be discovered."

However, once such a real robot is exposed, the impact will undoubtedly be unprecedented. At that time, how did you deal with the huge pressure from public opinion? Lin Wei couldn't help but show a worried look.

Of course, there will definitely be some impact, but this will happen sooner or later. Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei and comforted him with a smile: "Now that we have developed this technology, we can't keep it secret, so what's the point? So this technology, this robot will meet people sooner or later, as long as It’s just a matter of timing.”

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed his tone and comforted: "Don't worry, with Chen Ke'er's current performance, it will not be easy for others to notice it. No one would have thought that the person next to him would be a robot, and no one would go there. That’s what I was thinking about.”

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