Looking at the entangled Zhang Jun, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "You are the general manager of a large technology company after all. Don't act like a rogue. It doesn't matter if outsiders see it. Don't worry about your image."

No, I want a beautiful woman! Zhang Jun has obviously lost his moral integrity. At this moment, his mind is already full of worms, and all he can think about is this matter.

Wu Hao laughed angrily when he saw this. If a girl was so entangled and playful with him, he might fall into this trap. But it was absolutely impossible for him to accept what a fat guy like Zhang Jun did to him here.

Okay, stop acting. I tell you, it is impossible in a short time. Moreover, this robot still has many shortcomings and shortcomings, and it needs to be continuously improved. Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and said.

After hearing this, Zhang Jun stood up and said excitedly to him: "What's missing? There are shortcomings. It's obvious that you don't want to give."

Wu Hao ignored him, but motioned for Chen Ke'er to stand up, and then said to Zhang Jun: "Put away the bunch of ideas in your head, she doesn't support the function like you currently, and it's underneath No."

there is nothing? Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment, then asked.

What's going on in your head. Wu Hao said angrily at this guy.

Um... Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Keer who stood up. He stared at it seriously for a long time, mouthing several times in a row. Finally, he smiled at Wu Hao and said, "It's okay, it's the same above. .”

Wu Hao now really wants to give the guy in front of him a good beating. He has been thinking about me all day long.

Okay, put away your dirty thoughts. When the technology matures in the future, how about the first one produced is given to you, and the appearance and body are designed by you?

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun glanced at him, as if he thought of something exciting, then he came to Wu Hao and said with a smile: "How long will this take in the future?"

Wu Hao looked at this guy speechlessly, then thought for a moment and said: "At least half a year, there are still many technologies that have not been solved."

Half a year is too long. Hasn't this been developed? Why are there still so many technologies that have not yet been solved? Zhang Jun pointed at Chen Keer and said angrily to Wu Hao.

It's because Coco is the only one, you know what I mean? Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and said.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun opened his mouth, but in the end no words came out. Because he knew what Wu Hao meant. Yes, Coco was indeed the only one, because it was their company's first AI system, the motherboard of all intelligent voice systems, and the entire company's campus intelligent management system. center.

From a young age, Keke has been Wu Hao's personal smart assistant, but from a big perspective, Keke has been the smart butler of the entire company's headquarters campus, and even the entire company.

Therefore, it is a special and unique existence in the company.

Although Zhang Jun also has his own personal intelligent assistant, it is far inferior to Coco. So after hearing Wu Hao's words, he didn't know how to refute.

After being stunned for a while, he asked aloud: "Why not install an independent artificial intelligence system in the head of this robot?"

Can an independent artificial intelligence system be as smart as it is now? Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and asked.

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun shook his head. In terms of intelligence, other AI systems are definitely not as good as Coco. There is no doubt about this.

"The next step I want to research and conquer is here, to install an independent AI system for the robot. However, it is a bit difficult to achieve this. After all, I am only one person, and my ability and energy are limited after all."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun looked at him with some confusion and said, "Why not set up a formal scientific research project team? Judging from Coco's performance just now, this robot is already very mature."

Do you think humans are ready to accept such a highly intelligent, highly bionic robot that can even look fake and real? Wu Hao did not answer Zhang Jun's question, but turned to ask him a question.

Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment after hearing his words, and then fell into thinking. Wu Hao didn't bother him, but picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

As for Chen Ke'er, upon seeing this, he immediately got up and walked slowly over there, picked up the kettle, and started to fill Wu Hao and Zhang Jun's water glasses.

The figure of Chen Keer woke up Zhang Jun. He raised his head and stared at Chen Keer for a long time, and finally shook his head: "Once such a robot is released, I am afraid it will cause chaos.

To be honest, for now, humans may not be able to accept such a real robot being mixed into human society. "

Wu Hao nodded and looked at him and said, "So, you must keep Chen Keer's affairs strictly confidential and you are not allowed to reveal anything."

But what if someone else finds out? Zhang Jun glanced at Chen Keer, then looked at Wu Hao and asked.

Generally speaking, it will not be discovered because no one will think about it. Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun and said: "Even if he is discovered, it is not a big deal, because Chen Keer's entire activity area is in the park, and the people he comes into contact with are only in a small area, so it will not have much impact. .

And soon, we will also start related research work on humanoid robots, and Chen Keer's technology will gradually be transferred to this project team. Then through several years of development and continuous launch of related products, this will also allow the public to adapt.

Of course, no matter when it comes, Coco is the only one. "

After listening to Wu Hao’s words, I went to Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyun.com Zhang Jun nodded to express his understanding. Wu Hao's last words meant to tell him that the Anxi robot that would be launched later would definitely not be as good as Coco. This is normal. After all, commercial products and personal experimental products are definitely very different.

Commercial products will consider many factors and may make appropriate castrations on some technologies and equipment products to make them meet relevant requirements. This will also be the case for this kind of humanoid robot. After all, if it is too real, trouble will definitely occur. At that time, relevant laws, regulations and industry market regulations will inevitably be born, and it will be mandatory to post eye-catching logos on robots, etc.

It remains to be discussed whether this extremely realistic simulation robot can be put into the market for commercial use. You must know that this is not only an issue of legal supervision, but may also involve social, moral, values, etc. issues.

What about mine? Can it reach this level? Zhang Jun pointed at Chen Keer and said.

Don't worry, it will only get better and better than this robot. Wu Hao gave Zhang Jun a positive answer. But one thing he didn't tell Zhang Jun was that robot technology and Coco were constantly evolving, and Chen Ke'er would definitely be better than this in the future.

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