Military Technology

Chapter 1897 The new “goddess” in the company

Sure enough, just as Zhang Jun feared, Chen Keer's sudden appearance did cause a big stir. Whether inside the company or outside, everyone is paying close attention to this unexpectedly beautiful girl.

Who is she, why did she suddenly appear, and she entered Wu Hao's office directly from the beginning.

This is either because she has an extraordinary connection, or she is good enough, or maybe there is some secret inside, and Wu Hao is greedy for other people's bodies.

As for the employees in the secretariat who spent time with Chen Keer, they were also greatly affected in the past few days, and even doubted their life for a while.

At first, everyone was very curious about Chen Keer's sudden appearance, and some even privately speculated whether this was the big boss's child, sent here to experience life through connections. After all, this was sent directly from the landlady and Shen Ning, and Wu Hao had asked about it, so the relationship background was naturally extraordinary.

After that, Chen Keer's performance in the office shocked everyone. She had a very regular schedule and got started with various tasks very quickly. She had a typing speed that ordinary people could not match, with a typing speed of more than two to three hundred per minute. Only Chen Keer was seen. His hands flew across the keyboard like invisible hands, and the number of words flashed on the big screen.

This stunt also stunned everyone in the office, so all the subsequent copywriting work was handed over to Chen Keer.

It is said that one move can be used all over the world. With such an ability, although everyone has some opinions on Chen Keer's sudden airborne landing, after Chen Keer showed such a trick, everyone is also more convinced. This is not She was just a beautiful vase, but she also had real abilities, so everyone quickly accepted her.

As the relationship deepened, everyone in the office was completely conquered by Chen Keer. Especially in various business aspects, they are simply professional. Everyone admits that she should be the most powerful person they know.

Now some people are beginning to believe that Chen Keer did not come in through the back door through connections or some random thing, but was a talent that Wu Hao really attracted.

Only Shen Ning was smiling bitterly in her heart, but she couldn't show it on the outside. Yes, compared with robots and artificial intelligence in office automation and professionalism, there is no comparison at all.

Of course, Chen Keer is not without some shortcomings. Over time, everyone has discovered them. That is, although Chen Keer treats people warmly on the surface and is very good at this kind of language, she has a high EQ and IQ. But they are not easy to get along with, or it is difficult to deal with each other.

Everyone can feel that behind this enthusiasm is indifference, because Chen Keer maintains these relationships on the surface and cannot go deep. This also caused everyone to misunderstand her, thinking that she was a somewhat withdrawn, very arrogant, cold, and somewhat difficult person to get along with.

This is the shortcoming of artificial intelligence. It may be very smart and have high emotional intelligence. It can even analyze the expression and mental activities of the interlocutor based on AI facial recognition, so as to respond accordingly. So when we first got along, everyone felt that Chen Keer was very cheerful, very enthusiastic, very considerate, and could chat with anyone.

But when we chat for a long time and have in-depth exchanges to develop the relationship, everyone always feels that something is a little bit different. Although the answer is still excellent, it always feels like the other person is deliberately keeping a distance from you, which even makes people feel a little arrogant and misunderstood.

This is naturally a technical issue, because Chen Keer's relevant learning data and materials are all collected from the Internet. Many of them are aggregated information, and these things are not so close to life, and there is a certain gap between it and real life. Therefore, when Keke learns these data and gets along with real people, such problems will naturally arise.

This is also the reason why Wu Hao took the risk to stuff Chen Keer into the secretariat office, just to accumulate more materials in real life, so as to learn and optimize, making it more and more intelligent and more like real people.

Apart from these, everyone found that Chen Keer seemed to have no personal interests or hobbies, or even a personal life. She always eats in Wu Hao's office and rarely drinks water or goes to the toilet. I don’t have any hobbies at all during my break, unlike other girls who follow dramas, browse short videos, Weibo and so on.

She didn't. She was either working overtime, looking at some data that no one could understand, or just sitting there in a daze, or sleeping on her stomach.

Moreover, everyone also discovered that she was picked up and dropped off by a special car every day when she went to work, and the driver who picked her up was a security personnel from Wu Hao's personal security team. This has also led to more speculation about her identity. Now everyone believes that this Chen Keer should be a relative of Wu Hao or Lin Wei, and she really came here to study and train.

Because of this, everyone became more "friendly and kind" to her.

Of course, there was another thing that made Wu Hao dumbfounded. That is, in these days, Chen Keer actually received countless bouquets of roses expressing love, which also turned the entire Secretariat office into a sea of ​​flowers.

At first, Chen Keer didn't know how to deal with it, so she asked Wu Hao specifically. Finally, under Wu Hao’s suggestion (order), it chose to politely refuse.

But the more this happened, the more people sent flowers, which also made the business of several flower shops inside and outside the company campus extremely booming, and the demand for roses soared. Chen Ke'er was also listed as one of the top ten beauties in the company park by the busybody. She was found in Bookstore and someone offered a reward of 5,000 yuan to whoever could catch her.

And this has aroused the enthusiasm of all male employees, especially the many technical men in the company, who have regarded Chen Keer as the new goddess. Everyone showed off their talents one after another, hoping to impress Chen Keer. However, Chen Ke'er is not interested in the flattery and sincerity of these people. There are still several activity areas every day. Apart from work, he doesn't care about other things.

As for those roses, they were all given to girls in the office and other departments. These girls were holding roses in their hands after get off work during this time, and then they took them back one by one and soaked their feet.

Seeing that the roses didn't work, these people began to change their strategies. In addition to flowers, they began to give food, various snacks, snacks, snacks, etc. They received a lot every day, which made the girls in the office extremely happy.

Because they can get a lot of delicious food every day, and girls from other departments are attracted to come here for alms, this has made Wu Hao's secretariat office recently become a place that everyone in the company yearns for. Of course the male employees took it because there was a beautiful girl here, and the girls took it because there were free flowers and delicious food.

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