Military Technology

Chapter 1009 The New Year’s Eve New Product Launch Conference Arrives as Scheduled

After dinner, Wu Hao went to the kitchen to clean up the mess. As for Lin Wei, she went upstairs to take a shower first.

When Wu Hao finished cleaning the kitchen and came to the living room upstairs, he found Lin Wei walking out in pajamas: "How do you like the new pajamas I bought?"

Wu Hao, who was looking at the foldable transparent screen, looked up and couldn't help but feel a little thirsty. This...

Lin Wei was wearing a fine silk pajamas, revealing her snow-long legs and a large area of ​​white and tender skin. The black shoulder straps were exposed from the wide collar, making her look even more charming.

Her white and tender feet stepped on the floor and she made a coquettish pose towards Wu Hao.

Who can bear this!

With a rush of blood in his head, the restless Wu Hao dropped the transparent foldable tablet in his hand, then stepped forward to hug Lin Wei, and walked towards the bedroom. As for Lin Wei, she held Wu Hao's neck with both hands and let her hair hang down, slowly flowing with her steps.

The next morning, Wu Hao came to the company later. On the one hand, it is because there is not much to do this morning, so I can come a little later. On the other hand, the reason is naturally because last night was too hard.

As the old saying goes, a woman is like a tiger at thirty, and Wu Hao now deeply understands this. If he hadn't been in good physical condition, he would have had to take leave today.

It can be seen that with the appearance of Chen Keer, Lin Wei has a sense of crisis, so these days, she has become more proactive, trying different ways to squeeze him every day, which also makes Wu Hao painful. And be happy.

The most important thing today is the evening press conference. As the last day of the Gregorian calendar year, most employees in the company have already left for vacation at around 4 p.m. to enjoy the New Year holiday.

Only a few people stayed and began to prepare for the New Year's Eve new product launch conference in the evening, which was also the announcement of New Year's gift distribution.

As for Wu Hao, he had one last rehearsal and then started to put on makeup. There's no way, although Wu Hao doesn't like to put so many things on his face, but when facing the spotlight and the camera, he must put on makeup, otherwise the photos taken may not look adult.

After putting on makeup and changing clothes, Wu Hao still wore blue jeans today, paired with a white T-shirt and short hair, making him look particularly refreshing and energetic.

Are you all ready? Wu Hao looked at Shen Ning.

Shen Ning nodded and said to him: "Everything is ready, just waiting for you to come over."

Wu Hao looked at the time, then waved to Shen Ning and the others: "It's almost time, let's go there."

Immediately, Wu Hao brought his vast entourage to the live broadcast recording hall of Tianshu Activity Center. Seeing Wu Hao come in, everyone who was seated stood up. Among these people were Zhang Jun, Yang Fan, Zou Xiaodong and others, as well as family members like Lin Wei, and some other related personnel.

The staff came and pinned a small wireless microphone to his collar. It was very small, smaller than a single wireless earphone. This is a satellite wireless microphone developed by Wu Hao and others. Although it is small in size, its performance is extremely excellent. The first is the battery life, which can support continuous working and recording for about four to six hours.

Gu also supports battery replacement. You only need to twist the tail end of the microphone to remove the battery and some components of the wireless receiver, and then replace them with new ones to achieve continuous battery life.

Secondly, thanks to Wu Hao’s previous technology accumulation in the smart voice assistant product series, even in such a small size, technicians have built in a microphone array composed of several microphones, so not only is the sound received clear and accurate , and the timbre is far higher. Its sound quality level has basically reached the level of professional wireless microphones, which can be said to be very excellent.

Finally, there is the wireless transmission system, which still uses a solution similar to wireless headphones. In a box similar to storing wireless headphones, a miniature wireless microphone and two replaceable battery components are installed.

When in use, the miniature wireless microphone is pinned to the collar. As for the headphone box, it is used as a relay transmission system to prevent it from being placed closer to the wearer or directly into the pocket of clothes.

The miniature wireless microphone will transmit the recording signal to the microphone box, and then the microphone box will transmit the sounds to the receiving and collecting terminal. The signal amplified by this microphone box can support high-fidelity transmission distances up to fifty or sixty meters, so it can be used in various scenarios.

This miniature wireless microphone is currently on the official store of Haoyu Technology and has been widely welcomed. The largest number of buyers are undoubtedly those self-media video bloggers, followed by professional hosts and related actors and crews, etc.

It is said that a large film crew bought dozens of these miniature wireless microphones to record a set of big scene sound recordings, and then placed them on the actors.

The most outrageous thing is that this tiny wireless headset is actually used by some people for eavesdropping. Because the size is too small, the use is concealed, and the transmission distance is long, there have been several such cases domestically and internationally.

Of course, Wu Hao and the others have made corresponding adjustments and changes in response to this situation. For example, when recording, the micro breathing light on the micro microphone will flash rhythmically to remind them that this is recording, including using The microphone box that relays the transmission signal will also flash a breathing light to remind you.

After putting on the microphone, Wu Hao adjusted his clothes with the help of the staff, and then walked to the chair in the middle of the studio to get ready. Then he took out the outline of the host's dictionary and started flipping through it, waiting for the time to come.

Mr. Wu, the time is almost up. Just when Wu Hao was looking through the outline and lines book to get involved, the live broadcast director reminded him.

Okay, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Wu Hao then handed the outline and lyrics to the staff. After the makeup staff performed the final touch-ups on him, he took a deep breath and nodded slightly towards the director.

Attention all departments, the live broadcast will start soon, please start preparing!

Lighting, camera, system...

After confirming the readiness of each department one by one, as the director counted down, Wu Hao's figure finally appeared in front of the tens of millions of viewers who were watching the live broadcast rooms on various platforms after a promotional video.

To all our loyal users and fans who have always supported us, friends, Happy New Year to everyone!

I am very happy to meet you all as scheduled at the end of this year and witness another New Year's Eve new product launch. This year we have prepared a lot of New Year gifts for everyone. Each of these gifts is great and they are our sincere efforts in the past year. We hope that through these New Year gifts, we can bring joy, happiness and health to our friends.

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