Military Technology

Chapter 1907 Bringing buyers to ecstasy

The press conference continued. Wu Hao introduced some new features of this transparent folding tablet, and then entered the final summary stage.

"These are the three gifts we give you today, namely smart VR glasses with 8K high-definition quality and wireless transmission function, a new generation virtual device host with a new processor and graphics card, and our final stunning debut of high-definition Transparent folding screen.

So, how much do these three excellent products cost? "

After raising this question, Wu Hao paused to give everyone a reaction time. Then he said with a smile: "The first is our new generation of smart VR glasses. Its international price is 1,499 euros and its domestic price is 8,899 yuan. Because exchange rates and tax rates vary from place to place, the price is relatively high. Ups and downs, please refer to local sales promotion information for specific prices.”

Audiences from various regions who were watching the live broadcast cheered and discussed the price one after another. Some were satisfied, while others naturally protested. I am satisfied because although the price of this pair of glasses is more expensive than the previous generation, it has many functional improvements. And in fact, the price is not expensive, because the performance of other similar products is far inferior to this, and the price is also ridiculously expensive.

On the contrary, Haoyu Technology's smart VR glasses are very popular because the price has been very stable, and they are often sold out. It is hoped that this price increase will increase product production capacity, and also screen out some users so that there will be no shortage of goods.

As for those who are dissatisfied, it is naturally because the price is a bit high, but the price difference between domestic and international prices is very big, the difference is almost 2,000 yuan. I am afraid that such a price will also attract a group of purchasing agents.

“Next is our new generation of virtual device host, which is divided into two models, namely the standard version with 32g video memory, 128 ram, 512g solid state drive plus 2t mechanical hard drive, and the standard version with 64g video memory, 256 ram, 1t solid state drive plus 4t Pro version of mechanical hard drive

The domestic price of the standard version is 24,988 yuan, while the international price is 3,999 euros. The domestic price of the pro version is 55,999 yuan, and the international price is 8,299 euros.

This price is relatively expensive, but you can compare the prices of similarly configured computer consoles and related game consoles on the market.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s talk about the price of high-definition 8k graphics cards with 32 and 64g memory, and then compare our prices, you should be able to see our sincerity.

This price is not because we refer to the market price, but because at this stage, the manufacturing cost of related chips is relatively high, so the price of the products is generally higher. In detail, as the scale of our chip manufacturing plants continues to expand and production capacity increases, this price will relatively fall back.

Next is our smart transparent tablet. We have two specifications of this transparent tablet, the 11.9-inch standard version and the 13.9-inch pro version. The standard version is priced at 11,999 yuan domestically and 1,799 euros internationally. The domestic price of the pro version is 14,999 yuan, while the international price is 2,299 euros. "

"These three products will be displayed and experienced at our official experience stores and officially authorized experience stores across the country and around the world at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Everyone is welcome to go and experience them for yourself.

Seven days later, that is, January 7, we will launch unified global sales. At that time, everyone is welcome to purchase through online or offline channels.

Users who start pre-ordering tomorrow will be able to get the products they ordered as soon as the sales officially go on sale. If you make an online reservation, you can choose to pick up the goods at the local official experience store and officially authorized store on the day of sale, or you can use door-to-door delivery service to have it delivered to your door as soon as possible.

Here, we will also simultaneously enable the equipment recycling function. When you choose to upgrade, you can choose to resend your old equipment to us. We will evaluate and recycle your equipment based on its age and usage, so as to repeat use.

As for the recycled old equipment, we will renovate it and carry out corresponding equipment system upgrades to support our Virtual World 2.0 system. These devices will also be launched in our official mall later, and interested children can pay attention to them.

At the same time, we have also launched official refurbishment services. If you want to choose to refurbish your old equipment, you can take your old equipment to our local official experience stores and officially authorized stores, and they will test and register it for you. After the relevant renovation services are completed, a dedicated person will then notify you to pick it up, or door-to-door delivery is also available.

As for those old users who don’t want to go to local official experience stores and officially authorized stores or there are no official experience stores and officially authorized stores in the local area, you can also package and send your old equipment to our centers in various regions around the world by mail. After-sales service outlets, our dedicated personnel will carry out unified renovations and then return them to you by express delivery.

When choosing a mailing method, there are a few things you should pay attention to so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to you in the process.

First of all, make sure that the equipment is not damaged. If there is any damage, bumps, etc., please fill it in truthfully. If it cannot be refurbished due to the user's own problems or equipment failure, we have the right to refuse service.

Secondly, for some users whose equipment is damaged, you can also fill in and mark it during the mailing process. We will help you repair it during the refurbishment process to ensure that the product you get is in good condition.

Third, please be sure to read the relevant service terms carefully and carefully choose the most suitable after-sales service outlet nearest you. If you make the wrong choice, it will not only increase logistics and transportation costs, but also delay time and cause you inconvenience. Find Shuyuan

The last thing I want to say is that all refurbished equipment products, although related parts will be replaced and the system upgraded, their overall performance is still far behind the new generation products we just released. So whether you choose to renovate or not, please choose carefully. For some users and players who pursue the ultimate experience, such renovations may not be able to meet your ultimate needs for performance.

At this time, you should consider whether to sell the device in your hand on the second-hand market and buy a new one. "

Having said this, Wu Hao smiled and changed his tone and said: "Finally, in order to avoid some possible troubles, we have the final right to interpret all the terms and conditions I mentioned!"

Ha ha ha ha……

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone watching the live broadcast laughed. This is a business practice to avoid problems. Because some companies did not add such a sentence before, which ultimately resulted in paying a large amount of compensation to consumers.

So after that, basically all companies will add such a clause after the relevant publicity clauses to avoid possible disputes.

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