Military Technology

Chapter 1915 The unknown new metal element


Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand, "Don't worry about her, I will definitely give her advice. What I'm talking about is our business. We can't always serve passively, we still have to change our thinking and take the initiative. Don't let the other party encounter difficulties. It was only later that they thought of coming to us, but we wanted to help them solve these problems and difficulties in advance.”

What Wu Hao said is actually a disease of large enterprises, which is common to all enterprises in the industry. When I first started my business as a small business, I really regarded every customer as God and tried my best to provide them with warm and thoughtful services.

It is precisely because of this kind of service that the company has gradually grown and developed. However, after becoming a big company, I gradually developed a sense of arrogance, as if I had to be superior because I was a big company. I no longer had the previous enthusiasm, previous thoughtfulness, and previous dedication.

Even for some so-called own convenience and own interests, regardless of the interests and feelings of other customers. The final result of this is that these customers will actively switch to others after encountering someone who is similar to or even better than them.

What Wu Hao is doing now is to try his best to combat and suppress the occurrence of this phenomenon, including the flat and vertical management he uses in the company using artificial intelligence systems, in order to suppress and eliminate the occurrence of this big enterprise disease, so that the company can always keep active.

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun nodded and said, "You are right, I have received several such complaints recently, saying that our service quality has declined and other issues.

This aspect really needs to be put into rectification. The way I see it, the sales of new products are imminent, so the marketing department should not make big moves until this wave is over.

We are just taking advantage of this technology to reorganize the after-sales service department first, but in order to improve the after-sales service level of our products, we will try our best to satisfy and reassure our customers.

Beyond that, I think it can be expanded to the business operations department. Recently, the supervision and audit working group received several important clues, saying that some of our business personnel secretly received red envelopes and kickbacks when conducting business cooperation with other partners.

I think this is a good starting point to start from this aspect, rectify it severely, and eliminate these bad apples in time.

For these people, you have to take action when it's time to take action, and you have to take action ruthlessly. Those who should be expelled should be fired in place, and those who should be transferred to the public security organs should be transferred to the public security organs. In this area, we must maintain a high-pressure posture and prevent this kind of behavior from occurring.

Through this rectification, we will set the record straight and kill the chicken to scare the monkey! "

Hearing Wu Hao's murderous words, several department heads sitting next to him couldn't help but trembled in their hearts. This was serious.

When Wu Hao saw this, he smiled and pressed his hands to calm down the atmosphere and said, "Don't touch such a big flame and be calm. In business operations, it is difficult to avoid such things."

Just correct it in time when you encounter it. Of course, this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated, but you must also pay attention to the methods and methods, and be sure to be careful.

In normal business cooperation, it is inevitable that there will be some sophistication. There is nothing we can do about it, after all, the general environment is like this. We can't always be incompatible with others, so how can we get closer and talk about cooperation. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then responded with a smile.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled when he saw this and said, "When dealing with this kind of thing, you must have a certain degree of control and draw a bottom line.

Within this range, daily social interactions are of course no problem, so don’t worry too much. But if it exceeds this level, we should intervene and remind. Once the bottom line is exceeded, we will deal with it resolutely and show no mercy. "

After saying that, Wu Hao immediately smiled and said, "Okay, it's not appropriate to talk about these things during the Chinese New Year. Let's talk about something light and happy."

When Gu saw Wu Hao say this, Zou Xiaodong on the side immediately smiled and said, "Yes, yes, let's not talk about these things in private, let's talk happily.

By the way, how is our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol rover doing on the moon now? Where has it gone? "

After hearing what Zou Xiaodong said, everyone instantly became interested.

Yang Fan, who had been silent, smiled and replied, "We will soon arrive at Zhihai, located in the southern hemisphere of the moon. The condition is very good. We have made several very important discoveries."


"Tell us what you discovered." Zou Xiaodong on the side immediately asked with interest.

Haha, Yang Fan smiled and said, "Our 'Wangshu' intelligent lunar surface patrol rover collected many material elements that are not found on the earth near the Copernicus crater. Our experts believe that these new It is very likely that the material elements came with the meteorite that hit the Copernicus Crater.

At present, scientists have discovered six unknown new elements here, two of which are new metallic elements and one radioactive element. "

"Metal element, what are its properties and density?" A young supervisor asked immediately.

Yang Fan smiled and shook his head. "Because it is an unknown element, we currently know less about it. In addition, there are very few elements detected this time, so a lot of data has not been analyzed."

However, the density of the first metallic element is slightly higher than that of gold, and its hardness is harder than gold. Its ductility is also better, and it turns dark purple in a vacuum state. "

"Purple gold, purple gold?"

Yang Fan smiled and nodded. "It can be said that the temporary name given by scientists to this metal is also purple gold. However, the content of this element is very small. Based on the preliminary detection of the content of this purple gold element, we can estimate it. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comIn the entire Copernicus Crater and within the nearby impact radiation range, the content of this metallic element may only be about one or two tons, and may be less than this amount.

At present, our detection methods are limited, and it is not certain that the content of this metallic element may be greater in deeper lunar soil.

Because the content is so rare, the cost of mining it is too high. At present, no special function of this metal has been found. As a rare precious metal, it is not worth large-scale mining.

Of course, if it can be mined as an associated mine, that would be suitable. "

Speaking of this, Yang Fan went on to introduce, "The content of another metal is relatively large, about thirty or forty tons. This kind of metal particles are very small and very light. It may be lighter than the lightest ones on earth." Lithium metal is a little heavier. But its hardness is very high. According to a rough calculator, the hardness can reach between manganese and titanium.

Therefore, we believe that this metal has the most commercial and scientific research value and can be used in a wide range of fields. It can be said to be one of the best materials in the aerospace field.

If it can be used, I believe it can make our space journey go better. "

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