Military Technology

Chapter 1928 The Chinese tradition of growing vegetables cannot be lost

After being busy until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Wu Hao finally felt a little leisurely and was finally able to have a good New Year.

In his rare free time, he did not choose to go out to play with his family, but stayed at home with them. In fact, Wu Hao likes this kind of time at home, because he is more free and does not have to worry about the so-called personal image.

As his influence grows, the public's attention to them will naturally increase. Therefore, whenever he appears in public, he will inevitably attract onlookers, and relevant news will spread all over the Internet within minutes.

Then more people were attracted, even local leaders. This also makes them very distressed and helpless. In fact, it is not just them, but also most celebrities who are helpless.

Celebrities might also be able to travel overseas or something. After all, their influence is limited, and overseas people won't know much about them. But things are different for celebrities with global influence like Wu Hao. People will recognize them wherever they go.

Especially now that they are actively responding overseas, the overseas media's attention to Haoyu Technology and him has never diminished, making his influence overseas increasing day by day.

Of course, let’s not talk about these ordinary overseas people. As long as he dares to go abroad, some overseas institutions will definitely know about it as soon as possible, and will surprise and customize some personal benefits for Wu Hao.

Because I was busy in the past few days, I didn't spend much time at home, let alone have a good meal. But now that he was free, Zhang Xiaoman and Lin Wei naturally tried their best and made a lot of delicious food to reward him.

As for Wu Hao, he would also find something to do with Wu Jianhua and the extremely reluctant Wu Tong, such as cleaning up the yard.

In fact, this yard has been planned and arranged by designers and landscapers, and it is very beautiful. However, because Wu Hao and Lin Wei were both busy, and the family did not hire any nanny or gardener, and the usual property management personnel would not come to the house, the yard and garden at home were naturally neglected.

Now that he finally has some free time, and Wu Jianhua is so interested, Wu Hao is naturally willing to help.

As for Wu Tong, Zhang Xiaoman forcibly handed him over from the room to participate in collective labor. These days, this girl is obsessed with playing games with the new generation of smart VR glasses given to her by Wu Hao, which naturally arouses Zhang Xiaoman's dissatisfaction. In addition to giving this girl a good education, he also taught Wu Hao why he gave her such an expensive gift.

No, Zhang Xiaoman couldn't stand it anymore today, so he took Wu Tong out of the room and asked her to come out to help.

In Wu Jianhua's plan, a small piece of land on the outside of the back garden near the courtyard wall was transformed into a vegetable plot for growing some vegetables.

So their main job today is to clear the lawn and reclaim the land. Although there are few, the lawn has grown so it is still difficult to clean up.

This strenuous work was originally left to Wu Hao and Wu Tong. But how could Wu Hao miss such an opportunity to train his sister, so naturally he handed over this glorious figure to Wu Tong.

As for Wu Hao, he went to help Wu Jianhua tidy up the garden. When Wu Hao was busy a few days ago, Wu Jianhua, Lin Wei and the others went to the flower market and bought many flowers and trees. Although many flowers need to be placed indoors and in flower rooms, there are many trees and some plants that do not.

So today, Wu Hao helped Wu Jianhua start planting these trees and plants.

The weather has become warmer after the beginning of spring, and the bright sunshine warms the whole body. Wu Tong, who was cultivating a vegetable field, had sweat drops on his face.

Seeing Wu Hao who was relatively relaxed over there, Wu Tong couldn't help but pout his lips, and then lost his temper with a look of grievance. This made Wu Hao and Wu Jianhua who were planting trees next to them couldn't help but smile. Wu Jianhua gestured to him. Wu Hao walked to Wu Tong knowingly, handed her a tissue and said with a smile: "Wipe it off, pretend to be on your face." It’s all spent!”

"Hmph!" Wu Tong did not take the tissue in his hand, but continued to shovel the ground in a pretentious manner.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and took the shovel from Wu Tong's hand and said: "Okay, okay, go and rest for a while, I will do the rest."

Wu Tong hesitated twice, and finally let Wu Hao grab the shovel. She got sulky, then walked to a chair under an umbrella and sat down.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, followed the pattern and turned the ground. Although he had not done much farm work, he was able to do it in a decent manner based on the impressions in his memory and Wu Jianhua's previous demonstrations.

In fact, he didn't do well either. It was just his strength that made up for his shortcomings.

The vegetable plot to be plowed was very small, only a small area close to the courtyard wall. According to Zhang Xiaoman, it is too wasteful to leave such a large garden empty. At least we need to quickly build a small vegetable plot, focusing on vegetables and so on. How can we lose the Chinese tradition of growing vegetables. In this way, it can also add a bit of farmhouse atmosphere to such a garden, and secondly, it can be tidied up in leisure time, which can be regarded as exercise and relaxation.

The harvest is finally here. Zhang Xiaoman plans to plant some tomatoes, cucumbers, cowpeas, and peppers in this small vegetable plot. Not many, just a few of each variety. Then in the summer, you can come over and pick some to mix with cold vegetables, make a salad or something.

After taking over, it didn't take long for Wu Hao to dig out the small vegetable patch, then clean up the weeds, and then further loosen the soil. The soil in the garden was brown soil specially transported from the mountains by the original construction party. It is very fertile, so the lawn spread on it grows very well.

Of course, if you want to grow vegetables, the soil fertility is still not enough, so you need to fertilize again to increase the soil fertility.

Naturally, Wu Hao and the others were not qualified for this job, so Wu Jianhua joined in at this time. He evenly spread the ecological organic fertilizers such as sheep manure and plant ash he bought into the soil, and continued to turn over the soil, making sure that the slightly larger stones jumped out and crushed the soil clods.

The small vegetable plot was then turned into several ridges to facilitate sowing later.

Then came the last step. The three of them worked together to build a fence for the vegetable field using the bamboo strips they bought.

In fact, there are no other poultry animals in the entire garden, so there is no need for this fence at all. But for the sake of overall beauty and neatness, Wu Jianhua also built a low fence for this small vegetable patch.

Use bamboo to build the frame and tie it with ten pieces. Under Wu Jianhua's careful construction, the fence gradually took shape and gradually integrated with the garden environment, adding a bit of pastoral style to the garden.

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