Military Technology

Chapter 1930 Give her a beautiful face so that she can smile happily

Medical Research Center, Linghu Business District, Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College.

In order to get the best treatment for this girl, and the key to this treatment is the bio-3D printing skin technology invented by Wu Hao and others, after the organization and coordination of the relevant departments, the consent of the girl and her family members was obtained. Later, the relevant departments immediately transferred the girl to the Linghu Business District Medical Research Center of Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College.

Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College is very famous. It can be said to be one of the most famous large comprehensive hospitals in the country. It is also one of the best in the entire western region.

As for its Linghu Business District Medical Research Center, although it was established not long ago, the name of this medical research center is not only resounding throughout the country, but also world-famous.

Because many landmark medical surgeries have been performed here. For example, intelligent bionic electronic prostheses have helped many disabled patients stand up again and regain their health. This has become the hope for all disabled patients around the world.

Countless patients come here every year to seek related treatment, and this has also driven the development of medical services in Linghu and even Anxi. Some patients even queued up all night just to get a registration ticket. There are even some who buy scalper tickets at very high prices.

However, this behavior has been banned. Through the intelligent system, everyone's registered tickets are real-name and non-transferable, which has completely put all ticket scalpers out of work. Even for this reason, some people came to make trouble. Naturally, the hospital would not show mercy to these people and handed them all over to the police.

Subsequently, intelligent mechanical exoskeletons helped countless paralyzed patients stand up again and resume their normal lives. Even a princess in West Asia who had been paralyzed for more than ten years stood up again here.

Then, thanks to the intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eyes and intelligent bionic artificial heart developed by Wu Hao and others, this became the designated hospital for clinical trials determined by Wu Hao and others.

It has attracted patients from all over the world, which has also led to the construction of several high-end hotels here. These hotels and some small guest houses are mostly populated by patients from all over the world.

This also caused the entire Linghu area to suddenly become noisy and chaotic. For this reason, Wu Hao and the others had to negotiate with the Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College and the Linghu Business District Medical Research Center to finally establish a new plan.

After relevant adjustments, related diseases are no longer directly accepted here. In other words, this medical research center is purely focused on research and treatment, and will no longer set up outpatient clinics or accept outpatients. All patients must be screened by Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College or be recommended by other hospitals before they can be transferred to another hospital.

This naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people, but with the insistence of Wu Hao and the Medical Research Center, the patients stranded here were gradually evacuated. As for the hotel projects under construction that were suddenly stopped, many people came to him for this reason.

Wu Hao would not give a good look to these people who speculate and take advantage of the loopholes. Therefore, these people are also looking for trouble, and over time they lose their voices.

At the Linghu Business District Medical Research Center of Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College, Wu Hao met the relevant experts invited from various places. There are Professor Xu Shenghua, the leader of the burn department in Shuitanzi, Director Zhang Qinghong, an expert on burns from Southwest China, and Director Wu Jiuzhi, an expert on transplantation from Anxi Hospital Affiliated to the Air Force Medical College.

Of course, this also involves Director Qi Fengqi of the health department, who organized this surgical treatment project.

Several people have been famous for Wu Hao for a long time, so they were naturally very enthusiastic after meeting him. After all, this surgical treatment plan is inseparable from the technical support of Wu Hao and others.

In fact, Wu Hao had already had several video conferences with them before, so after a few pleasantries during this meeting, everyone immediately got down to business.

As the chief treatment expert of the expert group, Professor Xu Shenghua took the lead in introducing to Wu Hao: "Currently, Zou Feifei's condition is stable, her respiratory burns have been cured, and her recovery condition is good.

At present, most of the burned parts of the body have scabs, and some scabs have fallen off on some parts with relatively minor burns. It's just that the scars after the burn are very obvious and it's very difficult to recover. "

Speaking of this, Professor Xu Shenghua showed two photos, and then introduced to Wu Hao: "Previously, because the burns in these two locations on the patient's body were relatively serious, we tried two skin grafts.

Two pieces of skin were removed from both sides of the patient's buttocks and then transplanted to these two areas. The recovery situation should be said to be relatively good, but it is very difficult to return to the original condition.

In particular, most of the patient's face was severely burned, and the patient's right eye was also burned and blinded. She had already undergone eyeball removal surgery. It is very difficult to restore her face to this state. "

Wu Hao carefully looked at the patient's face in the two photos. Looking at the shocking wounds, Wu Hao couldn't help but feel scared. What on earth did this girl go through at that time? It was really a life of death. She was able to survive. It can be considered a miracle.

"If there is no problem with the fundus nerve in the right eye that has been blinded, it can be restored by implanting our intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic eye. This is not a big problem." Wu Hao looked at the photo and said to everyone.

"As for the severely damaged face, I saw that part of the patient's muscle tissue was also affected. It may be difficult to recover."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Director Wu Jiuzhi nodded and said solemnly: "In addition, the relevant neurovascular tissues on the patient's face have also been severely damaged. Although the homologous skin grafting surgery can allow the patient to replace his skin with new skin, the following The blood vessels and nerves cannot be restored. Even if the implant is successful, it will be replaced with a dead face without any expression. "

This won't work! Hearing Wu Jiuzhi's words, Qi Feng shook his head repeatedly and said: "We hope to give this heroic girl a perfect face, so that she can smile naturally and happily. This girl is not married yet, and her life has just begun. We cannot turn a blind eye. Seeing her live in the strange eyes of others all her life was too cruel to her and too unfair to the hero.

So this time I want to get rid of everyone and see if I can find a way to give her a beautiful face so that she can smile happily. "

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