Military Technology

Chapter 1950 Investigators’ doubts

Thinking of this, Xu Hui immediately said with a serious face: "You know the nature of our work. This person who suddenly appeared out of nowhere must give us a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, we can only use our own methods to carry out the work." The investigation has been handled.”

After hearing Xu Hui's words, Wu Hao realized that this reason would definitely not convince the other party. He thought for a while and then said: "Okay, this Chen Ke'er is involved in one of our important confidential scientific research projects. So her current identity It cannot be made public, otherwise it will have serious consequences."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Xu Hui naturally couldn't believe it easily. Doubt is his professional habit, so when faced with Wu Hao's answer, he was able to find many flaws in it and cast doubt on it.

What kind of important research project is it, or is it confidential?

As a security expert leader of the Anxi Security Department, he naturally knows something. For example, Haoyu Technology has been secretly cooperating with relevant military departments. The scope involved is very wide and is not limited to the drones and intelligent mechanical exoskeletons known to the public.

And there was something in it that even a person like him, who had seen the market, was dumbfounded after seeing it and couldn't calm down for a long time.

There are many equipment products among them, and they have tried them first with the convenience of being close to the water on a first-come-first-served basis. So far, there are still some things they "borrowed" that have not been returned to others.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what he knows. There are many things he doesn't know. Could it be that the gorgeous-looking Chen Keer is also a member of this project?

Thinking of this, Xu Hui shook his head repeatedly.

Impossible, what kind of project would find such a beautiful young girl without any identity. Could it be that Wu Hao was using this as a cover to engage in illegal activities?

for example……

In Xu Hui's mind, he remembered many such cases that he had encountered and known, including some scenes in movies and TV series.

It's nothing more than a rich man and a beautiful woman.

Could it be that this Wu Hao is not exempt from vulgarity? This is not the young man he knew in the past. In his opinion, this young man is hardworking enough, motivated enough, and hardworking enough. If ordinary people made such money like him, they would have gone to nowhere long ago.

As for Wu Hao, even though he is currently a super rich man at the top of the rich list, he still lives an ordinary life, keeping a very low profile and rarely appearing in media cameras and public places. Every time he appears, he behaves in a simple and easy manner. Over the years, there has not been any bad news about scandals.

After getting money, Wu Hao did not spend money on enjoyment, but continued to work hard, sometimes even spending several days in a row doing research in the laboratory.

As for the relationship, it is even more simple. Since they met Lin Wei, the two have lived together and there has been no gossip. As for Lin Wei, with the support of Wu Hao, she successfully started her own business and became the beautiful president of a well-known cultural media company in China and even internationally. She gained a large number of fans and became one of the successful representatives of female entrepreneurs. .

Apart from this, it has never been reported that Wu Hao has had any scandals with anyone.

Of course, except this time, the main reason is that this Chen Ke'er is so beautiful, so beautiful that it's a bit ridiculous. Coupled with the sudden appearance of parachute into Wu Hao's office secretariat, this somewhat makes people have some daydreams.

Gu Qie\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt; In fact, Wu Hao has been surrounded by countless beautiful girls in the past few years. In addition to the people around him, almost all beautiful girls, celebrities, models, etc., have expressed their love to him directly or indirectly. They love each other too much, and some celebrities even boldly confess their love directly on certain programs.

To put it bluntly, her ideal partner is someone like Wu Hao.

This was of course a kind of hype, and Wu Hao simply ignored it. Of course, if he is willing and stretches out his hand, these people will naturally rush forward.

But so far, in Xu Hui's eyes, Wu Hao has always been clean and self-respecting, without any bad behavior.

But this time, why? Is it really because this Chen Keer is too beautiful and her methods are too clever, which made Wu Hao stumble.

Xu Hui shook his head. Logically speaking, as a man, he actually understood Wu Hao, and in his opinion, this was nothing at all.

If that was all, then why did he need to pursue it and why did he make this call.

Mainly because Chen Keer's identity was too suspicious. They didn't find out any information processing, as if this person didn't exist at all.

This naturally attracted the attention of Xu Hui and others. You must know that there are countless people paying attention to Haoyu Technology. For this reason, they have set up a working group to be responsible for cases related to Haoyu Technology.

Therefore, the sudden appearance of Chen Keer, and her appearance at the core position next to Wu Hao, naturally attracted the attention and attention of Xu Hui and others.

Originally, Xu Hui and the others planned not to alert Wu Hao and the target person Chen Ke'er. They would first investigate from the outside and find out Chen Ke'er's true identity. After obtaining conclusive evidence, they would then go and greet Wu Hao.

However, after a detailed investigation, no one could find any useful information. Not only could no relevant identity information of Chen Keer be found, but also very little relevant information about this Chen Keer could be found. After Chen Keer appeared, she didn't have any particularly good friends in the company. The only one she was relatively close to, besides Wu Hao, was Wu Hao's secretary Shen Ning.

It seems that Chen Keer is very familiar with Wu Hao's girlfriend Lin Wei, and has been to Wu Hao's home several times.

This is something that Xu Hui and the others can't figure out. If Chen Keer really has that kind of relationship with Wu Hao, how could he appear in the company so brightly and let Lin Wei know about it.

Based on Xu Hui's understanding of the girl Lin Wei, she is a very scheming, skillful, courageous and capable strong woman. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to quickly capture Wu Hao when he first showed up, and eat him to death.

How could such a woman allow someone like Chen Keer to appear? But now Chen Ke'er keeps appearing next to Wu Hao, and she seems to be very familiar with Lin Wei, which makes them wonder whether Wu Hao and this Chen Ke'er really don't have that kind of relationship.

In other words, Lin Wei was really open-minded enough to accept such a beautiful woman appearing next to Wu Hao, and she looked as if nothing had happened.

It is precisely because there are so many things that cannot be figured out that the investigation of the entire case has reached a stalemate. The investigators who were at a loss what to do could only bite the bullet and report to Xu Hui. Xu Hui frowned after listening to the report. After thinking for a long time and making sure there was no breakthrough, he picked up the phone and called Wu Hao, wanting to hear what the person involved was thinking. /22_22639/715440703.html It only takes a genius to remember the address of this website:

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